I love so many things, the sun, the sea
James Bond movies with Sean Connery
lovely music, stories, legends, fairy tales
dreams of mermaids who refuse to plunge
a knife into the prince they love to save their
own lives, visions of the alternative universes
of quantum physics, flowers, books
Sweet concoctions, babies, words that come alive
and sing and jump; though I know that neither the
sun, nor the sea, nor James Bond will talk to me in
words, I enjoy the shine of their wonderful presence
love singing and talking to them, sharing my secrets
with them, knowing that everything on earth, even the
earth itself, has awareness, therefore
The love I beam to them is accepted and reflected
back to me, magnified a hundred-thousand times
and that is magical and enchanting, captivating
my mind, my heart, my whole being!
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