In self-defense I countered Toy Lady ideas of eight-year-
olds caught in the clutches of people threatening to kill
her whole family unless she goes off with them to be
their living Doll, apparently powerless
By reading Equal Rites where I am safe in the comfort
and independent ideas of Granny Weatherwax borrowing
animal bodies, allowing a young girl to do the same until
the silver threads of her mind
Were intertwined with the deep purple of an eagle’s, the
young girl learnt form is like a jelly mould changing its
contents, when she took over the eagle she lost her own
memory bank, forgot her name
Granny Weatherwax unraveled the silver strands from the
eagle’s sharp purple and the girl got herself back, Granny
would have helped this Toy Lady to separate from her
persecutors and all who used her
She would have taken her power back as soon as she lost
it instead of getting caught in a web of drugs, invaded by
the hive-mind of human traffickers swarming all over her -
unless she had chosen her fate
Even before she was born as confirmed by spiritualists,
the young girl Granny helped was destined to be inde-
pendent and had a magic wizard’s staff to bring her
back – what did the Toy Lady have?
Confused, I must turn my back on the riddle she presents
and serve the righteous One-Eyed Troll Interpol to seek,
find and annihilate the criminal hive-mind of human
traffickers swarming all over the land…
[Based on "Equal Rites" by Terry Pratchett and the
confessions of a modern human slave who escaped
and diagnosed with cancer, is writing a play on
her slave-serving days…]

Comment from BOY WILLIE 6014 YC (Year since Creation - 4004 BC) GRANNY WEATHERWAX is a GEM always there for the underdog and downtrodden. TOY LADY is a menace and never satisfied until everyone is in her Doll Museum. The EAGLE (Power) is a key Bird as is the OWL (Wisdom) the megabird is the EAGLEOWL who appears in an unpublished Fantsy Book GOOMKRUG and the BODDLEWIGGERS written by a friend of mine GRIS TAPPINMAN. UNCONDITIONAL INDEPENDANCE is a rare characteristic. The Righteous OET* Interpol is a powerful force and will succeed.
*OET = O - E E - - - D T - - - L Because I and a card holding SCHNIGMORPH I am not allowed to write or utter what OET satnds for (you know).
LOVE and lots and lots of WOGNUPS and a HOGGY
ALICE - GRANNY WEATHERWAX is a GEM and will always come to the aid of the entrapped. Especially those who have been lured into the DOLL MUSEUM by the TOY LADY. The EAGLE (Power) is important in FANTSY as is the OWL (Wisdom). The megabird is the EAGLE OWL who embodies both qualities. Independence is a rare characteristic in a HUMAN. The Righteous OET Interpol can and will sort thing out. Will report back - take care BOY WILLIE X @ X @ X @
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