Praised for single-minded devotion to duty only,
my lines subjected to minute scrutiny as I lack
the tools to reproduce literally; rephrasing to
create fluent, mellifluous texts is wrong
We are employed to be a conduit faithfully re-
laying source texts through mindless copy-
ing which causes my brain to shut down
so my boss thinks me incompetent
Unable to deal with the soothing repetition most
people deem a real treat, I’m learning to accept
being the worst official in history, not given any
responsibility, only checked and monitored
Lost access to my inner being while ignoring
enchantment of words dancing in rhythmic
lines, I have to create a sacred space where
sound can be freed to reign supreme
Where the rhythm of lilting vowels formed into
notes with various beats by rushing, explosive
consonants, creates melodies rising and
falling in thrusting lines
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