Sunday, September 6, 2015

Reinforcing [Rev]

I’ll try at least 5 minutes a day Kehoe affirmations,
my self-image is too fragile & needs straightening,
but when I start positive-assertive line repetitions -
“I’m fine, good-looking with lots of friends (ha!) the
right place at the right time” I feel foolish - a glance
in the mirror confirms this: pink socks with pink flip-
flops, brown leg warmers and grey running shorts

A mauve rose petal top and ice-pink scarf, awful yet
comfortable; my mindless work, washing dishes &
cleaning is the height of my achievement, earlier this
morning my beloved accused me of attempting to kill
him, entering the room with cheerful speed - nearly cut
off his feet as he left the bathroom: as he’d designed
a small bedroom, I must apply make-up in the sitting

Room - the faults his design, not my joie-de-vivre, I
need open doors slowly to prevent my decapitating
the hapless man; I mutely withdraw, watch dinosaurs
resurrected on TV, & fall asleep - not up to learning
anything: I’ll need work hard on positive self-assertive
affirmations, especially when thinking of my August
office production sheet still to be done, it’s a game

Of procrastination predicated on the principle that a
tornado or tsunami may destroy everything before any
administration’s necessary - though it’s never happened
here; the story’s moral is my self-image needs a lot of
affirmations for reinforcing…

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