Watching Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Phantom
DVD while keeping Terry Pratchett’s Maskerade
by my side, while the movie presents youth and
beauty, and accidentally, a cute little voice, Terry
Pratchett is poking fun at current society’s fixation
on presentation, when Christine looks THIS good
she must have the role, she shines with innocence
and beauty, any one else with a better voice is side-
lined, you can teach Christine to make a voice, but
you cannot teach a bad-featured soprano to entice
the audience with her looks, I am laughing
The Opera Ghost chose Christine because she looks
pretty and delightful while the real sopranos remind
him of the Valkyries - when listening to Dame Jane
Sutherland I know what he means, their jaw-line so
square and strong, pretty little Christine with a small,
enchanting voice is so much easier on the eye, though
Gerhard Butler has not been taught to sing, he sounds
so deliciously dangerous, and that’s all we want, who
cares about sound in this day and age? Pratchett’s
book puts it all into perspective, and I am laughing
with him, I love his humour and his revealing
The silly pretensions of the current age which subsumes
everything to looks and feeling while eschewing real talent
unless it can be exploited in the most sentimental way, and
why not indeed, it is only money that counts while you are
alive; the fact that Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley were
deeply depressed and unhappy may not be taken into
account when inspiring our youth with new ideals, but
I am old-fashioned and rather live on my own planet
I have my own ideas and I follow them quietly, even
though I cry real tears for the hurt when crashing
against other people’s materialistic reality
It does not matter, I have my eye on the eternity of
never-ending infinity and I shall keep them glued
to my dreams, even when my world threatens to
Willem approves of my speeding, even when Mme La
Pompadour does not, apparently his mother speeds
also; when I went to the shops I tried to convince
everyone to start reading Terry Pratchett, citing
Johnny and the Bomb to work up to Maskerade
in the end; loud and noisy I have decided to stop
taking the new pill that leaves me feeling down
and depressed; I would rather die of allergy
sinus than feel so remote from all I love, I
tried to convince Tiaan that German is more
soothing on the ear than the explosive sounds
of French, German lets you sleep with a schwiss-
sound while French keep you awake with
explosives Q - P - T - K and
everything else...
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