“As many different worlds are being lived by
as many different perceivers of the world
as there are perceivers of worlds”
I love this, relativism at its best, I believe all
thoughts live forever in a realm that exists
within the contemplation of a super-con-
sciousness, humans love sharing ideas
because physical interaction is joyous
Every thought that passes through the mind
exists eternally, to archive our thoughts on
the Internet make them accessible to the
senses, even if nobody reads the words
we post, our dreams can be retrieved
To enjoy our own creations, when someone
else sings along, it multiplies the fun, we sing
when beautiful songs start playing in our hearts
I love to dance in rhythmic lines composed of
images which evoke delicious feelings
Stories, pictures, ideas and emotions formed within
a sonorous stream cascading through the mind, I
sing your song whenever you offer me diaphanous
images presented in delightful, luminous forms that
has never been conceived before
The sublime product of your creative mastery, your
song will sing eternally as long as your own aware-
ness has the song in mind - afterwards it will still
exist in non-physical consciousness for
infinity as well
Writing poetry is its own valid purpose and
you are justified doing it only for yourself,
sharing by means of physical reality with
another only intensifies the joy already
inherent in creation
You might regard the awareness of another con-
sciousness as the only validation for existence
and creation, but I have other ideas: it is great
when others pay tribute to your sublime poetry
but sharing is an optional bonus
Not sharing with anybody would not take a single
iota away from the magnificence and eternal
nature of a wonderful poetic creation – it is
just marvellous to see the joy of those who
manage to find access to the beauty
You make - but your own joy is paramount, your
angst about the probable limits of physical reality
and desire to share through sensory experience
motivate you to share the emotional delights you
- and only you - can bring about…
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