it’s irrelevant, asked Indigo, because we can’t
make choices doomed to follow lines pre-set
or because we freely make choices without
realizing it? Talking to you leads to more
questions than answers, you are a Sphinx
full of riddles; being flexible and changing
our guarantee of eternal youth.
What with me trying to be a tree while being
a busy little bee, and fooling other trees of
society to accept me as a an imitation of tree;
I appreciate the fact that you are looking to
water to influence your immovable being;
imagine me, a bee posing as a tree, and you,
a water baby forced to be a riverbank - amazing
what insight life brings.
I have overstayed my welcome and exhausted
your conversation for at least three hundred
years; falling into an ominous silence after a
while; suffering from nervous exhaustion and
mental fatigue after listening to my irresponsible
critique of the world as it is –
Please, imbibe some intoxicating drink and strive
to forgive my unholy cheek in storming the holy
portals of your mind's poetic calm so that within
a week you can withstand some more of the
same, with great contriteness and wishes for
speedy convalescence from the terrible
effervescence that is me, the busy bee…
Replied Blue, irrelevant because no need entering
the matrix of choice, existing separately or included
as you may choose, intermingling or exchanging
personalities - becoming the other while still being
the same, becoming the whole while being the same
underneath - I AM a dream-world daughter; as well
as the riverbank also, I comprise the river in spate;
I am everything I can imagine in order to actualise
me, that’s why I write poetry...
Replied Indigo, and I comprise a myriad things and
beings also, I know what you mean…
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