I need to redefine myself, staying at home
instead of bravely sallying forth to slay the
dragon of duty at work, but after weeks of
failing strength I throw in the towel
I hate being at home alone, MUST sleep
to be able to join June and Hanlie in their
valiant struggle against demanding clients
and registers; for too long I was a weak
soldier, not fighting hard enough
Now I must win back my power to enjoy
the mythical war between good and evil
forces, regain strength to shine a light on
the ignorance of language misusers…
Monday, May 31, 2010
The Balm Of Love (Rev)
Torn between emotions: stricken for my
child’s disappointment – a promise not
realized but happy to have her at home
with me, seeing her face, hearing her
voice, holding her tight
She berates me for inadequacy – her
father rejoices, he sees a mirror in his little
girl, while I know she feels the throes
of broken dreams, though she takes it in
her stride
She copes calmly, I feel fear clutching me,
will life hurt her so early, did we disappoint
her as often as she claims, is she resigned
in the face of plans changed?
– I wish I knew how to apply the balm
of love for scratches to the heart
Torn between emotions: stricken for my
child’s disappointment – a promise not
realized but happy to have her at home
with me, seeing her face, hearing her
voice, holding her tight
She berates me for inadequacy – her
father rejoices, he sees a mirror in his little
girl, while I know she feels the throes
of broken dreams, though she takes it in
her stride
She copes calmly, I feel fear clutching me,
will life hurt her so early, did we disappoint
her as often as she claims, is she resigned
in the face of plans changed?
– I wish I knew how to apply the balm
of love for scratches to the heart
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Going To Miss Him (Rev.)
My father is going far away to an
inaccessible place near Zimbabwe,
I shall no longer be able to pop in
and check on him, shall be unable to
share and see the light-hearted mirth
of the baboon’s bully-beef tin
Not able to watch André Rieu DVD’s
while gossiping about family, not able
hear him recalling Grandma Alice
nostalgically, recounting his youth when
he knew the local Mafia intimately, I had
better make a list of final questions
I will record his answers before he
leaves - about his memories of our
childhood and his attempts to create
a better life for all of us, compare his
varying versions of recent history ac-
cording to mood, context and place
I am going to miss him, sharing his
boyish enthusiasm for toys and fine
porcelain, drinking from a delicate
cup is like kissing a beautiful girl
he says with a wink – Oh, I am going
to miss him...
My father is going far away to an
inaccessible place near Zimbabwe,
I shall no longer be able to pop in
and check on him, shall be unable to
share and see the light-hearted mirth
of the baboon’s bully-beef tin
Not able to watch André Rieu DVD’s
while gossiping about family, not able
hear him recalling Grandma Alice
nostalgically, recounting his youth when
he knew the local Mafia intimately, I had
better make a list of final questions
I will record his answers before he
leaves - about his memories of our
childhood and his attempts to create
a better life for all of us, compare his
varying versions of recent history ac-
cording to mood, context and place
I am going to miss him, sharing his
boyish enthusiasm for toys and fine
porcelain, drinking from a delicate
cup is like kissing a beautiful girl
he says with a wink – Oh, I am going
to miss him...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Miss of Hairbreadth’s Width (rev.)
I love challenging other drivers,
if they succumb by speeding it
becomes a contest deciding
who’ll play chicken first - I’m in
my element in a battle of wills
Waiting to turn into my street, the
oncoming driver deems he will
NOT slow down or give way, I turn
in a heartbeat with a miss of a
hairbreadth’s width
Pedestrians stare me out while
crossing the street, I dare each
to try his luck, increase speed, fly
on adrenaline trusting perfect
judgement to swerve in time
Good practice for reality, nerves
on edge ready to accelerate, duck
and dive - to all pedestrians and
drivers I say ‘Thank you for the fun,
I enjoy playing chicken with you!’
I love challenging other drivers,
if they succumb by speeding it
becomes a contest deciding
who’ll play chicken first - I’m in
my element in a battle of wills
Waiting to turn into my street, the
oncoming driver deems he will
NOT slow down or give way, I turn
in a heartbeat with a miss of a
hairbreadth’s width
Pedestrians stare me out while
crossing the street, I dare each
to try his luck, increase speed, fly
on adrenaline trusting perfect
judgement to swerve in time
Good practice for reality, nerves
on edge ready to accelerate, duck
and dive - to all pedestrians and
drivers I say ‘Thank you for the fun,
I enjoy playing chicken with you!’
Quintessence Plus Mystérieuse
Freedom from one schlep means
being on the threshold of the next,
completing one document
means another will be sent
Today I am Ecclesiastes, we all
chase the wind, repeating self-
same things, the only meaning
given to this is enjoying the event,
having fun while keeping busy, I
am amused for a short time and in a
moment want to sleep, I have found
great information on Black Matter
Yet lack energy to process anything
finally completed the looming President
letters and instead of rejoicing, feeling
futility, it doesn’t mean a thing
I would love to present black energy and
black matter in French class, the cosmos
consists of ‘74% d’énergie noire, 22% de
matière noire et 4% de matière ordinaire’
Black mass is called ‘la matière cachée’ or
‘la masse manquante de l’univers’ and black
energy is called ‘quintessence’ being even
more ‘mystérieuse’
Manifestation of empty space energy - which
is not zero - on a large scale: I wish I
could make others feel the magic of this:
our marvelous universe!
French directly quoted from:
Le cosmos serait constitué de 74% d’énergie noire
de 22% de matière noire et de 4% de matière ordinaire
- Quelle est la différence entre les trois ?
Effectivement, seulement 4 à 5% de notre univers sont
constitués de matière ordinaire composée de protons et
de neutrons.
Le reste est une matière ou énergie totalement
invisible à l’observation directe et qui n’est détectable
que par les effets gravitationnels qu’elle induit.
Cette substance est appelée la matière cachée ou la
masse manquante de l’univers.
L’énergie noire appelée aussi quintessence est encore plus
mystérieuse : c’est une manifestation continue de l’énergie
du vide (qui est non nulle) à grande échelle.
Freedom from one schlep means
being on the threshold of the next,
completing one document
means another will be sent
Today I am Ecclesiastes, we all
chase the wind, repeating self-
same things, the only meaning
given to this is enjoying the event,
having fun while keeping busy, I
am amused for a short time and in a
moment want to sleep, I have found
great information on Black Matter
Yet lack energy to process anything
finally completed the looming President
letters and instead of rejoicing, feeling
futility, it doesn’t mean a thing
I would love to present black energy and
black matter in French class, the cosmos
consists of ‘74% d’énergie noire, 22% de
matière noire et 4% de matière ordinaire’
Black mass is called ‘la matière cachée’ or
‘la masse manquante de l’univers’ and black
energy is called ‘quintessence’ being even
more ‘mystérieuse’
Manifestation of empty space energy - which
is not zero - on a large scale: I wish I
could make others feel the magic of this:
our marvelous universe!
French directly quoted from:
Le cosmos serait constitué de 74% d’énergie noire
de 22% de matière noire et de 4% de matière ordinaire
- Quelle est la différence entre les trois ?
Effectivement, seulement 4 à 5% de notre univers sont
constitués de matière ordinaire composée de protons et
de neutrons.
Le reste est une matière ou énergie totalement
invisible à l’observation directe et qui n’est détectable
que par les effets gravitationnels qu’elle induit.
Cette substance est appelée la matière cachée ou la
masse manquante de l’univers.
L’énergie noire appelée aussi quintessence est encore plus
mystérieuse : c’est une manifestation continue de l’énergie
du vide (qui est non nulle) à grande échelle.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Crying While Driving
I’ve found a new way of driving in peak traffic
reading and crying while driving, when the car
in front stops, out with the book and releasing
the sobs and the pain
It works like a charm and makes the time pass-
when Tiaan and his friends get into the car I am
in control, simply hurling abuse at other drivers-
I am depressed and-
YOU have the brilliant strategy of making me angry
before I drive off into twilight - an irrational female,
driving a fast car while crying - taking all my fear
away, I enjoy it so much
Slipping in front of others, accelerating where there
is no space to pass, crying and driving, driving and
crying - I cannot curse and hurl abuse as you do - I
have to take action
Cut them off, pass them by, crying; I have free pass
when my emotions overflow, you hurl angry words at
me, knowing I am a woman, but you don’t care, I must
grin and bear it
Guess what – the OTHER drivers have to grin and bear it
when I appear in the big, strong car you provided; I simply
drive them off the road like Medusa and Cruella DeVil – and
I love it – thank you so much!
I’ve found a new way of driving in peak traffic
reading and crying while driving, when the car
in front stops, out with the book and releasing
the sobs and the pain
It works like a charm and makes the time pass-
when Tiaan and his friends get into the car I am
in control, simply hurling abuse at other drivers-
I am depressed and-
YOU have the brilliant strategy of making me angry
before I drive off into twilight - an irrational female,
driving a fast car while crying - taking all my fear
away, I enjoy it so much
Slipping in front of others, accelerating where there
is no space to pass, crying and driving, driving and
crying - I cannot curse and hurl abuse as you do - I
have to take action
Cut them off, pass them by, crying; I have free pass
when my emotions overflow, you hurl angry words at
me, knowing I am a woman, but you don’t care, I must
grin and bear it
Guess what – the OTHER drivers have to grin and bear it
when I appear in the big, strong car you provided; I simply
drive them off the road like Medusa and Cruella DeVil – and
I love it – thank you so much!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Dreamers Upon A Star
I love my brothers and sisters
we share an artistic temperament
playing piano and guitar, singing songs,
writing stories and poetry, all dreamers upon
a star, finding the exigencies of routine life too
much for us, sometimes disappointing husband
and wife, trying our best to meet the norm required
by society - when we fail and need a crutch - we
stand together supporting one another sharing
our impractical ideals, I am so privileged
to have siblings who reflect my image
back to me so I can see how much
people really need each other…
I love my brothers and sisters
we share an artistic temperament
playing piano and guitar, singing songs,
writing stories and poetry, all dreamers upon
a star, finding the exigencies of routine life too
much for us, sometimes disappointing husband
and wife, trying our best to meet the norm required
by society - when we fail and need a crutch - we
stand together supporting one another sharing
our impractical ideals, I am so privileged
to have siblings who reflect my image
back to me so I can see how much
people really need each other…
Offering Support

“Success of any kind wouldn't replicate
fulfillment, it would be immaterial, I will
grouse, equivocate, vomit over rubbish
get up tomorrow being me... that is
who you have for a brother...”
Oh yes, it is the genetic family trait, I never
blame my brothers and sisters for sharing
shortcomings that are innate, our better
halves will never understand why we do
not chase success their way
Success for our family lies in offering support
and a happy home, I understand why you lost
motivation, the great advantage of family is clear
communication because we feel the same
we all see hearth and home as sacred
Whether you have motivation or not, I always
support family members, family is everything
especially when others are not impressed with
us, we stand together and help each other to
cross obstacles, facing life in our own way

“Success of any kind wouldn't replicate
fulfillment, it would be immaterial, I will
grouse, equivocate, vomit over rubbish
get up tomorrow being me... that is
who you have for a brother...”
Oh yes, it is the genetic family trait, I never
blame my brothers and sisters for sharing
shortcomings that are innate, our better
halves will never understand why we do
not chase success their way
Success for our family lies in offering support
and a happy home, I understand why you lost
motivation, the great advantage of family is clear
communication because we feel the same
we all see hearth and home as sacred
Whether you have motivation or not, I always
support family members, family is everything
especially when others are not impressed with
us, we stand together and help each other to
cross obstacles, facing life in our own way
Psychics of New Orleans
Official documents, seeking acronyms to find the most
applicable meanings, enjoying the fun, ‘PNC’ mentioned
in the DRC* according to the Internet means
‘Pakistan Nursing Council’ - highly suspect, further
investigation reveals ‘Partner in Crime’, sounds about
right given the nature of politicians
My favourite is ‘Philatelic Numismatic Combination’ as
it sounds so mysterious, I also like ‘Probability of
Non Compliance’
After this useless search, on to the next acronym,
‘PNO’ stands for ‘Parents Night Out’ or ‘Pagans Night
Out’ or ‘Poets Night Out’
Since both Parents and Poets are Pagans according to
me, I approve of all three meanings while preferring
‘Psychics of New Orleans’
Though nothing fits in my document, of course…
*DRC is the only one I know, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Official documents, seeking acronyms to find the most
applicable meanings, enjoying the fun, ‘PNC’ mentioned
in the DRC* according to the Internet means
‘Pakistan Nursing Council’ - highly suspect, further
investigation reveals ‘Partner in Crime’, sounds about
right given the nature of politicians
My favourite is ‘Philatelic Numismatic Combination’ as
it sounds so mysterious, I also like ‘Probability of
Non Compliance’
After this useless search, on to the next acronym,
‘PNO’ stands for ‘Parents Night Out’ or ‘Pagans Night
Out’ or ‘Poets Night Out’
Since both Parents and Poets are Pagans according to
me, I approve of all three meanings while preferring
‘Psychics of New Orleans’
Though nothing fits in my document, of course…
*DRC is the only one I know, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Dictum Being Human Maxim

Carine came to visit, her friend Nico bravely wading his way through
‘Slave Species of god’ by Michael Tellinger, terrorising his parents,
grandfather and his friends with the extracts from Zecharia Sitchin
and new discoveries of DNA
Good, old-fashioned Calvinists shocked by allegations against the
jealous god of the Old Testament, Tellinger’s plea to return to the
amoral behaviour of planet Niburu’s aliens, Nico struck by dogmatic
approach, instead of asking whether it could possibly have value
Tellinger insists his claims are absolutely true, like politicians
long ago stating ‘I want to state categorically’ then say something
idiotic like ‘Bible claims all races must be separate’ – based on
ONE verse ‘A leopard never changes its spots’
It taught me never to believe church dogma as it was political
expediency and self-interest, dangerous by posing as godly
dictum – while being merely a human maxim…

Carine came to visit, her friend Nico bravely wading his way through
‘Slave Species of god’ by Michael Tellinger, terrorising his parents,
grandfather and his friends with the extracts from Zecharia Sitchin
and new discoveries of DNA
Good, old-fashioned Calvinists shocked by allegations against the
jealous god of the Old Testament, Tellinger’s plea to return to the
amoral behaviour of planet Niburu’s aliens, Nico struck by dogmatic
approach, instead of asking whether it could possibly have value
Tellinger insists his claims are absolutely true, like politicians
long ago stating ‘I want to state categorically’ then say something
idiotic like ‘Bible claims all races must be separate’ – based on
ONE verse ‘A leopard never changes its spots’
It taught me never to believe church dogma as it was political
expediency and self-interest, dangerous by posing as godly
dictum – while being merely a human maxim…
Sin To Breathe And Desire

Watching “Lie To Me” - Dr Lightman of “Deception Detection” in
America is similar to Ma of “The First Ladies Detective Agency”
set in Africa, whenever Dr Lightman and Ma come across lies,
they look at context and situation then act accordingly
Dr Lightman never tells his partner her husband is lying, hides
the fact that the lady in a nefarious establishment visited by a
congressman is the man’s own daughter, never condemns lies
out of hand, first determines the reason for untruth
While Ma does not reveal to a husband that his wife is cheating
on him, realising he needs reassurance to live with an untruth that
benefits his son, knowing that people are trying their best to make
progress even when they have to [ be] dishonest to do it
I agree wholeheartedly, people lie to protect freedom or loved ones
from interference or judgment, not to inflict hurt, all people have
good intentions, lies are a means to safeguard others against
one’s own needs and desires
Assaults and murders are triggered by threats of exposure, by self-
righteousness, all who condemn without respect for others’ freedom
to follow ideals and dreams are murder victim candidates, they
lack sympathy for others’ moral dilemmas – leaving them
lying to protect freedom from duty of expectation, righteousness
indicates self-condemnation in rejection of natural inclination; imagine
if children were allowed to love unconditionally and accept nature
instead of judging themselves and everyone else
We would create a new civilisation and universe; trust in humanity
is the experiment never tried, says Seth the discarnate entity, we are
warped by Biblical judgment: In sin we are conceived and born - we
are taught all we feel and need are examples of sin
It is a sin to breathe and desire, dream and hope and love,
being human is condemned as only fit for hellfire...

A. Two Television Series:
1. “Lie To Me” - Dr Lightman of “Deception Detection”
set in America
2. Ma of “The First Ladies Detective Agency” set in
Botswana, Africa
B. Reference to a book:
“Seth Speaks” by Jane Roberts

Watching “Lie To Me” - Dr Lightman of “Deception Detection” in
America is similar to Ma of “The First Ladies Detective Agency”
set in Africa, whenever Dr Lightman and Ma come across lies,
they look at context and situation then act accordingly
Dr Lightman never tells his partner her husband is lying, hides
the fact that the lady in a nefarious establishment visited by a
congressman is the man’s own daughter, never condemns lies
out of hand, first determines the reason for untruth
While Ma does not reveal to a husband that his wife is cheating
on him, realising he needs reassurance to live with an untruth that
benefits his son, knowing that people are trying their best to make
progress even when they have to [ be] dishonest to do it
I agree wholeheartedly, people lie to protect freedom or loved ones
from interference or judgment, not to inflict hurt, all people have
good intentions, lies are a means to safeguard others against
one’s own needs and desires
Assaults and murders are triggered by threats of exposure, by self-
righteousness, all who condemn without respect for others’ freedom
to follow ideals and dreams are murder victim candidates, they
lack sympathy for others’ moral dilemmas – leaving them
lying to protect freedom from duty of expectation, righteousness
indicates self-condemnation in rejection of natural inclination; imagine
if children were allowed to love unconditionally and accept nature
instead of judging themselves and everyone else
We would create a new civilisation and universe; trust in humanity
is the experiment never tried, says Seth the discarnate entity, we are
warped by Biblical judgment: In sin we are conceived and born - we
are taught all we feel and need are examples of sin
It is a sin to breathe and desire, dream and hope and love,
being human is condemned as only fit for hellfire...

A. Two Television Series:
1. “Lie To Me” - Dr Lightman of “Deception Detection”
set in America
2. Ma of “The First Ladies Detective Agency” set in
Botswana, Africa
B. Reference to a book:
“Seth Speaks” by Jane Roberts
Friday, May 21, 2010
Evénements Collectifs
Vous ne pouvez avoir confiance en vous tout en
vous méfiant de vos propres impulsions, vos
impulsions sont voulues pour vous aider
à créer votre propre réalité
Est le message de Seth qui parle de nos impulsions que
nous suivons et repoussons - d'impulsions normales
parfois dangereuses - Seth explique comment nos
propres croyances peuvent conduire
à situations déplorables, catastrophiques, les inondations
tremblements de terre et suicides collectifs, quelle est
la relation entre l'individu et mouvements importants
concernant le gouvernement
la religion et même la nature ? Qu'en est-il des hystéries de
foule? Que dire des guérisons et des meurtres collectifs?
Puisque les événements mondiaux nous concernent tous
il est de la plus haute importance que nous
comprenions comment nous prenons part
à ces actions globales
Ce texte provient du site de l’éditeur:
« Seth, événements collectifs -
Un choix individuel » -
Résumé de l’éditeur
Vous ne pouvez avoir confiance en vous tout en
vous méfiant de vos propres impulsions, vos
impulsions sont voulues pour vous aider
à créer votre propre réalité
Est le message de Seth qui parle de nos impulsions que
nous suivons et repoussons - d'impulsions normales
parfois dangereuses - Seth explique comment nos
propres croyances peuvent conduire
à situations déplorables, catastrophiques, les inondations
tremblements de terre et suicides collectifs, quelle est
la relation entre l'individu et mouvements importants
concernant le gouvernement
la religion et même la nature ? Qu'en est-il des hystéries de
foule? Que dire des guérisons et des meurtres collectifs?
Puisque les événements mondiaux nous concernent tous
il est de la plus haute importance que nous
comprenions comment nous prenons part
à ces actions globales
Ce texte provient du site de l’éditeur:
« Seth, événements collectifs -
Un choix individuel » -
Résumé de l’éditeur
Le Miracle De Votre être
Fiez-vous au miracle de votre être, ne dissociez
pas dans votre vie le plan physique du plan
spirituel, puisque le spirituel s'exprime avec
la voie du corps
Le corps est la création de l'esprit - est le message
de Seth, esprit venu d'ailleurs pour communiquer
avec les humains avec un but précis pour
vous faire prendre conscience
Vous n'êtes pas seulement une entité physique, vous
êtes un créateur vivant actuellement une expérience
dans le monde physique, votre apparence extérieure
est une réplique de votre désir intérieur
Si vous n'aimez pas votre expérience, vous devez alors
changer vos pensées et vos attentes, votre force est
dans le présent.
Ce texte provient du site de l’éditeur:
Seth, la réalité personnelle, tome II
Fiez-vous au miracle de votre être, ne dissociez
pas dans votre vie le plan physique du plan
spirituel, puisque le spirituel s'exprime avec
la voie du corps
Le corps est la création de l'esprit - est le message
de Seth, esprit venu d'ailleurs pour communiquer
avec les humains avec un but précis pour
vous faire prendre conscience
Vous n'êtes pas seulement une entité physique, vous
êtes un créateur vivant actuellement une expérience
dans le monde physique, votre apparence extérieure
est une réplique de votre désir intérieur
Si vous n'aimez pas votre expérience, vous devez alors
changer vos pensées et vos attentes, votre force est
dans le présent.
Ce texte provient du site de l’éditeur:
Seth, la réalité personnelle, tome II
La Réalité Personnelle
Si la santé est défaillante, vous pouvez y
remédier, si vos relations interpersonnelles
sont insatisfaisantes, vous pouvez les
Si vous êtes pauvres, vous pouvez trouver
l'abondance, chacun de vous, peu importe
sa position, son statut ou sa condition
Est maître de sa propre expérience en toutes
circonstances» tel est le message de Seth
cette remarquable entité, cet esprit venu
Pour communiquer avec les humains par
l'entremise du médium Jane Roberts
Seth considère que la pensée
positive ne suffit pas
Seth apprend que notre corps se recrée sans
cesse, nous façonnons nous-mêmes notre
propre réalité selon nos croyances, nous
ne sommes donc pas
à la merci de notre subconscient, impuissants
devant des forces incompréhensibles, il nous
appartient de modifier notre schème de
pensée pour vivre le quotidien
Dans la joie, le courage et la créativité
Ce texte provient du site de l’éditeur:
Seth, la réalité personnelle, tome I
« Seth, la réalité personnelle, tome II –
Votre corps, sculpture vivante » -
Résumé de l’éditeur
Si la santé est défaillante, vous pouvez y
remédier, si vos relations interpersonnelles
sont insatisfaisantes, vous pouvez les
Si vous êtes pauvres, vous pouvez trouver
l'abondance, chacun de vous, peu importe
sa position, son statut ou sa condition
Est maître de sa propre expérience en toutes
circonstances» tel est le message de Seth
cette remarquable entité, cet esprit venu
Pour communiquer avec les humains par
l'entremise du médium Jane Roberts
Seth considère que la pensée
positive ne suffit pas
Seth apprend que notre corps se recrée sans
cesse, nous façonnons nous-mêmes notre
propre réalité selon nos croyances, nous
ne sommes donc pas
à la merci de notre subconscient, impuissants
devant des forces incompréhensibles, il nous
appartient de modifier notre schème de
pensée pour vivre le quotidien
Dans la joie, le courage et la créativité
Ce texte provient du site de l’éditeur:
Seth, la réalité personnelle, tome I
« Seth, la réalité personnelle, tome II –
Votre corps, sculpture vivante » -
Résumé de l’éditeur
Seth Parle De L’âme
Ce livre ne ressemble à aucun autre, son auteur
n'a pas de réalité physique, dans un état
de conscience modifié Jane Roberts a
reçu ce message métaphysique
Dicté par une « entité non incarnée » Seth
guide qui apparaît comme la source d'où
jaillit le mouvement des spiritualités
nouvelles - au-delà des religions
La vie après la mort, les réincarnations, les rêves
la nature du bien et du mal, le processus par
lequel nous créons notre réalité à partir de
nos idées et émotions –
Seth apporte un éclairage unique qu'il s'applique
à notre vie quotidienne, dévoile des univers
vertigineux que la physique quantique
vient confirmer - il nous invite
Regardez vers l'intérieur pour accéder à d'autres
niveaux de réalité, à nous changer pour
changer le monde - traduits en
dix-sept langues
« Les livres de Seth » dépassent sept millions
d'exemplaires vendus
« Seth parle - L’éternelle validité de l’âme »
Présentation de l'éditeur
Jane Roberts (1929-1984) est née et a vécu dans l'État
de New York. Auteur d'une trentaine d'ouvrages (poèmes,
nouvelles et essais), elle a, pendant vingt ans, prêté
sa voix au message de Seth, ouvrant la voie au phénomène
du channeling.
Ce livre ne ressemble à aucun autre, son auteur
n'a pas de réalité physique, dans un état
de conscience modifié Jane Roberts a
reçu ce message métaphysique
Dicté par une « entité non incarnée » Seth
guide qui apparaît comme la source d'où
jaillit le mouvement des spiritualités
nouvelles - au-delà des religions
La vie après la mort, les réincarnations, les rêves
la nature du bien et du mal, le processus par
lequel nous créons notre réalité à partir de
nos idées et émotions –
Seth apporte un éclairage unique qu'il s'applique
à notre vie quotidienne, dévoile des univers
vertigineux que la physique quantique
vient confirmer - il nous invite
Regardez vers l'intérieur pour accéder à d'autres
niveaux de réalité, à nous changer pour
changer le monde - traduits en
dix-sept langues
« Les livres de Seth » dépassent sept millions
d'exemplaires vendus
« Seth parle - L’éternelle validité de l’âme »
Présentation de l'éditeur
Jane Roberts (1929-1984) est née et a vécu dans l'État
de New York. Auteur d'une trentaine d'ouvrages (poèmes,
nouvelles et essais), elle a, pendant vingt ans, prêté
sa voix au message de Seth, ouvrant la voie au phénomène
du channeling.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
About Enduring Love
Edith Piaf insists we will be at French
class today – she has already
made copies of French songs
A French Missionary proves Biblical
similarity in French & Afrikaans from
Corinthians 13 about enduring love
French poet cites Victor Hugo’s ‘Demain,
dès l’aube’ while a German insists on
‘Schwissing’ of German ‘In stiller Nacht’
‘Schiff auf hoher See’ is soothing more
than harsh guttural French, ‘Qu’as tu
fait, pleurant sans cesse…’ ‘A l’époque’
I ask myself, which of these will attend
French class and will the sleepy bear,
angry crocodile and hungry cockroach
let them be in peace?
The French nightclub singer in me who
insists on attending French class today
has already made copies of French songs
The French Missionary wanting to prove
the Bible is similar in French and Afrikaans
copied I Corinthians 13 about enduring love
The French poet copied Victor Hugo’s ‘Demain,
dès l’aube’ while the German poet insists the
Schwissing sound of German ‘In stiller Nacht’
‘Schiff auf hoher See’ is more soothing than the
harsh guttural sounds of French, ‘Qu’as tu fait,
pleurant sans cesse…’ ‘A l’époque’
And I ask myself, which of these characters will
attend French class and will the sleepy bear,
angry crocodile and hungry cockroach
Let them go in peace?
Edith Piaf insists we will be at French
class today – she has already
made copies of French songs
A French Missionary proves Biblical
similarity in French & Afrikaans from
Corinthians 13 about enduring love
French poet cites Victor Hugo’s ‘Demain,
dès l’aube’ while a German insists on
‘Schwissing’ of German ‘In stiller Nacht’
‘Schiff auf hoher See’ is soothing more
than harsh guttural French, ‘Qu’as tu
fait, pleurant sans cesse…’ ‘A l’époque’
I ask myself, which of these will attend
French class and will the sleepy bear,
angry crocodile and hungry cockroach
let them be in peace?
The French nightclub singer in me who
insists on attending French class today
has already made copies of French songs
The French Missionary wanting to prove
the Bible is similar in French and Afrikaans
copied I Corinthians 13 about enduring love
The French poet copied Victor Hugo’s ‘Demain,
dès l’aube’ while the German poet insists the
Schwissing sound of German ‘In stiller Nacht’
‘Schiff auf hoher See’ is more soothing than the
harsh guttural sounds of French, ‘Qu’as tu fait,
pleurant sans cesse…’ ‘A l’époque’
And I ask myself, which of these characters will
attend French class and will the sleepy bear,
angry crocodile and hungry cockroach
Let them go in peace?
Not One Of Those
In Jenny by Paul Gallico
Tom, a boy turned into a cat
was told - When you don’t
know what to do – wash, don’t
know what to say – wash, don’t
know what’s going on – wash -
This advice works for me con-
versely, when I don’t know what
to do, I eat, don’t know what to
say, I eat, don’t know what’s
going on, I eat, my rounded
belly already resembling
An Indian genie amongst fast-food
restaurants, sitting on my bed I can
barely see across the wide expanse
of my equatorial waist to write my
notes, I am ready to break the
chain, instead of eating
I want to read, Colin Wilson explaining
healthy, highly motivated people live in
optimistic expectation, though given the
cramps in my distended belly, I suppose
I am not one of those…
In Jenny by Paul Gallico
Tom, a boy turned into a cat
was told - When you don’t
know what to do – wash, don’t
know what to say – wash, don’t
know what’s going on – wash -
This advice works for me con-
versely, when I don’t know what
to do, I eat, don’t know what to
say, I eat, don’t know what’s
going on, I eat, my rounded
belly already resembling
An Indian genie amongst fast-food
restaurants, sitting on my bed I can
barely see across the wide expanse
of my equatorial waist to write my
notes, I am ready to break the
chain, instead of eating
I want to read, Colin Wilson explaining
healthy, highly motivated people live in
optimistic expectation, though given the
cramps in my distended belly, I suppose
I am not one of those…
Scare Non-Physical Consciousness
My dad talks MORE than me, he talks me
into a stupor, if you read my terrible Vogon
poetry you will know what I mean, imagine
if I should meet him - he is eighty-three –
In some astral or ethereal region after physical
death which means I will have moved to the
other side, and he is waiting for me, imagine
if we both fire away as we do in physical life
My dad talking me into oblivion, me talking
my family to a standstill, poor hubby running
away shouting enough is enough, my dad and
I would scare non-physical consciousness
We would get chucked from paradise, just watch
the newspapers in 1925 – there will be an article
about the commotion in ethereal realms, it would
be my dad and me – and oh, Christo
My Aries brother, who talked the others to such a
fatigue, we will all have been chucked into hell –
from which we would be expelled, given our noisy
propensities – and we would probably meet
Uncle Chicken, Aunt Tokkie, Uncle Tapan, Auntie
Meisie – everyone I never met in this life - not
to mention my "Tannie Klein", Gerhard and I
would have a great time!
My dad talks MORE than me, he talks me
into a stupor, if you read my terrible Vogon
poetry you will know what I mean, imagine
if I should meet him - he is eighty-three –
In some astral or ethereal region after physical
death which means I will have moved to the
other side, and he is waiting for me, imagine
if we both fire away as we do in physical life
My dad talking me into oblivion, me talking
my family to a standstill, poor hubby running
away shouting enough is enough, my dad and
I would scare non-physical consciousness
We would get chucked from paradise, just watch
the newspapers in 1925 – there will be an article
about the commotion in ethereal realms, it would
be my dad and me – and oh, Christo
My Aries brother, who talked the others to such a
fatigue, we will all have been chucked into hell –
from which we would be expelled, given our noisy
propensities – and we would probably meet
Uncle Chicken, Aunt Tokkie, Uncle Tapan, Auntie
Meisie – everyone I never met in this life - not
to mention my "Tannie Klein", Gerhard and I
would have a great time!
A Micture of Creatures
I am a veritable mixture of creatures, my
brain is a crocodile snapping at me, my
stomach demands sugar with cockroach
tenacity, my mind reacts like a bear
in need of hibernation, as I remain
fatigued I suspect it is my annual
autumn experience of desire for
hibernation kicking in
There must be an overflow of bear genes in my
evolutionary gestation, I always fall asleep in
autumn, cannot remain awake without special
mixtures, sugar and sugar and sugar, oh wait
that is probably the cockroach in me, I feel
well for an hour at most and then droops
like a wilted flower, every year I
lament this phenomenon in writing
And as usual, there is no help
I am a veritable mixture of creatures, my
brain is a crocodile snapping at me, my
stomach demands sugar with cockroach
tenacity, my mind reacts like a bear
in need of hibernation, as I remain
fatigued I suspect it is my annual
autumn experience of desire for
hibernation kicking in
There must be an overflow of bear genes in my
evolutionary gestation, I always fall asleep in
autumn, cannot remain awake without special
mixtures, sugar and sugar and sugar, oh wait
that is probably the cockroach in me, I feel
well for an hour at most and then droops
like a wilted flower, every year I
lament this phenomenon in writing
And as usual, there is no help
Experimenting With Fire
My sunscreens keep falling down
allowing the sun to make my corner
too warm, now I accept my fate and
leave the sun to shine its beauty into
my life, only have to struggle through
the afternoon, then off to read a book
I keep offering possible solutions but
the response remains ‘No, that is not
so, I know, it has been like this forever
and it cannot change, I cannot give up
my dream but neither can I try anything
to make it come true’ - a known refrain
It describes my own attitude, I cling to
dreams long past their sell-by date, some
people had to die before I could let go, at
least I got to say goodbye, they seemed
to understand my need for reassurance
and offered a last confidence-boost
My sunscreens keep falling down
allowing the sun to make my corner
too warm, now I accept my fate and
leave the sun to shine its beauty into
my life, only have to struggle through
the afternoon, then off to read a book
I keep offering possible solutions but
the response remains ‘No, that is not
so, I know, it has been like this forever
and it cannot change, I cannot give up
my dream but neither can I try anything
to make it come true’ - a known refrain
It describes my own attitude, I cling to
dreams long past their sell-by date, some
people had to die before I could let go, at
least I got to say goodbye, they seemed
to understand my need for reassurance
and offered a last confidence-boost
Demotivation And Escape (rev.)
Reading demotivation articles - had to
laugh, only reason I stay is because I
oppose all attempts to demotivate me;
though motivation is of the illegal kind
I love seeing the growth of more rules
and regulations, more paperwork and
meaningless statements, it gives more
scope for breaking them constantly
it creates clever people
Learning to look and sound busy while
doing nothing, a ponderous bureaucratic
machine going nowhere and I can sing
sharing life in the trenches with fellow–
soldiers surviving administration
I love fun and absurdities, large departments
furnish the best example, I love all who while
being mauled and fed to the dogs, shine with
joy and create their own private lives
though playing charades
Creating a beautiful expediency, though I
sometimes dream of creative activity;
self-promotion would kill my spirit, so
I stay where I can support others
who cannot escape…
Reading demotivation articles - had to
laugh, only reason I stay is because I
oppose all attempts to demotivate me;
though motivation is of the illegal kind
I love seeing the growth of more rules
and regulations, more paperwork and
meaningless statements, it gives more
scope for breaking them constantly
it creates clever people
Learning to look and sound busy while
doing nothing, a ponderous bureaucratic
machine going nowhere and I can sing
sharing life in the trenches with fellow–
soldiers surviving administration
I love fun and absurdities, large departments
furnish the best example, I love all who while
being mauled and fed to the dogs, shine with
joy and create their own private lives
though playing charades
Creating a beautiful expediency, though I
sometimes dream of creative activity;
self-promotion would kill my spirit, so
I stay where I can support others
who cannot escape…
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A Quantum Physics World
Enthusiasm outlawed at home, I interrupt
and talk too much and by the way, my skin
is disgusting, I am forced to confront reality
happy to realize this is the needed impetus
to withdraw and read my book
Reading the only way to keep my conversation
from bothering others, for too long now my over-
enthusiastic presence was a blight on family
instead of my concentrating on better things
leaving them in freedom
After all, I have a boring document to translate
an office in which to meditate, love being solitary
to give free rein to my fantasy, last night my story
derailed but now I am working in a new direction
keeping the essence safe
Reality was too enchanting for a while, time to throttle
back and remember why I have to construct my own
world; I love my new set of characters, falling into the
temptation to deal with life itself given my constraints
of evil personality only proved
My character is not suitable, I was made to live life
vicariously in my imagination as alternatives are
needed in a quantum physics world…
Enthusiasm outlawed at home, I interrupt
and talk too much and by the way, my skin
is disgusting, I am forced to confront reality
happy to realize this is the needed impetus
to withdraw and read my book
Reading the only way to keep my conversation
from bothering others, for too long now my over-
enthusiastic presence was a blight on family
instead of my concentrating on better things
leaving them in freedom
After all, I have a boring document to translate
an office in which to meditate, love being solitary
to give free rein to my fantasy, last night my story
derailed but now I am working in a new direction
keeping the essence safe
Reality was too enchanting for a while, time to throttle
back and remember why I have to construct my own
world; I love my new set of characters, falling into the
temptation to deal with life itself given my constraints
of evil personality only proved
My character is not suitable, I was made to live life
vicariously in my imagination as alternatives are
needed in a quantum physics world…
Do Not Belong (Rev)
Sunscreen of aquarium fishes swimming
on my window moved for shade in which
to work, the sun highlighting trinkets on
my PC, orange poppies, handsome Italian
football player, yellow autumn leaves
A silver rose effects a simple majesty, the
clarity of sunlight filtered through this crystal
heart and flower honours Wintersmith and
Tiffany – softly sighing, day interminable, I do
not seem to belong in an official chair
Mind keeps wandering, documents failing to
entice or inspire, conveying nothing of value
no beauty or information, only indicating policy
formulation is eternally more important than
accomplishing anything on the African continent…
Sunscreen of aquarium fishes swimming
on my window moved for shade in which
to work, the sun highlighting trinkets on
my PC, orange poppies, handsome Italian
football player, yellow autumn leaves
A silver rose effects a simple majesty, the
clarity of sunlight filtered through this crystal
heart and flower honours Wintersmith and
Tiffany – softly sighing, day interminable, I do
not seem to belong in an official chair
Mind keeps wandering, documents failing to
entice or inspire, conveying nothing of value
no beauty or information, only indicating policy
formulation is eternally more important than
accomplishing anything on the African continent…
Die droefgeestige oggendpredikante sit hulle
treurmares oor pyn en ongenade onverbiddelik
voort, meedoënloos wys hulle op die Christen
se vermenigvuldigende probleme
Die arme Christen se onvermoë om op sy
Skepper te vertrou, meewarig wys hulle die
sondige mens daarop dat die Here altyd getrou
is; nugter weet hoe hulle tot die gevolgtrekking
gekom het, synde hulle uitwys hoe sleg behandel
die lewe elke belydende Christen, beskuldigend
verklaar die hooghartige predikant dat die mens
sy Skepper nooit in getrouheid kan ewenaar nie
Dis genoeg om van naar te word, ek bly liewer stil
oor elke stukkie voorspoed en geluk, dit pas glad
nie in by die donker beelde wat die suur-pruime-
vir-ontbyt-predikante skep nie
Blykbaar is dit ‘n teken van erge sonde en veroordeling
as die smarte en pyne van die hel en sware kruise wat
ons met gepynigde siel agter ons moet aansleep, nie
in ons aardse swerwersbestaan voorkom nie
Boonop vier ek graag my vreugde met alkohol
en dis die laaste spyker in die doodskis van
veroordeling, ons is op aarde geplaas
om aaneenlopend te rou!
Die droefgeestige oggendpredikante sit hulle
treurmares oor pyn en ongenade onverbiddelik
voort, meedoënloos wys hulle op die Christen
se vermenigvuldigende probleme
Die arme Christen se onvermoë om op sy
Skepper te vertrou, meewarig wys hulle die
sondige mens daarop dat die Here altyd getrou
is; nugter weet hoe hulle tot die gevolgtrekking
gekom het, synde hulle uitwys hoe sleg behandel
die lewe elke belydende Christen, beskuldigend
verklaar die hooghartige predikant dat die mens
sy Skepper nooit in getrouheid kan ewenaar nie
Dis genoeg om van naar te word, ek bly liewer stil
oor elke stukkie voorspoed en geluk, dit pas glad
nie in by die donker beelde wat die suur-pruime-
vir-ontbyt-predikante skep nie
Blykbaar is dit ‘n teken van erge sonde en veroordeling
as die smarte en pyne van die hel en sware kruise wat
ons met gepynigde siel agter ons moet aansleep, nie
in ons aardse swerwersbestaan voorkom nie
Boonop vier ek graag my vreugde met alkohol
en dis die laaste spyker in die doodskis van
veroordeling, ons is op aarde geplaas
om aaneenlopend te rou!
And I Gloat (rev.)
Energised by new instructions I jump
up and run from the office wearing
long black hose without toes, my boss,
her eyes glowing, chances upon me,
Came her ominous declaration, ‘You
look like you are going to the gym’. I knew
it was not appropriate and as quick
as lightning changed
She comes to my office, I see her eyes
spying for the offensive hose – but I am
wearing conservative black leggings,
she looks non-plussed
Everything black but wrongness gone,
my colleague looking me up and down
seeking the dilemma conveyed as
a complaint
Finding nothing wrong she leaves
perplexed and I gloat…
Postscript: Oho, now after the running about
laughing secretly, fatigue is creeping up once
more and sitting down I feel depleted – such
is life…
Energised by new instructions I jump
up and run from the office wearing
long black hose without toes, my boss,
her eyes glowing, chances upon me,
Came her ominous declaration, ‘You
look like you are going to the gym’. I knew
it was not appropriate and as quick
as lightning changed
She comes to my office, I see her eyes
spying for the offensive hose – but I am
wearing conservative black leggings,
she looks non-plussed
Everything black but wrongness gone,
my colleague looking me up and down
seeking the dilemma conveyed as
a complaint
Finding nothing wrong she leaves
perplexed and I gloat…
Postscript: Oho, now after the running about
laughing secretly, fatigue is creeping up once
more and sitting down I feel depleted – such
is life…
Maybe Tomorrow (rev.)
I eat and eat in order to keep going
in spite of fatigue, all I can think is I
eat too many allergenic things, my
system is weak from fighting, for a
short while I feel okay
Lying down at work is not creditable
routine, I hang in my chair wishing
for the vitality that makes one strong,
wishing to become the hard-working
kind who types on and on
My latest gaffe, a chicken twister
simply leads to burning in stomach
and throat with no energy, my throat
is still sore, I desire sleep to feel
Yet being at the office is a triumph,
assisting June, pulling my weight,
allowing her to focus on important
things, Mr Mohapi laughing agreeably
about my lovely flowers
But my head is thick, clouds of inky
blackness descend in my mind to
break my stream of consciousness
the last antibiotics today, maybe
tomorrow I will be healthy again…
I eat and eat in order to keep going
in spite of fatigue, all I can think is I
eat too many allergenic things, my
system is weak from fighting, for a
short while I feel okay
Lying down at work is not creditable
routine, I hang in my chair wishing
for the vitality that makes one strong,
wishing to become the hard-working
kind who types on and on
My latest gaffe, a chicken twister
simply leads to burning in stomach
and throat with no energy, my throat
is still sore, I desire sleep to feel
Yet being at the office is a triumph,
assisting June, pulling my weight,
allowing her to focus on important
things, Mr Mohapi laughing agreeably
about my lovely flowers
But my head is thick, clouds of inky
blackness descend in my mind to
break my stream of consciousness
the last antibiotics today, maybe
tomorrow I will be healthy again…
Monday, May 17, 2010
Remember Who Adores You
Wishing to kiss the pain of another away - as long as
you know I am thinking of you, night and day, offering
you comfort, you may feel fragile when your dreams fall
apart - let it go, let it go, there is a new one, lament the
loss of your first dream as much as you like, cry unto me
I am holding a vision for you, your sweet temperament and
unselfish spirit bring new adventures and friends, your mind
will create a safe place where you can be happy and free
changes are inevitable because all people need to see the
world for themselves, not through your eyes all the time
Accept the affection and love offered to soften the loss of
dreams, remember who adores you, allow yourself to be
held, the only balm to cure all loneliness - rest in the
care of our love, let us enfold you the way we always
wished to while you were so independent before
Formerly you would not let anyone near you, now we shall
storm your citadel to protect you against the pain of self-
doubt, we shall be your breastplate against the sadness
that is stalking you, we shall lead you to beautiful
places where you shall be refreshed and renewed
Nothing more magical required than pure simple love
all yours, take as much as you want, in delight it is
offered as you have brought us so much joy, we
wish to share all wonder and magic with you!
Wishing to kiss the pain of another away - as long as
you know I am thinking of you, night and day, offering
you comfort, you may feel fragile when your dreams fall
apart - let it go, let it go, there is a new one, lament the
loss of your first dream as much as you like, cry unto me
I am holding a vision for you, your sweet temperament and
unselfish spirit bring new adventures and friends, your mind
will create a safe place where you can be happy and free
changes are inevitable because all people need to see the
world for themselves, not through your eyes all the time
Accept the affection and love offered to soften the loss of
dreams, remember who adores you, allow yourself to be
held, the only balm to cure all loneliness - rest in the
care of our love, let us enfold you the way we always
wished to while you were so independent before
Formerly you would not let anyone near you, now we shall
storm your citadel to protect you against the pain of self-
doubt, we shall be your breastplate against the sadness
that is stalking you, we shall lead you to beautiful
places where you shall be refreshed and renewed
Nothing more magical required than pure simple love
all yours, take as much as you want, in delight it is
offered as you have brought us so much joy, we
wish to share all wonder and magic with you!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Idiocy of Human Life (rev.)
John Cleese, British actor, Fawlty Towers and
Monty Python, I laugh at his absurd comedy
mention my wish for extinction, am blamed
for wishing destruction on all
I sympathise with John Cleese in ‘The Life of
Brian’ showing people misusing religion for
their own purposes, being abused for making
religious mistruth the butt
I am attacked for propagating my wish to
escape the idiocy of human life - has anyone
considered how we are ALL warped from
birth - but when I express the wish
For a new society, all are up in arms,
defending an idiotic civilisation that creates
strife and pain – NO way will I accept our
present situation as a God-given norm
We learn how horrible life can be with
over-regulation – before it gets better it
will get WORSE with many more idiotic
rules and useless regulations
I will have moved to ethereal realms - though
when I mention my dreams I am punished for
pessimism - hah! – by the same pessimists
surviving for NOTHING in a meaningless universe...
John Cleese, British actor, Fawlty Towers and
Monty Python, I laugh at his absurd comedy
mention my wish for extinction, am blamed
for wishing destruction on all
I sympathise with John Cleese in ‘The Life of
Brian’ showing people misusing religion for
their own purposes, being abused for making
religious mistruth the butt
I am attacked for propagating my wish to
escape the idiocy of human life - has anyone
considered how we are ALL warped from
birth - but when I express the wish
For a new society, all are up in arms,
defending an idiotic civilisation that creates
strife and pain – NO way will I accept our
present situation as a God-given norm
We learn how horrible life can be with
over-regulation – before it gets better it
will get WORSE with many more idiotic
rules and useless regulations
I will have moved to ethereal realms - though
when I mention my dreams I am punished for
pessimism - hah! – by the same pessimists
surviving for NOTHING in a meaningless universe...
Breathing Outlawed (rev.)
Making lists, a Production Sheet of
everything I did during the month, a
Month Sheet for everything we ALL
did during the month - Psychologically
preparing to return to work tomorrow
Work-On-Hand, a list of deeds for me
in the coming week, another list to be
done by the whole Section during the
coming week, sheet upon sheet, a list
of lists to be completed
When we are finished I will have soul-
searched the ends of the Earth, seeking
out shortcomings in my conscience, I
know I am a criminal, guilty for being
born, even more guilty for living
Guilty in breathing and dreaming a world
where freedom and joy, love and acceptance
abound, guilty as a flawed human being better
kept in straight-jacketed laws, legislation
and regulations
Guilty in being species homo erectus of
a bureaucracy designed to strangle all
humanity out of me – but I learn to love
breathing because it is outlawed...
Let’s kill the world, let’s all die out,
it’s my highest dream – to become extinct,
let’s kill the world, let’s all die out,
my highest vision is one of extinction...
Making lists, a Production Sheet of
everything I did during the month, a
Month Sheet for everything we ALL
did during the month - Psychologically
preparing to return to work tomorrow
Work-On-Hand, a list of deeds for me
in the coming week, another list to be
done by the whole Section during the
coming week, sheet upon sheet, a list
of lists to be completed
When we are finished I will have soul-
searched the ends of the Earth, seeking
out shortcomings in my conscience, I
know I am a criminal, guilty for being
born, even more guilty for living
Guilty in breathing and dreaming a world
where freedom and joy, love and acceptance
abound, guilty as a flawed human being better
kept in straight-jacketed laws, legislation
and regulations
Guilty in being species homo erectus of
a bureaucracy designed to strangle all
humanity out of me – but I learn to love
breathing because it is outlawed...
Let’s kill the world, let’s all die out,
it’s my highest dream – to become extinct,
let’s kill the world, let’s all die out,
my highest vision is one of extinction...
The Tears We Cry (rev.)
Now I know what went on between
Tom Thumb and Duchess Pepper-
Tongue; Tom needed rules, given
none, received wrong ideas about
love from his absentee mom –
a legacy of discontent, a feeling of
entitlement not understanding it is
earned, never learned respect for
his superiors, especially Queen of
Serving Cinderella’s, Grandma Alice
saw only Conan the Barbarian who
did not revere anyone or the Queen
of Hearts preening in Alice’s care
without either honouring her; must
have concluded love is worthless
Like I did when I was small, appalled
as the Queen of Hearts disagreed
her rejection of Grandma Alice set a
bad example – couldn’t see there was
a difference and Conan the Barbarian
a tortured soul not even knowing he
meted out punishment for the pain
suffered in a warped childhood -
Tom Thumb disdains good deeds,
seeing evil conspiracies within
the Duchess loves him while
he rejects affection vehemently
seeking redress of self-imposed
deprivation to prove he is right
surmising Life is against him
I empathise, fighting the same
feeling in my youth, escaping the
clutches of despair through books
on spiritual love, all that is left
the tears we cry...
Now I know what went on between
Tom Thumb and Duchess Pepper-
Tongue; Tom needed rules, given
none, received wrong ideas about
love from his absentee mom –
a legacy of discontent, a feeling of
entitlement not understanding it is
earned, never learned respect for
his superiors, especially Queen of
Serving Cinderella’s, Grandma Alice
saw only Conan the Barbarian who
did not revere anyone or the Queen
of Hearts preening in Alice’s care
without either honouring her; must
have concluded love is worthless
Like I did when I was small, appalled
as the Queen of Hearts disagreed
her rejection of Grandma Alice set a
bad example – couldn’t see there was
a difference and Conan the Barbarian
a tortured soul not even knowing he
meted out punishment for the pain
suffered in a warped childhood -
Tom Thumb disdains good deeds,
seeing evil conspiracies within
the Duchess loves him while
he rejects affection vehemently
seeking redress of self-imposed
deprivation to prove he is right
surmising Life is against him
I empathise, fighting the same
feeling in my youth, escaping the
clutches of despair through books
on spiritual love, all that is left
the tears we cry...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Silver Rivers & Seers & Freedom
Silver Rivers
Silver rivers in the sky
turning into fleecy lambs
against a background blue
when the smiling sun appears
Spiritual Seers
Dithering like the sun, now in, now out, too
hot, too cold, off with the second jersey or
keep it on, at least my head is light enough
to hold upright, sun breaks through
No, it’s gone, no, it’s back, what’s going on,
much too fast to write in words, gone again,
I need a good story book, not a TV channel
showing natural disasters in Alpine tunnels,
trains stuck in toxic fumes
People dying, Austria’s darkest days, spiritual
seers claim all people know in advance when
tragedies will take place, deciding beforehand
whether to take part or shun the chance to go
back to pure consciousness
Cherishing a physical body too much is like
worrying about electric current not becoming
a toaster, remaining separate with unlimited
capacity to energise all other gadgets also -
Going with the undertow, not fighting river’s
awesome power, getting dragged under,
launching your canoe and turning upstream,
rowing your oars until you feel like
death despairing
Accomplishing nothing, yet we construct you
a monument - launch your canoe thirty metres
downstream to reach the river’s end within fifty
seconds, whoosh, getting into the river only to
hasten towards the end
BUT the full journey is the purpose – no single
goal is a final end, every fulfillment being the
start of a new desire, we never get it wrong
because - we never get done -
that is what freedom is…
Silver Rivers
Silver rivers in the sky
turning into fleecy lambs
against a background blue
when the smiling sun appears
Spiritual Seers
Dithering like the sun, now in, now out, too
hot, too cold, off with the second jersey or
keep it on, at least my head is light enough
to hold upright, sun breaks through
No, it’s gone, no, it’s back, what’s going on,
much too fast to write in words, gone again,
I need a good story book, not a TV channel
showing natural disasters in Alpine tunnels,
trains stuck in toxic fumes
People dying, Austria’s darkest days, spiritual
seers claim all people know in advance when
tragedies will take place, deciding beforehand
whether to take part or shun the chance to go
back to pure consciousness
Cherishing a physical body too much is like
worrying about electric current not becoming
a toaster, remaining separate with unlimited
capacity to energise all other gadgets also -
Going with the undertow, not fighting river’s
awesome power, getting dragged under,
launching your canoe and turning upstream,
rowing your oars until you feel like
death despairing
Accomplishing nothing, yet we construct you
a monument - launch your canoe thirty metres
downstream to reach the river’s end within fifty
seconds, whoosh, getting into the river only to
hasten towards the end
BUT the full journey is the purpose – no single
goal is a final end, every fulfillment being the
start of a new desire, we never get it wrong
because - we never get done -
that is what freedom is…
Small Slice Of Life
No bright sunshine today, a magic forest outside
my window, dusky sunshine filtered through
clouds washing filigree ferns and broad Strelitzia
leaves in soft fluorescent green
The blue baldachin of yesterday’s sky becomes
a soft silver canopy enclosing a small enchanted
slice of life, a Jack Russell and I sitting side by
side enclosed nostalgically inside
Melodies, orchestral pieces bringing memories
safe within grandma Alice’s meticulous care
creating a safe space in which to read to my
heart’s content, emotional events that made
me flee from life, today I’m revisiting old tales
to wean myself of their debilitating influence
no longer willing to drag my shocked emotional
self unwillingly behind my intellectual mind
always holding me down with its first
impressions, today I know we are free to
do and dream, physical pain is temporary,
shock can be overcome…
No bright sunshine today, a magic forest outside
my window, dusky sunshine filtered through
clouds washing filigree ferns and broad Strelitzia
leaves in soft fluorescent green
The blue baldachin of yesterday’s sky becomes
a soft silver canopy enclosing a small enchanted
slice of life, a Jack Russell and I sitting side by
side enclosed nostalgically inside
Melodies, orchestral pieces bringing memories
safe within grandma Alice’s meticulous care
creating a safe space in which to read to my
heart’s content, emotional events that made
me flee from life, today I’m revisiting old tales
to wean myself of their debilitating influence
no longer willing to drag my shocked emotional
self unwillingly behind my intellectual mind
always holding me down with its first
impressions, today I know we are free to
do and dream, physical pain is temporary,
shock can be overcome…
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Most Luminescent Blue (rev.)
Seeing dragon-fly wings dancing
in a bronze autumn sun covering
sky with a golden hue creating
the most luminescent blue
Childhood’s delightful melodies
reminiscences touching burnished
leaves vibrant with life - shining
within joyous expectations
Seeing dragon-fly wings dancing
in a bronze autumn sun covering
sky with a golden hue creating
the most luminescent blue
Childhood’s delightful melodies
reminiscences touching burnished
leaves vibrant with life - shining
within joyous expectations
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Warm Organ Fugues (rev.)
The morning’s dazzling silver sun
filling trees with shimmering green
all I see exploding in brightest light
then, subdued, changing the world
into a soft velvet golden orb
Saint-Saëns - Carnival of the Animals
Boccherini’s Minuet
Edward Grieg - Peer Gynt
The morning’s dazzling silver sun
filling trees with shimmering green
all I see exploding in brightest light
then, subdued, changing the world
into a soft velvet golden orb
Saint-Saëns - Carnival of the Animals
Boccherini’s Minuet
Edward Grieg - Peer Gynt
What Rotten Luck
Had to contend with an apology that I sent
by email, could not work up enough speed
to beat the fatigue, cold to the bone, home
alone, even driving to the office to get our
lecturer’s number was a great feat, about
as much as I could do
Antibiotics without penicillin to which I am al-
lergic, discovering it was some fun, after an
operation they gave me a shot, I started wrigg-
ling about and could not hold still - as if a million
ants were crawling all over my body turned into
an itchy anthill
That’s how I found out, a long time ago my mouth
went all skew after medication, the doctor laughed
when he saw me biting my teeth to keep my mouth
still - he said it affected my heart’s muscles also -
today I know it was penicillin in cold medicine and
alert all medical personnel…
So many classes had been cancelled, now that the
whole Spiel is going again, I cannot attend
what rotten luck…
Had to contend with an apology that I sent
by email, could not work up enough speed
to beat the fatigue, cold to the bone, home
alone, even driving to the office to get our
lecturer’s number was a great feat, about
as much as I could do
Antibiotics without penicillin to which I am al-
lergic, discovering it was some fun, after an
operation they gave me a shot, I started wrigg-
ling about and could not hold still - as if a million
ants were crawling all over my body turned into
an itchy anthill
That’s how I found out, a long time ago my mouth
went all skew after medication, the doctor laughed
when he saw me biting my teeth to keep my mouth
still - he said it affected my heart’s muscles also -
today I know it was penicillin in cold medicine and
alert all medical personnel…
So many classes had been cancelled, now that the
whole Spiel is going again, I cannot attend
what rotten luck…
Monday, May 10, 2010
Not in a Million Years
Tomorrow I shall be in class
if it is the last thing I do, hubby
forbade me to go - it is just fun
and games he says - if I were
not in the office where I belong
Another sniggers - it is inane, the
subject’s arrogance - I am on sick
leave for fever, but I shall be on my
post tomorrow to attend the extra
class held on May eleven
Specially organised to catch up as
so many classes were cancelled; I
cried too much today, I must follow
my dream, staying at home would
be inconsiderate and mean
It is anathema to me, I shall be there
earning my right by going to the office
then attending class, missing classes
without apology is a big insult, I would
never do that to our lecturer
Not in a million years...
Tomorrow I shall be in class
if it is the last thing I do, hubby
forbade me to go - it is just fun
and games he says - if I were
not in the office where I belong
Another sniggers - it is inane, the
subject’s arrogance - I am on sick
leave for fever, but I shall be on my
post tomorrow to attend the extra
class held on May eleven
Specially organised to catch up as
so many classes were cancelled; I
cried too much today, I must follow
my dream, staying at home would
be inconsiderate and mean
It is anathema to me, I shall be there
earning my right by going to the office
then attending class, missing classes
without apology is a big insult, I would
never do that to our lecturer
Not in a million years...
Happy All By Themselves
Why do male and female differ so much
the young lawyer asked, Esther replied:
Because when he looks at her in a certain
way she says: I feel secure now
He must never look at me in any other way
again, he must give up his life and his own
thoughts; he replies: HELP! and runs away
- to be happy, everyone should say
I will keep myself happy and allow you to live
your life your own way, I shall not hold you
responsible for my happiness - then she will
feel secure and he will feel free
When her need for security causes him to feel
lack of freedom, she feels less secure and he
feels more bound, both of them should be
happy in themselves, do their own thing
Then relationships will not become a form of
catering to the needs of another person who
refuses to stay happy all by themselves….
Why do male and female differ so much
the young lawyer asked, Esther replied:
Because when he looks at her in a certain
way she says: I feel secure now
He must never look at me in any other way
again, he must give up his life and his own
thoughts; he replies: HELP! and runs away
- to be happy, everyone should say
I will keep myself happy and allow you to live
your life your own way, I shall not hold you
responsible for my happiness - then she will
feel secure and he will feel free
When her need for security causes him to feel
lack of freedom, she feels less secure and he
feels more bound, both of them should be
happy in themselves, do their own thing
Then relationships will not become a form of
catering to the needs of another person who
refuses to stay happy all by themselves….
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Moment Of Enchantment (Rev.)
My fairy wings have been destroyed
by bleach, I am no more A Midsummer
Night’s Dream sprite wearing the most
beautiful cobweb blouse, instead I’m
grieving like an earthbound flea
I was ethereal in the blouse but now a
moth-eaten caricature lost without its
silver sheen, eaten by allegory, lost to
symbolism gone too far to retrieve and
I cry in desolation of thwarted dreams
Old dreams die in symbolic irony, their
icons lost but the idea is safe in a pure
thought-form held eternally - my fairy
moments in the blouse will always shine
in my mind, captured in imagination
A moment of enchantment…
My fairy wings have been destroyed
by bleach, I am no more A Midsummer
Night’s Dream sprite wearing the most
beautiful cobweb blouse, instead I’m
grieving like an earthbound flea
I was ethereal in the blouse but now a
moth-eaten caricature lost without its
silver sheen, eaten by allegory, lost to
symbolism gone too far to retrieve and
I cry in desolation of thwarted dreams
Old dreams die in symbolic irony, their
icons lost but the idea is safe in a pure
thought-form held eternally - my fairy
moments in the blouse will always shine
in my mind, captured in imagination
A moment of enchantment…
Chore To Remain Calm
I am violently opposed to having a sore throat
totally overcome by fatigue, have not read any-
thing, lying down and dozing off to wake with a
start and feeling cold, dress up warmly to break
out in a sweat
Lost all desire for everything, cannot even conjure
any emotion except anxiety for feeling so bereft
without desire or passion, just want to lie down
to put down my heavy head, it is boring, can’t
wait to feel desire again
The mere act of thinking too much effort, I exist
like a stone, just being, my only preferences to
remain motionless, keeping warm, curing the
pain in my throat, being comfortable, such a
chore to remain calm
While it feels as if I never shall be well again...
I am violently opposed to having a sore throat
totally overcome by fatigue, have not read any-
thing, lying down and dozing off to wake with a
start and feeling cold, dress up warmly to break
out in a sweat
Lost all desire for everything, cannot even conjure
any emotion except anxiety for feeling so bereft
without desire or passion, just want to lie down
to put down my heavy head, it is boring, can’t
wait to feel desire again
The mere act of thinking too much effort, I exist
like a stone, just being, my only preferences to
remain motionless, keeping warm, curing the
pain in my throat, being comfortable, such a
chore to remain calm
While it feels as if I never shall be well again...
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Going Right all the Time
Anti-bacterial lozenges, feverish, listening to
an explanation that if we want to go left while
we believe we have to go right, we shall all have
our faces paralyzed - listening with a wooden face
suddenly laughing, realising I am happy where I am
going right all the time, knowing I can go left to follow
dreams later on
I am learning all the time, love the familiar faces and
serious intent of every incumbent, love the atmosphere
at work, love my work station and adore my computer, I
love my correspondents, everyone who shares space
and ideas with me - I love hubby for screaming at me
for messing up my face like a naughty kid, it shows
he loves me
I love Tiaan for descrying my old-fashioned music lacking
aesthetic value, I love Nici for her emotional maturity in
dealing with life, I also love the autumn sun and the cool
wind that led to my catching a cold, forced to lie down
I love the lozenges that take the pain away, I love the
lady who told us we need not make decisions today-
just feel better
Don’t row upstream, put down the oars and let the
current carry us to where all the good things we
identified, are waiting for us...
Anti-bacterial lozenges, feverish, listening to
an explanation that if we want to go left while
we believe we have to go right, we shall all have
our faces paralyzed - listening with a wooden face
suddenly laughing, realising I am happy where I am
going right all the time, knowing I can go left to follow
dreams later on
I am learning all the time, love the familiar faces and
serious intent of every incumbent, love the atmosphere
at work, love my work station and adore my computer, I
love my correspondents, everyone who shares space
and ideas with me - I love hubby for screaming at me
for messing up my face like a naughty kid, it shows
he loves me
I love Tiaan for descrying my old-fashioned music lacking
aesthetic value, I love Nici for her emotional maturity in
dealing with life, I also love the autumn sun and the cool
wind that led to my catching a cold, forced to lie down
I love the lozenges that take the pain away, I love the
lady who told us we need not make decisions today-
just feel better
Don’t row upstream, put down the oars and let the
current carry us to where all the good things we
identified, are waiting for us...
Friday, May 7, 2010
Joining The Menagerie
Got Football Crazy hollow chocolate
in honour of the Soccer World Cup
hoping to find a member of the Bafana
team inside, but no, found handsome
Italian soccer player in blue
June advises keep him, even the com-
mentators sing the praises of the hand-
some Italian team, up he went joining
the menagerie adorning my computer
screen, I shall get more until
There are enough men to form a team
so they can come alive and play after
midnight - the traditional hour when all
beings come alive, they can socialise
with the smiling wooden girls …
Got Football Crazy hollow chocolate
in honour of the Soccer World Cup
hoping to find a member of the Bafana
team inside, but no, found handsome
Italian soccer player in blue
June advises keep him, even the com-
mentators sing the praises of the hand-
some Italian team, up he went joining
the menagerie adorning my computer
screen, I shall get more until
There are enough men to form a team
so they can come alive and play after
midnight - the traditional hour when all
beings come alive, they can socialise
with the smiling wooden girls …
Au Clair de la Lune

When I did French Didactics I asked professor
Godwin to teach me French songs, how would
I teach French one day if I cannot sing with my
pupils, she gave me Au Clair de la Lune which
I knew in Afrikaans as ‘In die Helder Maanskyn’
I was delighted to find I knew the melody already
the lyrics were easy because the Afrikaans fol-
lowed the original French faithfully, I might forget
grammar rules, but the songs will always stay
with me forever…
Au Clair de la Lune
Traditional, Words and Music By: Jean Baptiste Lully
Copyright Unknown
Au clair de la lune
Under the Moonlight
Chanson enfantine
Au clair de la lune
Mon ami Pierrot
Prête-moi ta plume*
Pour écrire un mot
Ma chandelle est morte
Je n'ai plus de feu
Ouvre-moi ta porte
Pour l'amour de Dieu
Au clair de la lune
Pierrot répondit
Je n'ai pas de plume
Je suis dans mon lit
Va chez la voisine
Je crois qu'elle y est
Car dans sa cuisine
On bat le briquet
Au clair de la lune
L'aimable Lubin
Frappe chez la brune
Qui répond soudain
Qui frapp' de la sorte
Il dit à son tour
Ouvrez votre porte
Au dieu de l'amour
Au clair de la lune
On n'y voit qu'un peu
On chercha la plume
On chercha du feu
En cherchant d' la sorte
Je n' sais c' qu'on trouva
Mais je sais qu' la porte
Sur eux se ferma.

When I did French Didactics I asked professor
Godwin to teach me French songs, how would
I teach French one day if I cannot sing with my
pupils, she gave me Au Clair de la Lune which
I knew in Afrikaans as ‘In die Helder Maanskyn’
I was delighted to find I knew the melody already
the lyrics were easy because the Afrikaans fol-
lowed the original French faithfully, I might forget
grammar rules, but the songs will always stay
with me forever…
Au Clair de la Lune
Traditional, Words and Music By: Jean Baptiste Lully
Copyright Unknown
Au clair de la lune
Under the Moonlight
Chanson enfantine
Au clair de la lune
Mon ami Pierrot
Prête-moi ta plume*
Pour écrire un mot
Ma chandelle est morte
Je n'ai plus de feu
Ouvre-moi ta porte
Pour l'amour de Dieu
Au clair de la lune
Pierrot répondit
Je n'ai pas de plume
Je suis dans mon lit
Va chez la voisine
Je crois qu'elle y est
Car dans sa cuisine
On bat le briquet
Au clair de la lune
L'aimable Lubin
Frappe chez la brune
Qui répond soudain
Qui frapp' de la sorte
Il dit à son tour
Ouvrez votre porte
Au dieu de l'amour
Au clair de la lune
On n'y voit qu'un peu
On chercha la plume
On chercha du feu
En cherchant d' la sorte
Je n' sais c' qu'on trouva
Mais je sais qu' la porte
Sur eux se ferma.
Mädel Ruck Ruck Ruck

Why would I sing this song all alone
nobody with a guitar nearby, nobody
to sing with me - a charming melody
such a lovely memory, practicing for
a concert at school
Looked at our small repertoire, sang
this one and found it delightful, nothing
good about this day, mechanisms for
fighting against the Black Hole in my
mind have all failed
All my feelings have been sucked into
the blackness within, cannot escape a
power a million times bigger than gravity
I shall have to collect new feelings, create
a new mind for myself
I shall keep the song with me and
sing it softly, it is bound
to make me feel
Die Auserwählte
Melodie - Friedrich Silcher
|: Mädel ruck ruck ruck an meine grüne Seite
I’ hab’ di’ gar so gern’ I’ kann di’ leide’ :|
Bist so lieb und gut, schön wie Milch und Blut
Du mußt bei mir bleiben, mir die Zeit vertreiben
Mädel ruck ruck ruck an meine grüne Seite
I’ hab’ di’ gar so gern’ I’ kann di’ leide’
|: Mädel ruck kuck kuck in meine schwarze Auge’
Du kannst dein liebes Bild darinne schaue’ :|
Guck nur recht drin ‘nein du mußt drinne sein
Bist du drin zu Haus, mußt dan nimmer ‘raus
Mädel ruck kuck kuck in meine schwarze Auge’
Du kannst dein liebes Bild darinne schaue’
|: Mädel du du du mußt mir den Trauring gebe’
Denn sonnst liegt mir ja nichts mehr ab mei’ Lebe’ :|
Wenn I’ di’ net seh’ ist’s um Herz mir weh’
Wenn I’ di’ net hab’ ist mir die Welt a Trag
Mädel du du du mußt mir den Trauring gebe’
Denn sonnst liegt mir ja nichts mehr ab mei’ Lebe’

Why would I sing this song all alone
nobody with a guitar nearby, nobody
to sing with me - a charming melody
such a lovely memory, practicing for
a concert at school
Looked at our small repertoire, sang
this one and found it delightful, nothing
good about this day, mechanisms for
fighting against the Black Hole in my
mind have all failed
All my feelings have been sucked into
the blackness within, cannot escape a
power a million times bigger than gravity
I shall have to collect new feelings, create
a new mind for myself
I shall keep the song with me and
sing it softly, it is bound
to make me feel
Die Auserwählte
Melodie - Friedrich Silcher
|: Mädel ruck ruck ruck an meine grüne Seite
I’ hab’ di’ gar so gern’ I’ kann di’ leide’ :|
Bist so lieb und gut, schön wie Milch und Blut
Du mußt bei mir bleiben, mir die Zeit vertreiben
Mädel ruck ruck ruck an meine grüne Seite
I’ hab’ di’ gar so gern’ I’ kann di’ leide’
|: Mädel ruck kuck kuck in meine schwarze Auge’
Du kannst dein liebes Bild darinne schaue’ :|
Guck nur recht drin ‘nein du mußt drinne sein
Bist du drin zu Haus, mußt dan nimmer ‘raus
Mädel ruck kuck kuck in meine schwarze Auge’
Du kannst dein liebes Bild darinne schaue’
|: Mädel du du du mußt mir den Trauring gebe’
Denn sonnst liegt mir ja nichts mehr ab mei’ Lebe’ :|
Wenn I’ di’ net seh’ ist’s um Herz mir weh’
Wenn I’ di’ net hab’ ist mir die Welt a Trag
Mädel du du du mußt mir den Trauring gebe’
Denn sonnst liegt mir ja nichts mehr ab mei’ Lebe’
Dreaming on Stars

Herded into a hall, all provided with forms
declare yourself, justify your existence
where are you from, why are you in our
employ, can you manage yourself, can
you feed, clothe and drive where you
want to go
I am taught that I am a clerical and office
support worker, that I am tolerated because
someone has to man the office while senior
management travels about propagating the
ideals of arts and culture, spending their
budget on survival
So they count every cent they have to spend on
translation which is NOT our core function, our
function is to make lists and provide images
that look nice and sell our ideals, not fulfil
them; window-dressing, a million forms
monthly reports
Creating the impression that language is alive
and well while quietly decreasing diversity to
save money for higher purposes, travelling
constructing heritage sites, dreaming
on stars…

Herded into a hall, all provided with forms
declare yourself, justify your existence
where are you from, why are you in our
employ, can you manage yourself, can
you feed, clothe and drive where you
want to go
I am taught that I am a clerical and office
support worker, that I am tolerated because
someone has to man the office while senior
management travels about propagating the
ideals of arts and culture, spending their
budget on survival
So they count every cent they have to spend on
translation which is NOT our core function, our
function is to make lists and provide images
that look nice and sell our ideals, not fulfil
them; window-dressing, a million forms
monthly reports
Creating the impression that language is alive
and well while quietly decreasing diversity to
save money for higher purposes, travelling
constructing heritage sites, dreaming
on stars…
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Spiritual Pre-Birth Choice

With short-circuiting brain I went to French class
thoughts moving through layers of opaque glass
forcing all ideas through the black hole gaping in
my brain, could only retain any thought for one
milli-second, once I made a statement, I could
not recall my words and the professeur had to
help me to express everything; the effect of my
eating a breakfast of bacon and bread to which
I am allergic, all attempt at thinking impossible
due to faulty electrical wiring in my head
The allergy must be a spiritual pre-birth choice, it
keeps me humble and distraught so I seek small
corners in which to exist quietly, like a doll living
in someone’s pocket or the attic of an old house
not moving out of my small space on planet earth
looking at the world as reflected in words, enjoying
sweet sounds with more passion than others do
when I mentioned the devastating effect of poetry
all admitted they have no interest in making words
rhyme or listening to the rhythm of lines
With my allergy, I not only read words, but feel sound
reverberating in my soul, feel my heart singing and
burning while they live their lives directly, without
the intermediary of beautiful words describing life
in a lyrical song or a sad lament for love lost…

With short-circuiting brain I went to French class
thoughts moving through layers of opaque glass
forcing all ideas through the black hole gaping in
my brain, could only retain any thought for one
milli-second, once I made a statement, I could
not recall my words and the professeur had to
help me to express everything; the effect of my
eating a breakfast of bacon and bread to which
I am allergic, all attempt at thinking impossible
due to faulty electrical wiring in my head
The allergy must be a spiritual pre-birth choice, it
keeps me humble and distraught so I seek small
corners in which to exist quietly, like a doll living
in someone’s pocket or the attic of an old house
not moving out of my small space on planet earth
looking at the world as reflected in words, enjoying
sweet sounds with more passion than others do
when I mentioned the devastating effect of poetry
all admitted they have no interest in making words
rhyme or listening to the rhythm of lines
With my allergy, I not only read words, but feel sound
reverberating in my soul, feel my heart singing and
burning while they live their lives directly, without
the intermediary of beautiful words describing life
in a lyrical song or a sad lament for love lost…
Stuck, I am Stuck

Lost ability to force myself to go on
must edit and check my own boring
translations of nonsensical letters by
more critical members of public, when
I start, I get a psychosomatic headache
I can only fight when a life is at stake or
some serious life-threatening issue
enters the debate
Have an even worse letter by a criminal
to translate and boring Job Descriptions
to work through, please send a pep talk
or any unsettling nerve-wrecking thing to
force me into a more definite administrative
mental state – anything that scares the
daylights out of me works like a charm
then I feel safe in boredom
The poppies on my computer are aglow with
life, the Silver Rose next to the autumn leaves
a tribute to all fairy ideas - but a reality of
boring documents faced without a surplus of
adrenaline devoid of any motivation or real
inspiration, re-reading my own work – I cannot
face it in my mental state, I must send my
mind into a different realm to function again
-Now, now - no sister of mine would let such trite
-garbage wash all over her! All you need do is
-consider the work you have to redo was originally
-done by someone obviously frivolous and unknown
-then you'll see the humour and correct all the bits
-you know how - I'm about to attempt cooking tea
-with two pork chops as starting point and no ideas
-at all - and you think YOU have a motivation
- problem!
This is very true, of course, the ME who did the
work originally should be described as frivolous
and given my current state of mind, SHE is an

Lost ability to force myself to go on
must edit and check my own boring
translations of nonsensical letters by
more critical members of public, when
I start, I get a psychosomatic headache
I can only fight when a life is at stake or
some serious life-threatening issue
enters the debate
Have an even worse letter by a criminal
to translate and boring Job Descriptions
to work through, please send a pep talk
or any unsettling nerve-wrecking thing to
force me into a more definite administrative
mental state – anything that scares the
daylights out of me works like a charm
then I feel safe in boredom
The poppies on my computer are aglow with
life, the Silver Rose next to the autumn leaves
a tribute to all fairy ideas - but a reality of
boring documents faced without a surplus of
adrenaline devoid of any motivation or real
inspiration, re-reading my own work – I cannot
face it in my mental state, I must send my
mind into a different realm to function again
-Now, now - no sister of mine would let such trite
-garbage wash all over her! All you need do is
-consider the work you have to redo was originally
-done by someone obviously frivolous and unknown
-then you'll see the humour and correct all the bits
-you know how - I'm about to attempt cooking tea
-with two pork chops as starting point and no ideas
-at all - and you think YOU have a motivation
- problem!
This is very true, of course, the ME who did the
work originally should be described as frivolous
and given my current state of mind, SHE is an
Authors Blissfully Create

Read my new book “Windrider” by Pamela
Freeman - how can authors create characters
who lie down – and then fall asleep? Who on
earth can fall asleep just like that
Not tossing and turning and wakening every
hour? How can a young girl tackle the woods
alone and keep going without suffering grave
depression and self-doubt?
I would be awake all night long, too ghastly to
contemplate, yet authors blissfully create these
fictional situations…
“Windrider” Pamela Freeman
Allen and Unwin 1998

Read my new book “Windrider” by Pamela
Freeman - how can authors create characters
who lie down – and then fall asleep? Who on
earth can fall asleep just like that
Not tossing and turning and wakening every
hour? How can a young girl tackle the woods
alone and keep going without suffering grave
depression and self-doubt?
I would be awake all night long, too ghastly to
contemplate, yet authors blissfully create these
fictional situations…
“Windrider” Pamela Freeman
Allen and Unwin 1998
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Fairyland of Glittering Lights (Rev.)
A fairyland of glittering lights
a fast car – I’m Queen of the
Night choreographed to a
Mozart frenzy speeding to
classical music on the way,
modern music coming back
Washing dishes, dreaming of
wind in my hair, happy with life,
work still outstanding but I don’t
care, we never get it done, relax,
enjoy the ride, dance on through
the world all mine
Blommeland’s Silver Rose more
beautiful than imagined, added to
my Persian market collection, so
it is true it is out of hand with the
glorious poppies awakening an
undeniable desire for beauty
A fairyland of glittering lights
a fast car – I’m Queen of the
Night choreographed to a
Mozart frenzy speeding to
classical music on the way,
modern music coming back
Washing dishes, dreaming of
wind in my hair, happy with life,
work still outstanding but I don’t
care, we never get it done, relax,
enjoy the ride, dance on through
the world all mine
Blommeland’s Silver Rose more
beautiful than imagined, added to
my Persian market collection, so
it is true it is out of hand with the
glorious poppies awakening an
undeniable desire for beauty
Beautiful Shine Infinitely
Faced with the word ‘houderij’
surfed the Internet – found IATE
(InterActive terminology for Europe)
synonymous with ‘openluchtfokkerij’
free range farming – I terrorised June
and Hanlie with my new-found knowledge
June coolly declared I should remember
muggiepis, also, as a soft drizzle, Hermien
looked it up in Jansonius, everybody knows
their Dutch, to me it is gobbledygook when
they chatter ‘poekelen’ in Nederlands, but
what fun with everybody laughing
Sharing a moment in time that will exist
forever for once a rose has bloomed, it
blooms for eternity as Michael Ende made
clear in his book Momo, Einstein’s relativity
explains how this is possible – because time
is not linear
Colin Wilson describes how this experience feels
quoting Ouspensky’s adventures with altered
mental states, today in the office we created
the most beautiful event to shine infinitely…
Faced with the word ‘houderij’
surfed the Internet – found IATE
(InterActive terminology for Europe)
synonymous with ‘openluchtfokkerij’
free range farming – I terrorised June
and Hanlie with my new-found knowledge
June coolly declared I should remember
muggiepis, also, as a soft drizzle, Hermien
looked it up in Jansonius, everybody knows
their Dutch, to me it is gobbledygook when
they chatter ‘poekelen’ in Nederlands, but
what fun with everybody laughing
Sharing a moment in time that will exist
forever for once a rose has bloomed, it
blooms for eternity as Michael Ende made
clear in his book Momo, Einstein’s relativity
explains how this is possible – because time
is not linear
Colin Wilson describes how this experience feels
quoting Ouspensky’s adventures with altered
mental states, today in the office we created
the most beautiful event to shine infinitely…
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Manipulatie Van Perminutus

The sun shining a spotlight on my sizzling new
yellow poppies contrasting with a glittering
white dragonfly on my computer screen -
better change into my leggings, wore my
pirate jeans for marching down the street
to the beat of Walking Back To Happiness
facing all obstacles happily
Twenty President letters returned, to be
checked, my favourite subject, endless
lists of pain and sorrow, no hope for to-
morrow, making me pray for the end of
the world; though I have lost hope, have
been praying for the end since I was
nine and I am still fine
Promises of imminent war by a German
Indigo angel on the Internet are just as
empty of content, time to start the Dutch
phytosanitary certificate, my head aches
when I look upon dead terms in fine print
Lilliputian writing at its best, reminiscing
about my favourite Dutch songs*
But I must return to my official Dutch text
‘Vooraf de post verwittigen en - gegevens
verstrekken, bestemmeling en bestemming
inlading, verklaring, toelating en zending
machtiging, voorschriften, verwittigen
producten, inspectie van montrouzieri
manipulatie van perminutus’
*‘Fraaie meisjes fraaie bloemen, al de meisjes
wil ik zoenen, kijk hoe mooi lyk hul vir mij, kan
ik al die nonnas krij’ ‘as die studente deur die
straat marsjere dan open de meisjes hul ven-
sters en deure, waarom ja daarom, waarom ja
daarom, bloot net vir pompelara pompelara ja’

The sun shining a spotlight on my sizzling new
yellow poppies contrasting with a glittering
white dragonfly on my computer screen -
better change into my leggings, wore my
pirate jeans for marching down the street
to the beat of Walking Back To Happiness
facing all obstacles happily
Twenty President letters returned, to be
checked, my favourite subject, endless
lists of pain and sorrow, no hope for to-
morrow, making me pray for the end of
the world; though I have lost hope, have
been praying for the end since I was
nine and I am still fine
Promises of imminent war by a German
Indigo angel on the Internet are just as
empty of content, time to start the Dutch
phytosanitary certificate, my head aches
when I look upon dead terms in fine print
Lilliputian writing at its best, reminiscing
about my favourite Dutch songs*
But I must return to my official Dutch text
‘Vooraf de post verwittigen en - gegevens
verstrekken, bestemmeling en bestemming
inlading, verklaring, toelating en zending
machtiging, voorschriften, verwittigen
producten, inspectie van montrouzieri
manipulatie van perminutus’
*‘Fraaie meisjes fraaie bloemen, al de meisjes
wil ik zoenen, kijk hoe mooi lyk hul vir mij, kan
ik al die nonnas krij’ ‘as die studente deur die
straat marsjere dan open de meisjes hul ven-
sters en deure, waarom ja daarom, waarom ja
daarom, bloot net vir pompelara pompelara ja’
Moment Without Grace (Rev.)

Poppies, golden explosions of orange-edged
light bought to brighten my patch of grey, this
icy spot in the office - a source of comfort
against the dour sky outside, giving up on
my Dutch legal document
much too empty and cold to fight the inevitable
knowing I cannot win against the dragon of
official agricultural jargon presented by means
of incomprehensible Dutch legal terms
not a single word reminding of the enchantment
Jacques Brel created in his song ‘zondere liefde
warme liefde, waait de wind, de koude wind, over
mijn land, mijn plattenland, zonder de liefde
warme liefde
lacht de duivel, de swarte duivel’ the black devil
is laughing in grating sounds ‘invoermachtiging,
grensinspectiepost, bestemmeling, afgestempeld,
ondertekend, garantieverklaring
veiligheidsvoorwaarden van besmettelijke
aangifteplichtige planten- en dierenpathogenen’
I must study and research the correct use of
these mocking terms,
marching through unending desert of uniform
boredom, marching, marching while my heart
escapes by repeating ‘Ay Marieke, Marieke,
le ciel Flamand de Bruges a Gant, zonder de
liefde Warme liefde…’ full well knowing I am
stuck in a moment without escape,
an eternal moment without grace…
Composer(s): Jacques Brel; Gérard Jouannest
Originally performed by: Jacques Brel (Belgium)
Covered by various other artists
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Je t'aimais tant
Entre les tours
De Bruges et Gand
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Il y a longtemps
Entre les tours
De Bruges et Gand
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Waait de wind, de stomme wind
Zonder liefde warme liefde
Weent de zee, de grijze zee
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Lijdt het licht, het donker licht
En schuurt de zand over mijn land
Mijn platte land, mijn Vlaanderenland
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Le ciel flamand
Couleur des tours
De Bruges et Gand
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Le ciel flamand
Pleure avec moi
De Bruges à Gand
Zonder, liefde, warme liefde
Waait de wind, c'est fini
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Weent de zee, déjà fini
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Lijdt het licht, tout est fini
En schuurt het zand over mijn land
Mijn platte land, mijn Vlaanderenland
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Le ciel flamand
Pesait-il trop
De Bruges à Gand
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Sur tes vingt ans
Que j'aimais tant
De Bruges à Gand
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Lacht de duivel, de zwarte duivel
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Brandt mijn hart, mijn oude hart
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Sterft de zomer, de droevige zomer
En schuurt het zand over mijn land
Mijn platte land, mijn Vlaanderenland
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Revienne le temps
Revienne le temps
De Bruges et Gand
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Revienne le temps
Où tu m'aimais
De Bruges à Gand
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Le soir souvent
Entre les tours
De Bruges et Gand
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Tous les étangs
M'ouvrent leurs bras
De Bruges à Gand, de Bruges à Gand, de Bruges à Gand...

Poppies, golden explosions of orange-edged
light bought to brighten my patch of grey, this
icy spot in the office - a source of comfort
against the dour sky outside, giving up on
my Dutch legal document
much too empty and cold to fight the inevitable
knowing I cannot win against the dragon of
official agricultural jargon presented by means
of incomprehensible Dutch legal terms
not a single word reminding of the enchantment
Jacques Brel created in his song ‘zondere liefde
warme liefde, waait de wind, de koude wind, over
mijn land, mijn plattenland, zonder de liefde
warme liefde
lacht de duivel, de swarte duivel’ the black devil
is laughing in grating sounds ‘invoermachtiging,
grensinspectiepost, bestemmeling, afgestempeld,
ondertekend, garantieverklaring
veiligheidsvoorwaarden van besmettelijke
aangifteplichtige planten- en dierenpathogenen’
I must study and research the correct use of
these mocking terms,
marching through unending desert of uniform
boredom, marching, marching while my heart
escapes by repeating ‘Ay Marieke, Marieke,
le ciel Flamand de Bruges a Gant, zonder de
liefde Warme liefde…’ full well knowing I am
stuck in a moment without escape,
an eternal moment without grace…
Composer(s): Jacques Brel; Gérard Jouannest
Originally performed by: Jacques Brel (Belgium)
Covered by various other artists
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Je t'aimais tant
Entre les tours
De Bruges et Gand
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Il y a longtemps
Entre les tours
De Bruges et Gand
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Waait de wind, de stomme wind
Zonder liefde warme liefde
Weent de zee, de grijze zee
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Lijdt het licht, het donker licht
En schuurt de zand over mijn land
Mijn platte land, mijn Vlaanderenland
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Le ciel flamand
Couleur des tours
De Bruges et Gand
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Le ciel flamand
Pleure avec moi
De Bruges à Gand
Zonder, liefde, warme liefde
Waait de wind, c'est fini
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Weent de zee, déjà fini
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Lijdt het licht, tout est fini
En schuurt het zand over mijn land
Mijn platte land, mijn Vlaanderenland
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Le ciel flamand
Pesait-il trop
De Bruges à Gand
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Sur tes vingt ans
Que j'aimais tant
De Bruges à Gand
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Lacht de duivel, de zwarte duivel
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Brandt mijn hart, mijn oude hart
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Sterft de zomer, de droevige zomer
En schuurt het zand over mijn land
Mijn platte land, mijn Vlaanderenland
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Revienne le temps
Revienne le temps
De Bruges et Gand
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Revienne le temps
Où tu m'aimais
De Bruges à Gand
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Le soir souvent
Entre les tours
De Bruges et Gand
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Tous les étangs
M'ouvrent leurs bras
De Bruges à Gand, de Bruges à Gand, de Bruges à Gand...
Monday, May 3, 2010
Energy, Ingenuity & Talent
Hi Matt
The wonder of an outsider developing sympathy
and admiration for his fellow-convicts and the
marvellous fact of a spiritual awakening gives
me hope for life and makes all forms of suf-
fering seem reasonable and for a greater
As a child I feared all forms of degradation and
deprivation and used to torment myself with
visions of Armageddon and my projected
inability to suffer for my beliefs and con-
victions should torture be forced on me.
Thank you for pointing me towards the kind of
narrative that lifts that kind of sorrow and reveals
hope and release for all of us, if only we are willing
to make the choice for sympathy and admiration.
Your input is very valuable and I cannot thank
you enough!
I read the summary on the site you mentioned:
The narrator, Aleksandr Petrovich Goryanchikov, sentenced
to deportation to Siberia and ten years of hard labour. Life in
prison is hard for Aleksandr since he is a gentleman suffering
the malice of the other prisoners, the peasantry.
Gradually Aleksandr overcomes his revulsion at his situation
and fellow convicts, undergoing a spiritual re-awakening
culminating in his release from the camp.
Dostoyevsky portrays the prison inmates with sympathy for their
plight and admiration for their energy, ingenuity and talent. He
concludes that the prison, with its absurd practices and savage
corporal punishments is a tragedy, both for the prisoners and
for Russia.
Hi Matt
The wonder of an outsider developing sympathy
and admiration for his fellow-convicts and the
marvellous fact of a spiritual awakening gives
me hope for life and makes all forms of suf-
fering seem reasonable and for a greater
As a child I feared all forms of degradation and
deprivation and used to torment myself with
visions of Armageddon and my projected
inability to suffer for my beliefs and con-
victions should torture be forced on me.
Thank you for pointing me towards the kind of
narrative that lifts that kind of sorrow and reveals
hope and release for all of us, if only we are willing
to make the choice for sympathy and admiration.
Your input is very valuable and I cannot thank
you enough!
I read the summary on the site you mentioned:
The narrator, Aleksandr Petrovich Goryanchikov, sentenced
to deportation to Siberia and ten years of hard labour. Life in
prison is hard for Aleksandr since he is a gentleman suffering
the malice of the other prisoners, the peasantry.
Gradually Aleksandr overcomes his revulsion at his situation
and fellow convicts, undergoing a spiritual re-awakening
culminating in his release from the camp.
Dostoyevsky portrays the prison inmates with sympathy for their
plight and admiration for their energy, ingenuity and talent. He
concludes that the prison, with its absurd practices and savage
corporal punishments is a tragedy, both for the prisoners and
for Russia.
Fascinating Economics
Hi Matt, I read the article at:
The fascination of your summary was the only
enjoyable aspect to my crocodile mind which
finds Economics a very boring subject.
“…the metaphysical picture he weaves of knowledge
moving through society is really fascinating, we're
all doing our own thing and creating this vast
network through which we support one
another, incredibly fascinating.”
We are all doing our own thing, happily defrauding
each other in joyous imitation of governments and
large businesses, ethics and morality subject to
expediency and self-service, egotism and self-
interest, the government playing a ubiquitous
role in defrauding its citizens.
I love the reciprocal dishonesty and criminality, as
long as everybody does it to one another, it is fair
play and rational self-interest means doing it in such
a way that the game is prolonged as long as possible.
The victorious group destroys itself and is replaced
by another who destroys itself in a circular movement
ad infinitum – the individual simply chooses how to
play, for emotional or spiritual gain, and the game
itself is the greatest fun.
Hi Matt, I read the article at:
The fascination of your summary was the only
enjoyable aspect to my crocodile mind which
finds Economics a very boring subject.
“…the metaphysical picture he weaves of knowledge
moving through society is really fascinating, we're
all doing our own thing and creating this vast
network through which we support one
another, incredibly fascinating.”
We are all doing our own thing, happily defrauding
each other in joyous imitation of governments and
large businesses, ethics and morality subject to
expediency and self-service, egotism and self-
interest, the government playing a ubiquitous
role in defrauding its citizens.
I love the reciprocal dishonesty and criminality, as
long as everybody does it to one another, it is fair
play and rational self-interest means doing it in such
a way that the game is prolonged as long as possible.
The victorious group destroys itself and is replaced
by another who destroys itself in a circular movement
ad infinitum – the individual simply chooses how to
play, for emotional or spiritual gain, and the game
itself is the greatest fun.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Great Mr Innocent X
Still busy translating the letter from the Great
Innocent wrongly incarcerated, delivering a
diatribe against the legal system and its
ramifications, repeating the same
allegations until I feel the kind of
confusion I experienced on
Reading Proust A la Recherche du Temps Perdu
did I feel my little finger twist, or did I not; shaken
up in a feather bed as DH Lawrence mockingly
said; but determinedly, my chin set in a straight
line, I keep reading these repetitive words
watching Vin Diesel
In a car chase on TV helps, Tiaan lounging next to
me, showing me his cryptic MXit messages - one
letter represents a whole word - doggedly I conti-
nue following Mr Innocent X denouncing the legal
system from A to Z, quite surprised by my own
prowess, never thought I would survive
So much self-righteousness, we should let ALL criminals
free on the basis of what he says - though I believe too
many nonsensical laws make criminals of all of us – by
outlawing breathing, needing, breeding, laughing and
dreaming, being, coveting and scheming; the Bible
has already doomed us to hell
The law makes criminals of all of us just for being
human, Mr Innocent protests too much, methinks
since everybody is against him, I recommend he
should accept being evil; I accepted it a long time
ago - the relief is indescribable, accepting the
inevitable, wonderful freedom from
Civilization’s stupidity indicting everyone…
Still busy translating the letter from the Great
Innocent wrongly incarcerated, delivering a
diatribe against the legal system and its
ramifications, repeating the same
allegations until I feel the kind of
confusion I experienced on
Reading Proust A la Recherche du Temps Perdu
did I feel my little finger twist, or did I not; shaken
up in a feather bed as DH Lawrence mockingly
said; but determinedly, my chin set in a straight
line, I keep reading these repetitive words
watching Vin Diesel
In a car chase on TV helps, Tiaan lounging next to
me, showing me his cryptic MXit messages - one
letter represents a whole word - doggedly I conti-
nue following Mr Innocent X denouncing the legal
system from A to Z, quite surprised by my own
prowess, never thought I would survive
So much self-righteousness, we should let ALL criminals
free on the basis of what he says - though I believe too
many nonsensical laws make criminals of all of us – by
outlawing breathing, needing, breeding, laughing and
dreaming, being, coveting and scheming; the Bible
has already doomed us to hell
The law makes criminals of all of us just for being
human, Mr Innocent protests too much, methinks
since everybody is against him, I recommend he
should accept being evil; I accepted it a long time
ago - the relief is indescribable, accepting the
inevitable, wonderful freedom from
Civilization’s stupidity indicting everyone…
Right Now 17:30; Later, 19:00
Flames burning in my face and
balloons blooming in my ears
waves of pain washing over my
head’s shores, not even lovely
music takes the pain away
The chicken so carefully prepared
was too fat - my system, already
suffering this weekend, completely
giving in, I feel such suffocation
can’t move freely, concentrating
On breathing, my forehead growing
heavy, lengthening - changing into
Boris Karloff when pain is paramount
the fire still spreading across my face
I can’t think straight
Can’t organise my thoughts, can’t breathe
the curse of the allergy holding me
in its suffocating grasp...
Later 19:00
Feeling better already, Junior, our Jack Russel,
lying on a chair under a blanket beside me, after
taking medication, everything is getting better,
now the only question worrying me is
What information does non-physical awareness
know about us, if we do certain things, are we
allowed privacy? I like the way Tiffany forbade the
little blue men from accompanying her everywhere
In A Hat Full Of Sky by Terry Pratchett, I am sure
all forms of consciousness understands the needs
of biological life, but I wonder whether my fantasies
are safe, given we cannot do everything
Surely it must be allowed to try them out in the mind
deciding beforehand which things we would like to
realize in our lives and which we would respectfully
leave for others to carry out - with more
Enjoyment and understanding….
Flames burning in my face and
balloons blooming in my ears
waves of pain washing over my
head’s shores, not even lovely
music takes the pain away
The chicken so carefully prepared
was too fat - my system, already
suffering this weekend, completely
giving in, I feel such suffocation
can’t move freely, concentrating
On breathing, my forehead growing
heavy, lengthening - changing into
Boris Karloff when pain is paramount
the fire still spreading across my face
I can’t think straight
Can’t organise my thoughts, can’t breathe
the curse of the allergy holding me
in its suffocating grasp...
Later 19:00
Feeling better already, Junior, our Jack Russel,
lying on a chair under a blanket beside me, after
taking medication, everything is getting better,
now the only question worrying me is
What information does non-physical awareness
know about us, if we do certain things, are we
allowed privacy? I like the way Tiffany forbade the
little blue men from accompanying her everywhere
In A Hat Full Of Sky by Terry Pratchett, I am sure
all forms of consciousness understands the needs
of biological life, but I wonder whether my fantasies
are safe, given we cannot do everything
Surely it must be allowed to try them out in the mind
deciding beforehand which things we would like to
realize in our lives and which we would respectfully
leave for others to carry out - with more
Enjoyment and understanding….
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