Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Air Fizzles

Oh joy, rejoice, oh sing my soul, tomorrow
a French class with Marali in charge, her
personality bright, she shines like a star
her enthusiasm for life infectious, she is
the essence of inspiration and conveys a
sense of wonder about the language she
teaches, the air fizzles while she is around
her excitement knows no bounds – firing
my imagination and leaving enough space
in which I can wonder and enjoy- I might
be slow in class, talking with difficulty

Drilling in basic grammar and analysing
language structure, I hope we shall follow
the rhythm of the language as it rises and
falls, the melody therein, every sentence
ending on a rising curve, indicative of the
questioning French soul, the deep mistrust
of benevolence infecting the typical French
mood setting the tone for their complaints

Oh joyous life, I am so glad that something
good is coming my way!

Marali Burger at DIRCO

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