Friday, September 11, 2015

Listened Enraptured (Rev.)

In my text tables on 40 pages - 40 sheets of joy,
is a tale to be saved ‘ere lost with the document:
cultivars scientific names; the matriarch named
Matricaria Chamomilla so disliked meddlesome
Melissa Officinalis; as story’s blurb let’s just add
this - who’s mysterious Ocimum Basilicum and
where does pent-up adolescent Pentas Lanceolata,
a very chivalrous young man reminding of Sir
Lancelot of the Round Table, come into this?

The eldest son was Ditylenchus Dipsaci - dipping
too often in wine, an ingénue Viola Wittrockiana
and her worldy-wise friend Zinnia Elegans, were
friends of the stepbrother Callistephus Chinensis
who loved talking nonsense; the French Foreign
League got involved as soon as darling General
Plectranthus Scutellarioides appeared, he was
secretly in love with Celosia Plumosa who had
given her heart to an opera singer, Mr Phalaris
Canariensis - they had a daughter Dianthus

Who took her cat Cucurbita Pepo everywhere
she went and the witch Gomphrena Globosa
grumbled all day long as she wanted the cat
for her Familiar, but grandmother Limonium
Latifolium protected Dianthus & her cat from
beyond the grave; practical Dianthus disliked
Lycopersicon Solanum who recited his own
love poems for her – luckily her best friend
Alysson Maritimum was infatuated with the
poetaster & listened enraptured as he

Recited - with many a sigh escaping his
breast: Cultivo, cultivo viveiro, submetido
dedicação produção, inspeção durante
periodo da lua; o amor no meu coração –
Dianthus ran away while happy Alysson
basked in the young Lothario’s terms of
endearment - & with this story done I can
start to edit my document…

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