Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Multiverse Splits [REV.]

Dr Rips, Hebrew University Professor of Mathematics
claiming serious scientific Bible Codes research, says
Michael Drosnin's predictions are not valid - since the
practice making predictions on Torah codes is futile

And thus concurs every scientist, their only conclusion
is Torah codes exist beyond mere coincidence - I am
content with scientists tip-toeing over ideas like this as
futures can’t be predicted - only travellers in relative

Einstein-time can relay what has been from futures
where they looked back on finished events, then what
they say is mere probability - the trousers of time may
split, continue in a different time-line than was seen

By time-travellers; they might have seen another universe
where George Orwell’s 1984 had been realised - the Bible
Codes have one wonderful meaning for me: Proof that an
intelligence existing outside earth’s time-line did appear

To construct computer codes in a long-ago time-line before
modern technology and quantum interpretation, therefore
Bible codes confirm time is relative and our consciousness
is not confined in space-time, being free to roam anywhere

In a multiverse of infinite probabilities; as long as we dream
of wonderful new things, we shall create the best time-line
each time when the multiverse splits…

[19 November 2014]

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