symptoms, eyes completely out of focus, neck
muscles tightening then collapsing, sitting here
in sheer torture, no wonder I resonate well with
the suffering of martyrs, no surprise I want to
link it to a more exalted cause
Feeling this bad for something trivial is useless,
given I’m supposed to translate The Troll Inter-
pol’s messages regarding criminals defrauding
each other, killing and maiming one another –
honest men seldom get involved as they have
nothing to begin with -
Cheeks burning, ears aching, brain shrinking in
depression; constructive pain should teach me
never to eat fatty food again - spirituals kindly
declare with ascetic mouths - begging next
to a rice bowl the only future for me; only
rice has a negative effect also
Maybe feeding on yak-butter tea as Tibetan
Monk might have been an option if only
my system could process fatty stuff...

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