Thursday, April 22, 2010

State Of Grace (Revised)


It is important feeling safe -
I love the way you make me feel
secure; so when it seems that you
are angry or dissatisfied with
safety gone, I'm at a loss, but long
as you can claim to be in charge
as long as you have answers, whether
right or wrong, is quite irrelevant

As long as you believe in it
then I'll believe that all is safe and you
will solve the rest of irksome problems
that beset; I am elated, I can love you
rest assured and treat and hug you
spoil you, rub you just because you
keep the world in place. I can do it
just for you, BUT can’t confront
the World's enormity

I can support you long as you are
there for me to hide behind, a refuge
from the things I cannot understand; I
am safe upon your claim to understand,
am happy, joyous, glad. I spent my early
years in fear, today I know I only have
myself to fear – as long as you protect
me from my own egregious angst

I am okay but miss your company when
you depart on quests; I have to think it up
myself because your presence holds me
in a sphere where I'm secure. Oh yes, I
LOVE it - what you do, of being there with
you, hear your calming voice relating
what is going on - knowing you are strong
protects and leaves me feeling safe

Your gift to me a state of grace...

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