Second of April, the saddest time of the
year, we commemorate the crucifixion
of Christ, a miracle play to illustrate un-
conditional forgiveness, fighting about
the reality of the characters portraying
the events is irrelevant, the beauty of
the loving attitude lived by Christ made
people think He must be God, the only
reality is the symbolism of loving totally
Though the people enacting the scene
only assume roles to illustrate the des-
tructive effect of jealousy, vengeance
and hatred, I cry about the story every
year, the pain experienced by a mother
losing her son makes me hate this day,
I can’t wait for the resurrection scene
the enactment of joyous victory over
death and decay, the triumph of hope
And trust in the accomplishment of the
highest love, I explain my sadness by
mentioning imaginary woes to hide the
real reason for fear of derision, it would
seem like affectation, yet I cry with every-
one suffering when aware of their pain
only when anguish is real can we learn
empathy and true compassion, I make
peace with my constricting throat
And heartache - caused by the symbol
of crucifixion, the rain falling outside
becomes the tears of the sky crying
with me this year…
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