Monday, November 24, 2014

Operation Moonboot Starts Again [REV.]

This fashionable moonboot & I may part company
as soon as tomorrow; it’ll be determined whether
ligaments are healed enough to allow me to sleep
without it - putting an end to the fight every night

with my left foot to position moonboot on top of the
duvet, under the duvet, getting caught in the sheet,
pillows under, around and next to my leg to support
the heavy hard-duty moonboot-foot

pressure too much - easing the Velcro; conscience
then intervenes and I duly tighten again, the sole of
my foot burning uncomfortably, I open the front part
of the shoe but keep my heel digging into the sole

until it is uncomfortable too, in two desperate hours
struggle I’m perspiring profusely & my moonboot
relationship turns sour verging on bitter divorce -
but I get up again, tie a handkerchief over the front

of my foot to cover sore, broken skin, pull on my
sock, falling asleep from sheer exhaustion until my
beloved slides clinging like an octopus into bed,
waking me, so - operation moonboot starts again…

[25 November 2014]

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