left only holding the lanyard, now have
to pray the security guard is at hand to
open every door for me, must structure
my comings and goings not to cause
too much disturbance
Head of Security said I should buy a new
card at exorbitant cost – not even my fault
the card was lost, the lanyard security pro-
vided failed, luckily today’s security guard
is very friendly, rejoices with me when I
leave the open-plan office prison
Laughing when I beg to be confined in the
salt mine inside, resembling the Black Hole
of Calcutta in my mind, I’m yawning fiercely,
feeling sleepy, the stolen beskuit* I munched
last night causing an LSD-trip, I’m spinning
through infinity…
*Special kind of dough baked and dried;
delicious – allergic me cannot eat it and
remain symptom-free, every now and again
I eat one illegally and suffer the consequences…
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