come and go in a heady ebb and flow
of chemical stimulation through sensory
observation, touch and sound, thus they
are the most unstable foundation for
enduring love relations
Long-standing relationships are built on
friendship, sharing the same world-view,
values, principles; in short, your thoughts;
when the surge of adrenaline, caused by a
stranger’s mystery, is over, when his snoring
and your own boring conversation
Start eroding your romantic feelings, the
partnership continues if based on loyalty and
devotion to a shared cause; should you base
your life on romantic love, you’d have to change
partners every three months, youngsters
could experiment to see
Whether this lifestyle suits them, they might be
compatible with a one-night-stand lifestyle, it
could keep romance alive indefinitely; until
they’re ill, that is, then they’ll need a loyal
mate; but illness being unromantic
they’ll be on their own…
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