Hi Matt, Our eyes confer meaning, the meaning we
think we see is actually the meaning we give to things.
Everything can appear banal - or enchanting - depending
on our point of view. Once I discovered that my dad
walked around like a little boy, in wonderment and
awe of this big, beautiful world, still buying train sets
and toys and still in love with sunsets, babies and all
things of natural wood, I realized HE has this source
of magic in him, and I wanted to emulate him.
Everything appears differently to each individual,
the world reflects our own face back at us. YOU
are the source of the feelings evoked by what you
see and only you can look with wondering eyes.
Thank you for comments that make me stop
and think!
[I agree, there are always compensations. I shouldn't
admit this, but I liked Japan better before I could
read the advertisements on the trains. After I
learned to read them, I realized they were quite
banal. Nevertheless, even among things banal
there's a thread of something ... I really don't
know. We must keep searching. That's the key,
I suppose. Thank you for putting up
with my comments!]
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