With Astrology for Dummies next to me
to assure me my love for Mystery is a
perfectly normal phenomenon, six books
from the Fantasy Section at the library
Mirror, Lost Farm, Neverland, Moonlight,
Tunnel Behind the Waterfall and The
Thorn Key
I am sitting at my desk in Seventh Heaven
the daydream that had me gliding down the
street during lunch as I went to the library
still sizzling in my thoughts and sloshing in
my head, two kind people informed me they
read my poems and liked what they saw
I am ecstatic, on top of all that, I still have the
biggest mystery of all to unravel, a secret who
is not self-aware, I must cradle it in its chrysalis
before the butterfly can break free; delighted
with life after briefly indulging in a Piscean
Neptune moment
I shall now try to finish translating a letter to the
President, how nonsensical when all these
beautiful thoughts are vying for place of
importance in my feelings!

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