Electronic filing of documents - warmth of
accomplishment, realisation that administration
was placed on earth to make us feel very happy
with very little, lectures on Human Resource
Development a creative way to waste time
How lucky to be kept busy this way, ensconced
in an office, stirring up problems, flabbergasted
by the likes of Madame Pompadour choosing
backache as new excuse for staying at home,
I prefer being here
Happy to be temporarily convinced I do exist, even
if the flow of time obliterates all memory of what it
feels like to be me, fascinated by the Wonderland
of a Government Ministry where buses are sent
to take us on outings
Corporate Boot Camp – shooting each other - and
Lawn Games – croquet anyone – are envisaged,
I can’t wait to be amazed, to be thrilled by the
clever wiles and delights of the Corporate
World waiting to ensnare the souls
Of the damned – that’s us, innocent officials sent
on an outing to breathe fresh air and practice
skills of public speaking, must pack my bags
as soon as I get home

First picture: Bootcamp - Himalajas Tibet
Second picture: Lawn games - Croquet
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