cut it open at the armholes, looked like a
bag lady, a perfect example of Mrs Tachyon*,
went off to a local shop, bought a big blue
T-shirt in which to hide myself, marched off
to the library to return my books, taxi’s hooting,
at the last robot all pedestrians are herded into
the waiting taxis
When waiting for my lift after work, I have to
fight off taximen insisting I get in with them,
they are paid according to numbers, one has
to run to be free of them, but it feels so nice
hearing all these sounds, like one big Sunday
school picnic, I marched back without being
sidetracked by the myriad taxis, can’t wait to
run off this afternoon and dodge taxis
Waiting to fill up with every innocent bystander…
* A Character in Terry Pratchett, “Johnny and the Bomb”

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