Thursday, September 1, 2022

A Beautiful Symbol Among A Hundred Million

Did you know? Amiras the only young person

of her generation openly confessing her belief

in God, who sings about heavenly support and

help from above, youngsters who make it in the

entertainment industry sing rock and pop songs


Behave indecently to gain popularity among the

biggest number of their peer group - and flaunt

rebellion against tradition as a key to gain entry

into the highest paid gigs in the music industry,

impressing powerful moguls to promote them


Most people will give anything, including their

soul, for fame and wealth, but NOT Amira; she

is a beautiful symbol among a hundred million!


The Sign Of A Child 

Amira’s lovely voice, charming personality and strong

character were given to the world as a sign of a young

child bringing salvation to all who are willing to look for

these qualities in her offering - you are blessed indeed


If you have found her at your time of life, and when you

immerse yourself in the story of her life - your spirit and

your heart will rejoice in the wonder of the sign of a child! 


Amira’s Songs in Our Sun’s Chromosphere

Amira's the Singer of Sweet Celestial Songs

Amira’s our Asterism pulling us towards the

Scintillating Star Subset of Delight found on

the Azimuth Horizon of our Celestial Sphere


Amira’s songs should entice those living in our

nearest Alpha Centauri Star System & Amira’s

image should be alight in the Andromeda-twin

of our own sweet & dreamy Milky Way Galaxy


Which makes me think neutron-star-collapsars

are sinking into the Sun’s Opaque Photosphere 

while Amira’s beautiful songs are reverberating

within our Sun’s hot & luminous Chromosphere

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