the new documents are trustworthy
just after determining every well-known
document of before are all concoctions
to enslave mankind into obedience to
power structures, the newly arrived
“ancient documents” are possibly also
the product of a power mentality, con-
cocted to enslave the people in Tibet
and India, all the arguments you level
against current knowledge apply to the
ancient knowledge that were “suppressed”
you say – the new discoveries could be
the result of suppressive schemes dreamt
up by ancient scribes and priests –
NOTHING is worthy of trust, EVERYTHING
being a conspiracy, we are only left with
common sense and rationality, I think it
will serve me very well, thank you very much…
www.tsl.org/Masters/jesus/jesus01.htm - Cached
How can this strange little man possibly know whether
Jesus Christ ever set foot in India? ... this Buddhist
acted like he knew Jesus. ...
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