Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bizarre Tales (Rev.)

Three pairs of socks, Linah adds more,
clothes spread everywhere, I can‘t take
something that’s too tight, it means no
jeans, no short tops, I am confused with
what to take and leave, in the end I take
everything, my hot water bottle, pillow
and most important swimsuit and shorts,
there is a warm water pool, I want to
relax and reflect upon Hamlet’s Mill

Disappointed with myself discovering myths
of gods and men do not enchant at all, seem
pointless, reveal nothing about the creators
except their complete immorality – it is
clear those weird tales are actually ways to
explain precession of the equinoxes
all detail contained

I no longer feel ashamed of my youthful
inability to appreciate bizarre tales,
as symbols and similes they are superb
as allegories ideal!

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