Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Auric School

 Oh dear, it is as I feared, I scanned Aura Energy, feeling no synergy
with the well-meaning author as he orated on the magnificence of the
aura’s appearance, colours connected to numerology, there he lost
me totally, writing of tentacles and auric vampirism
He explained how to fix the aura in order to cleanse the emotional system,
but I shook my head, if emotional states cause the aura to fracture, dis-
colour and become nebulous or change from iridescent to dark grey, I would
prefer to work on the mental aspect instead of approaching trees
And using the moon and stars’ influence to release their magic on the broken
aura, crystal-waving like pendulums seems to be too bohemian, if I could have
invested these procedures with hope and belief, they would probably work
for me also – but starting by trying to visualise the aura is too much
Using physical sensors meant to perceive the material world to focus on
an immaterial entity like the aura simply makes no sense to me, I’m glad
Joe Slate and his acolytes are successful in repairing auras no-one but
they can see - and thus heal people from suffering
But I’m doomed to invest my belief in systems I have visualised as a child
and proved successful after concentration on the imagery – anything would
do and if I had been brought up in the auric school, I probably would have
had success in using this to change reality, now too late to change my fate…

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