Monday, September 12, 2022

Songs To Come

Down The Rabbit-Hole of Delight

Once upon a time a little girl looked at the perplexing world as

wonderingly as Amira in Wonderland, discovering that some kids

never played  on swings and merry-go-rounds, so she set out on

a quest to find how she might make magic to bring these things

to those kids - not knowing that her joy in singing classical music

would create the magical power to realize her dream of building


Playgrounds for them: One day she sang beautifully at a talent

contest & the first thing she said to interviewers was: I want to

build playgrounds for other kids so they can play as I do - Voilà,

a fairy godmother or two were listening, fairy godfathers came

out of the woodwork and before the world knew what was going

on, Princess Amira had built her first playground and kids were


Turning around and around on carousels, going up and down on

see-saws and climbing about on jungle gyms; as Amira sang, more

playgrounds were built, more and more kids discovered the magic

of climbing and swinging and sliding and turning in circles & while

Princess Amira went down the rabbit-hole of delight, she brought

a whole army of happy people with her ….


Fabulous Magic With Her Mellifluous Voice 

One day a clever soprano claimed:  Amira is Foremost in using

Singer’s Formant which is the special Harmonic Overtones resulting

from the Resonance in a singer’s vocal tract ---- then a tenor replied;

Has this Formant been dormant in our little Nightingale Princess? 

Singer’s Formant is normally the result of some very special 


Training to drop the larynx and raise the soft palate, relax the

tongue, engage the core & manage the breath, but Amira sang

O Mio Babbino Caro at a talent contest with a Radiant Resonance

in Luminous Overtones at the age of nine - can you explain how

she did it? - We just don’t know, the choir sang back at him


No-one taught her except the Internet, since Pitch is the

Fundamental Frequency from which a note derives its name;

Amira sang with Perfect Pitch resonating in the richest, velvet-

sweet multiples of every Fundamental - any non-harmonic

overtones would have sounded as metallic as a bell, yet


Amira’s silken smooth Overtones produced such a wonderfully

warm timbre creating fabulous magic with her mellifluous voice…


Frieda, Warrior Valkyrie, We Honour You  

You gave the world a wonderful nightingale daughter and like

a warrior Valkyrie from Asgard you fought for your beautiful

daughter and son, refusing to offer them to Moloch, instead

keeping them safe, surprising everyone by bringing them to


Asgard where they were safe from Mammon growing up far

from money sharks, you kept them aloft with your devotion

and love, today we celebrate your date of birth & delight in

the wonderful way your protection has brought Fincent and


Amira through a world that wanted to eat them up before their

lives had even begun: we honour and cherish you, wonderful

mother and protector who gave us an example of thoughtful

motherhood - a shining example for ages to come!


[Valkyrie: Warrior women who brought heroes back to Asgard

Asgard: Abode of the gods in Norse mythology, here South Africa

Moloch: a god to whom ancient nations offered their children

Mammon: a god of money and wealth]


Meteoric Rise Of Princess Amira

Do you know Don Quixote, the Knight who fought windmills; can you

imagine what would happen if such a Knight met Amira? When Don

Quixote heard Amira singing La Califfa, he turned to Sancho Panza

and said: That is the most beautiful voice I have ever heard, from now

on I shall fight for her - she’s the only one worthy of my endless love -


She fills my heart with an unbearable longing to be a better Knight, I’m

finished fighting windmills for myself, I offer my hand only to Amira; and

Don Quixote dedicated his whole life to Princess Amira fighting against

any obstacles she might encounter, with the energy he formerly used to

fight windmills - and from that time he accompanied Amira’s entourage


While delighting in his dream of destroying ALL windmills of obstruction

blocking the meteoric rise of Princess Amira, the sweet Nightingale of

his dreams - to whom he has given his chivalrous heart for all eternity


Stay On Earth To Forevermore Serve Princess Amira 

When Amira met the Little Prince, so serious and sweet, she listened

when he explained how hard he worked to keep his small planet free

from baobab trees, she understood his fatigue as he worked so hard

to provide for his rose who complained all the time, and Amira sang

beautiful songs to the Little Prince - and because he is a child of the


Stars, the Little Prince could see the flowers, diamonds & pearls that

fell from her mouth when she sang & he could also see her mind was

filled with kindness and love for every man, woman and child who had

to suffer as much as the Little Prince himself, thus he fell irrevocably

in love with Princess Amira & vowed to serve her with all the energy


He formerly spent on tearing out baobab trees, sweeping his extinct

volcanoes and serving his demanding rose; now that Amira showed

him the compassion his hard work and dedication to duty deserved,

he could see he had never been appreciated on his planet - so he

decided to stay here on earth to forevermore serve Princess Amira


[Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Le Petit Prince]


Morricone’s Song, Your Love

When the Valkyries, strong mezzo-sopranos on horses, came from

the sky singing Hojotojo!, they heard Amira singing La vergine degli

Angeli - and asked her to join them ferrying brave warriors, battle-slain,

to Asgard in the sky & Amira replied: No Wagnerian dame am I, my song

is meant to support the people living on Earth, some of them sad - some

simply bored, but all in need of joy and delight in their lives - I shall not


Live in a Norse myth of feasting forever after slaying their fellow-men; But,

said the Valkyries, They did it in good cheer, no malice involved, for Land

and Volk - No, Amira replied, People strive to help one another, not fight

over land and possessions, I Shall sing Enrico Morricone’s Your Love

to them because the notes make their hearts respond to a greater

Love which is beamed down to them


The Enchanting Melodies

A young Princess Amira said to her mother, sweet Lady Frieda: 

See the beautiful songs that I want to sing and sweet Lady Frieda 

replied she must practice the songs herself, she was not a singer

nor has she ever been such, thus Princess Amira asked her young

knightly brother Fincent to transcribe the lovely songs she found

and kind Fincent wrote down the lyrics for her


Explained pronunciation and meaning as they resounded to the

enchanting melodies that filled Princess Amira’s heart and soon

she was singing these songs beautifully and Gerrit, her musician

father, Master of the Castle where Amira lived, then accompanied

her with bemused and delighted mien: such devotion to music he

had never seen, Lady Frieda and Knight Fincent also


Played along on harmonica and violin while Gerrit, an organist,  

played masterfully Sancta Maria by Gomez - sung by Princess

Amira - the most beautiful version that has ever been heard!


Delight Amira Had Bestowed 

When Princess Amira was still small, she fell into Wonderland

and met the Mad Hatter, a Dormouse and the White Rabbit;

they asked her to sing them a song - so she complied & sang

Nessum Dorma - the little group was so surprised, the Mad

Hatter fell over backwards, the Dormouse woke up and went

to sit by Amira and the White Rabbit was crying with delight:


My Darling Child, he said ponderously, I have never beheld a

Nightingale Princess before and I adore the sound of your voice,

please have some more tea and sing again; and Amira replied:

I can’t have more since I haven’t had any before, but I’ll sing a

song at your behest & as she sang Nella Fantasia the Cheshire

Cat appeared and disappeared so only his smile remained as a

token of the eternal delight Amira had bestowed upon them

 Song To The Moon & Voi Che Sapete

As Amira wandered through Wonderland practising to curtsy to

the Red Queen, she met the Caterpillar smoking his hookah and

he looked her up and down and asked her who she was and she

immediately replied: I’m Amira, I’m nine and I love singing, then

he ordered her to sing for him and she sang Song To The Moon


And he harrumphed, beyond himself with admiration and said:

Well and good, English is easy, and Amira said - But I’m Dutch!  

and the Caterpillar asked her what music she loved to sing and

she said Opera Arias, I love them so much, so he ordered her to

sing Voi Che Sapete from Mozart and as her velvet voice rose


Radiantly singing the sweetest notes he had ever heard - his

heart melted within & empowered by her magic he rose up

on wings and started flying around on the beauty of her song…

Amira Reduced Her Audience To Tears

Then Amira met Professor Duck who said: Law says

a voice not acted upon by other voices will move to

a dead end - your voice doesn’t exist unless opera

critics pronounce upon it - Amira replied, Oh, I see,

as mystified as the rest of us by this quack-speak


Said another critic: Do not add vocal force by using

unreal vectors; a vibrato based on the unreal is not

real - & Amira asked, What is the relation between

maths and sound? - The point is science doesn’t

describe the magic of music Professor Singalong


Replied, very satisfied with himself, but undaunted

by this vacuous nonsense, Amira simply began to

sing Panis Angelicus and reduced her audience

to tears - which could be measured by science -

which was proof of the magic of music indeed! 

A Little Nightingale / Debate About Opera

The trial began when the accusation was read: The

Queen of Opera sang a few arias one night and a

little Nightingale from Nijmegen stole those songs

and sang them illegally at the age of nine -


The first witness - Professor Ding-Dong - posed the

question whether those opera songs were composed

in rising musical notes for sopranos or tenors; the

second witness - Professor Singalong - asked


That people close their eyes and listen carefully then

explain what they heard; everyone said they heard

angels whispering so the Professor said maybe the

sweet-sounding opera scores existed in a separate


Musical dimension where nobody could prove that

they belonged to the Queen of Opera only, thus he

finds the Nightingale Singer innocent and the court

was dismissed - Curiouser and curiouser -


Thought the Nightingale Princess Amira - the debate

about opera is based on a dimension of dreams - so

she started to sing Nessun Dorma enchanting new

listeners with each velvet-textured, radiant note


Which twinkled & shined like diamonds & rhinestones

and the frisson of delight felt by her admirers became

the sweetest incense changing the area into a most 

captivating and safe citadel...


Forgave His Subjects 

Once upon a time King Rosary declared Princess Day

in the Land of the Flowers & announced that Princess

Amira was going to sing, after her song Princess Amira

smiled at all the goblins and fairies in the Land of the

Flowers & accepted an image of the Silver Rose from

King Rosary as the highest honour


He could bestow on a Nightingale Princess, afterwards

recordings were made of Princess Amira’s songs and

whenever King Rosary felt tired and depressed, he just

listened to Princess Amira’s songs, then he felt happy,

delighted and loved again and forgave his subjects

their many transgressions!


[Based on Afrikaans children’s stories written by Verna Vels

Liewe Heksie in Blommeland [=Land of the Flowers]

governed by Koning Rosekrans [=King Rosary]

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