Read Horror High, Killer Instinct, on the bus –
every prejudice linked to teenage years, young
people forced to experience their own characters
revealed; arrived at the hotel, corporate bootcamp
blindfold driving of a quadbike, most enjoyable, wish
I could do it again!
First night’s dinner spent with Vivid Verse, ‘I Like Mice’
and ‘Hans’ Old Mill’ Five Eyes, all looked for poems
remembered from early youth, back in my room I
read Ordeal by Innocence - Agatha Christie - a
Dr Calgary expecting to bring mixed delight to
the family Argyle revealing son’s innocence
But causing a furore - the real murderer now facing
exposure, too bored to carry on, switched to Tim La
Haye ‘Why You Act The Way You Do’ - four basic
temperaments – bright blue, purple and yellow bags
in my room declare me sanguine, yet shortcomings
in making small talk
Vacillating between highs and lows, denote a melancholic
disposition, my conclusion is every specific situation and
unique context evoke a different aspect of temperament…
The next day listening to speeches lightened by reading
Lyall Watson – Supernature – the heroine Periplaneta
Cockroach enters the scene, coldly beheaded by sur-
gical instrument, a hormone produced in the head of
a legless specimen strapped to her back, carried
through artificial connection to
Her headless legs makes her dance to a circadian
rhythm, castanets clicking, scientific curiosity leads to
a second legless protagonist connected to our heroine also,
the influx of new directions causes deadly confusion, Dame
Periplaneta develops acute stress symptoms, malignant
tumours and dies – what a horrible script
Leading to the conclusion: cockroach circadian rhythm
confusion is a deadly killer – a great suspense mystery
à la Agatha Christie...
Lyall Watson says life’s time-keeping devices rock to an
ancient beat tuned to the rhythmic rotation of our beloved
planet earth while the sun, giant cosmic strobe light, turns
off and on – what an amazing dance this is - light and
dark alternation provides information on the planet’s
axis rotation originating communication
By means of varying amounts of light and dark fluctuating
on a daily basis, all lifeforms conscious of planet’s progress,
life dancing to the rhythm of the symphony of the planets and
stars in the sky - to create gossamer ballets
Last meeting, Pratchett’s Soul Music at the ready, imitating
Death’s granddaughter, vanishing without going anywhere,
reading head held high…
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