Ek moet bepaal, liewe Alice, dreun die Rusper,
is jou gesindheid amikaal teenoor die Groot
Kokkedore wat jou Prestasie Aanslag moet
evalueer en assesseer
Nee, U Hoogedele, antwoord Alice beskaamd,
my gesindheid is hoogs aangeklee in ‘n wye
pienk kaftan, so vreeslik groot die Sultan
het my uit sy paleis verban
Ek verwys in allegoriese taal na jou houding
jonge dame, wys die Rusper haar tereg, nie
na jou gewaad al dan nie; Alice maak terstond
‘n elegante kniebuiging om haar houding te wys
Ek is altyd besig om op my maag te seil in
deemoedige nederigheid, Wel-Edele Heer,
antwoord Alice dadelik, ek wandel rond met
my kop omlaag en lofliedere in my hart
Jy sit die pot mis, my liewe kind, probeer die
Rusper haar stortvloed woorde keer, ons be-
spreek jou agting vir die gesag van jou meer-
deres, die respek waarmee jy hul bejeën
Ek bejeën almal met onderdanige agting en
minsaamheid, U Allerhoogstigheid, antwoord
Alice weereens, as die plaaslike Harlekyn wat
versigtig trap en fyn humor waardeer
Probeer ek ‘n ieder en ‘n elk met frivoliteit vermaak,
ek gebruik ook die kuns van frenologie om hul toe-
geneentheid tot die bepaling van hul geseëndheid
uit te klaar en somtyds gaan dit swaar…
Dis sowaar bitter swaar om met jou te kommunikeer,
moet die Rusper konkludeer…
A free translation trying to convey the spirit of
the poem, and not the literal meaning of every word:
Onderdanige Agting en Minsaamheid =
Subservient Deference and Kindness
I must determine, my dear Alice, droned the
caterpillar, whether you have an amicable
attitude towards the Higher Eschelons who
evaluate your Performance Assessment
No, Your Highness, Alice answered ashamed,
my attitude is very much clothed in a wide pink
cardigan, so very big, the grand Sultan exiled
me from his court
I am referring allegorically to your mind-set,
young lady, the caterpillar corrected her, not
your clothing in any respect, Alice immediately
curtseyed elegantly to show her mind-set
I am always leopard-crawling in humble humility,
Your Excellency, Alice replied promptly, I wander
about with my head held low and songs of praise
in my heart
You are missing the point, my dear child, the
Caterpillar tried to interpose, we are discussing
your deference for the authority of your superiors
the respect your show them
I regard everybody with subservient deference and
kindness, Your Highestness, Alice replied again, as
the local harlequin who treads carefully and
appreciates nuanced humour
I try to entertain all with frivolity and use the art of
phrenology to determine their willingness to assess
the degree of their state of blessedness and sometimes
it is very difficult indeed
It is really very difficult indeed to communicate with you,
my dear, the caterpillar is forced to conclude….
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