Since the rules of etiquette and protocol stipulate thou
shalt not discuss the book thou readeth, or any other
interesting subject with thy neighbour since these kind
neighbours want to discuss their practical life, the price
of oil, food and fuel, the content of breakfast and kids
blood pressure, heart attacks and such
I have turned to strangers to share my wonderful books
with them as no rules of protocol can prescribe what kind
of conversation is applicable when dealing with complete
aliens, the waitress in the Wimpy, the youthful manager
softly smiling, everyone in the lift with me, I share the
detail of my wonderful book with them because
There are no rules insisting we ask How Are You, I owe
them nothing in terms of good manners and they owe me
less in terms of appreciation, their enthusiasm is free and
their delight in hearing my story is precious because it is
entirely unselfish, as far as I go I explain to all and sundry
how my book unfolds like chiselled pearls
Strung in a perfect row, so beautifully matched they resemble
Indra’s heaven by each one reflecting the rest, the age of the
Internet should be known as the age of the Bookworm, the
proliferation of information, freedom of access, make it a
true paradise just as I dreamt when I was small, a place
where the fount of new ideas never run dry
A place where innovation in music, stories, forms, theories
and dreams are infinite and inexhaustible…
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Dying Eventually
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