she does not know what it entails, offered to
be Alice taking her on a journey to Quantum
Wonderland if she would jump down a Black
Hole with me, entering George Gamow’s
Tompkinsonian Universe to dance
with the Wu Li Masters…
The study of the behavior of matter and energy at the
molecular, atomic, nuclear, and smaller microscopic levels.
In the early 20th century, it was discovered that the laws
governing macroscopic objects do not function the same
in such small realms.
AFRIKAANS: Die studie van die kleinste moontlike
eenhede waarin die sintuiglik-waarneembare wêreld
afgebreek kan word.
What Does QUANTUM Mean:
Latin for "how much" - the discrete units of matter and
energy PREDICTED by and OBSERVED in quantum
physics, even space and time, seemingly continuous,
have smallest possible values.
AFRIKAANS: “Hoeveelheid” - die kleinste moontlike waarde
van vastestof en energie wat deur kwantum fisika VOORSPEL
en WAARGENEEM word, selfs tyd en ruimte, skynbaar
aaneenlopend, het kleinste moontlike waardes.
“Dancing Wu Li Masters”
Gary Zukav’s humorous masterpiece, The Dancing Wu Li
Masters, is an acclaimed introduction to quantum physics.
Scientific American: “Zukav is a skilled expositor, any layman
would find his book enjoyable and informative.” The doors to
the fascinating, dazzling, remarkable world of quantum physics
are opened, no previous mathematical or technical expertise
required, a combination of depth, clarity and humor.
"Wu Li" is the Chinese phrase for physics "patterns of organic
energy" and "enlightenment" framing Zukav's exploration of
quantum mechanics and relativity theory.
The Dancing Wu Li Masters illuminates the powers
at the core of all we know.
1. George Gamow, John Hookham (Illustrator) “Mr Tompkins
in Wonderland” The Macmillan Company, 1946
2. Gary Zukav, “Dancing Wu Li Masters - An Overview of the
New Physics” Harper Collins e-books 6 October 2009
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