Sing me a song on the precession of the
equinoxes, sing me a song that will lift my
heart above the here and now and give me
hope for a revival of hope and belief, sing
me a song about the sun’s ancient meaning
to kindle the fire of passion in my mind:
‘Myths tell about stars and planets, the sky
above, true observations by ancient peoples,
says De Santillana, myths commemorate
complex cosmological facts – the modern
idea of linear time as an arrow flying for
a duration in a certain direction, differs
from ancient concepts of cyclic time
The ancients conceived time repeats itself –
like a rotating wheel returning to a starting
point in daily cycles, rising sun moving
through sky, setting, starting again,
the changing of seasons, the
planets, moon and stars
moving about
The cycle of life repeating itself
governed by time cycles, the longer
cycles governing shorter ones - therefore
the equinoxes determine when seasons will
come while the seasons determine what
the days will be like
Cycles govern all aspects of
life, precession of the equinoxes
as the longest cycle of 26,000 years
governs all other cycles, the driving
force behind all aspects of life
determines the fate of men’
I LOVE these theories inspiring authors like
Zecheria Sitchen to interpret the meaning of
ancient myths, concluding modern astronomy
is recapturing ancient knowledge; what a thrill
to delight in ancient times being victorious
over the limitations of modern theories!
Summary of information found at:
Hamlet’s Mill • Believe All Things
"Hamlet's Mill"
An essay on myth and the frame of time
David R. Godine . Publisher. Boston. 1977
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