Saturday, July 4, 2009

Gargantuan Translation Task

Brought my document home to translate
French sentences - based on Italian syntax
and grammar - into the Queen’s English, but
this brave attempt

To deal with an incomprehensible document
destroyed my Saturday, the enormity of this
gargantuan translation task looming large like
an evil ice-berg

In front of my Titanic desire to get it done
every word has to be researched, progress
is slow, freedom is lost, no sunshine enjoyed
while struggling valiantly

Trying to rid myself of this scourge, this proof
of my incompetence in sticking to one long boring
task, my soul wants to be free, my spirit wants to
dream, my heart wants to

Conjure images of beauty and love – but no, this
document forces me to sit immobile for hours on
end, sighing and wishing for the end of this, our
present universe – so that

A new world can come into being, a world
in which I can be free, a world permeated
by the warm light of a new, joyous

Early 4 July 2009

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