the only truth necessary to
function in Life.”
I assume everything is potentially true
we create truth by realizing a possibility
by taking potential and fulfilling it
through dedication.
I believe all truth is self-created, that is
why it is imperfect, open to use and abuse
and we are free to improve upon it
indefinitely, eternally and infinitely.
Reality is an illusion created through inter-
subjective consensus - only human consensus
determines what we call “truth”.
We are free to assign meaning to life, decide
what that meaning should be, or leave life
without meaning – a question of choice.
Life is as neutral as any object in life, a knife,
a pen, a gun, a theory; we are free to assign
meaning and use it to benefit or harm life.
Nothing, not even reality or the universe, comes
pre-packaged with meaning, we decide what
meaning to assign to it.
The origin of all beauty is in YOU, in your MIND
whoever has a different opinion cannot be
convinced by any argument of objective
reality or the ontological status of
assumptions, that you are more
right than they are.
I appreciate a beautiful viewpoint and make the
harmonious, loving aspects true in my life, simply
because I am attracted by personality and taste
to it, not because it is ontologically more true than
negative, cynical, despondent, material, religious
or spiritual viewpoints.
The only criterion the individual uses to determine
truth for her/himself is utility – what they can do
with the truth, and pragmatic considerations,
how much easier or happier or better
application of the truth
makes their lives.
I find applying a loving viewpoint works beautifully
makes me happy and brings success, therefore
I agree with a spiritual philosophy and
structure my life along these lines.
But I know this philosophy is ontologically not more
justified or more true than any other –
NOTHING can provide proof
of that nature.