Thoth drew pictures of these ideas forming
images in the mind to be read as pictorial
reminders; travel in his truth space to learn
the language of a mystic light traveler
Today it is called memory, a shared experience
of inner light , mnemonic language glyphs as
still resonators of meaning, traveling through
energetic monoliths to find the
Meaning of language, its purpose in history
of consciousness – the symbols like micro-
portals which dot the dimensional landscape
like a scroll in a Player Piano -
The Scroll of Thoth – re-playing the information
stored in the Halls of Amenti, finding the Emerald
Tablet of Hermes, a radiant mind-glass cut from
clear Beryl with only the colouring of
Emerald and aquamarine
[The inner connection between light patterns and outer forms]
images in the mind to be read as pictorial
reminders; travel in his truth space to learn
the language of a mystic light traveler
Today it is called memory, a shared experience
of inner light , mnemonic language glyphs as
still resonators of meaning, traveling through
energetic monoliths to find the
Meaning of language, its purpose in history
of consciousness – the symbols like micro-
portals which dot the dimensional landscape
like a scroll in a Player Piano -
The Scroll of Thoth – re-playing the information
stored in the Halls of Amenti, finding the Emerald
Tablet of Hermes, a radiant mind-glass cut from
clear Beryl with only the colouring of
Emerald and aquamarine
[The inner connection between light patterns and outer forms]
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