giving birth to scientific progress and innovation
I adore learning more about visions, such as
Descriptions of earth-shaking events encoded
in the first five books of the Bible - the codes*
inspire my imagination to investigate
All speculation offered by quantum physics on
consciousness and awareness and sub-atomic
particles in communication
Experiments indicate our human minds,
functioning like laser beams, constitute
our holographic universe from vibrations
These ideas provide perfect explanations for the
Bible Code phenomenon, observation creates
and changes what is observed
Therefore the human mind is free to create a Bible
Code also, these theories are exciting and extends
the range of my dreams
Enlarging the range of awareness unto infinity, M Scott
Peck describes the mind as a permeable membrane*
penetrated by Karl Jung’s collective unconscious
I rejoice in this enhancement of immaterial existence
forever invisible to the five senses, leaving space for
ALL probabilities
As long as we are free to study all theories and
respect contrary viewpoints, we can all enjoy
a magical existence of
Infinite visions and dreams…
*Jeffrey Satinover “Cracking the Bible Code”
*M Scott Peck “The Road Less Travelled”
*M Scott Peck “The Road Less Travelled”
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