Carine came to visit, her friend Nico bravely wading his way through
‘Slave Species of god’ by Michael Tellinger, terrorising his parents,
grandfather and his friends with the extracts from Zecharia Sitchin
and new discoveries of DNA
Good, old-fashioned Calvinists shocked by allegations against the
jealous god of the Old Testament, Tellinger’s plea to return to the
amoral behaviour of planet Niburu’s aliens, Nico struck by dogmatic
approach, instead of asking whether it could possibly have value
Tellinger insists his claims are absolutely true, like politicians
long ago stating ‘I want to state categorically’ then say something
idiotic like ‘Bible claims all races must be separate’ – based on
ONE verse ‘A leopard never changes its spots’
It taught me never to believe church dogma as it was political
expediency and self-interest, dangerous by posing as godly
dictum – while being merely a human maxim…
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