Sacrificing something special for a higher ideal, showing
compassion where it has not been earned, saving a life
from a burning inn at the cost of one’s own right to live
Since I prefer crying long before something bad happens
I choose to give up what I covet immediately, crying in the
pain of heart-wrenching sacrifice, knowing that later
The joy of the objective for which I have suffered will take
away my tears and heartache, even while giving up and
watching myself having the experience, I already feel
The promise of future joy deep in my being, the comfort of
knowing that I will not reproach myself for throwing away
long-term advantage for the brief spark of short-term fun
That will leave a bad taste in the mouth and memories that
sting and burn, though I very often fall victim to self-pity, the
reassuring knowledge of long-term objectives keeps me safe
From total despair, sparkling humour revealing pretensions
always comes to my aid, and after laughing and singing a
favourite song and dancing with my imaginary partners
I feel warm and vibrant inside, ready to create a new dream
so as to help reality expand through the constructive use
of fantasy, contributing colourful visions….
Reflections based on events described in:
1. Reaper Man – Terry Pratchett – Victor Gollancz, 1991
2. Phantom of the Opera – Andrew Lloyd Webber
[Unfortunately this only applies to important decisions
while giving in to all small temptations, when there is a
choice between fasting and eating, I overeat; domestic
chores and swimming, swimming always wins; admini-
stration and translation and reading a book and writing
prosody, I always choose reading and writing; keeping
quiet and making a noise, I sing at the top of my voice,
when hubby says nobody uses cue words I pick up
more cue words than before…]
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