among Jacaranda trees, green canopies caress
the sun with more divinity than mere words
embrace – it makes my heart swell in music ‘til
lighter than air I float off on the breeze
Luckily we are government officials anchored to
chairs facing a grindstone patiently; at least my
brave Calvinist colleagues are the most upstanding
people I have ever met and cannot be deterred by
anything as fractious as sheer beauty;
Hanlie spreading good humour & delight wherever
she is; Hermien’s unselfconscious efficiency graced
with the calm of a state secretary; June brisk, tone
always crisp, laughter infectious, smile as precious
as jewels hidden deep in the earth,
And the boss Madame La Pompadour is an exact
replica of ‘Madame Olympia’, staying home under
various pretexts so as to not sully her soul by noise
of the open-plan office, and me growing more like
Madame Medusa in ‘The Rescuers’
Driving is my favourite activity, trying to beat every
other robot, succeeding mostly; slow lane overtaking
when the fast crawls at a snail’s pace, enjoying the
exhilaration of evading other motorists, my liberties
sometimes earn aggressive gestures
I merely respond with a smile, blissfully threatening
pedestrians with amazing goodwill while continuing
this enticing technological dance, my mind delighting
in nirvana of a Zen-like trance…
Sitting quietly while awareness of beauty grows strong
among the luxuriant green canopies of Jacaranda trees,
the caressing sunshine more divine than mere words can
explain, music making my heart swell until I am lighter
than air and float off on the breeze
Luckily as government officials we are firmly anchored
to our chairs, facing the grindstone patiently - at least
my brave Calvinist colleagues - the most upstanding
people I have ever met - cannot be deterred by any-
thing; Hanlie spreading good humour and delight
Wherever she is, Hermien in unselfconscious efficiency
organising church activities and three sons with the calm
of a state secretary; June brisk, her tone always crisp, her
laughter infectious, her smile as precious as jewels hidden
deep in the earth, while the boss Madame La Pompadour
Is turning into an exact replica of the ‘Madame Olympia’ in
my favourite story*, staying home under various pretexts so
as not to sully her soul by the noise of the open-plan office,
as for me: I am growing more like Madame Medusa* in the
film ‘The Rescuers’ all the time

Driving becoming my favourite activity, trying to beat every
robot, mostly succeeding; overtaking via the slow lane when
the fast lane moves at snail’s pace, enjoying the exhilaration
of evading other motorists, though my taking liberties some-
times leads to aggressive gestures
I just reply with a smile, blissfully threatening pedestrians with
amazing goodwill while continuing this enticing technological
dance, my mind delighting in the nirvana of a Zen-like trance…

favourite story*: "Which Witch" Eva Ibbotson - Madame Olympia
Madame Medusa*: "The Rescuers" Margery Sharp - Walt Disney

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