Lost ability to force myself to go on
must edit and check my own boring
translations of nonsensical letters by
more critical members of public, when
I start, I get a psychosomatic headache
I can only fight when a life is at stake or
some serious life-threatening issue
enters the debate
Have an even worse letter by a criminal
to translate and boring Job Descriptions
to work through, please send a pep talk
or any unsettling nerve-wrecking thing to
force me into a more definite administrative
mental state – anything that scares the
daylights out of me works like a charm
then I feel safe in boredom
The poppies on my computer are aglow with
life, the Silver Rose next to the autumn leaves
a tribute to all fairy ideas - but a reality of
boring documents faced without a surplus of
adrenaline devoid of any motivation or real
inspiration, re-reading my own work – I cannot
face it in my mental state, I must send my
mind into a different realm to function again
-Now, now - no sister of mine would let such trite
-garbage wash all over her! All you need do is
-consider the work you have to redo was originally
-done by someone obviously frivolous and unknown
-then you'll see the humour and correct all the bits
-you know how - I'm about to attempt cooking tea
-with two pork chops as starting point and no ideas
-at all - and you think YOU have a motivation
- problem!
This is very true, of course, the ME who did the
work originally should be described as frivolous
and given my current state of mind, SHE is an
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