Monday, August 2, 2010

A Glass Enclosure


Fell into temptation this weekend, dreaming of
creamy pea soup, such as grandma Alice always
gave me when I went to visit her, bought instant
soup for my son knowing how much I wanted it
for myself, on Saturday night I gave in, had a cup

It was more than delicious, it fed my soul also, I
smelled grandma Alice and felt her in my heart
Sunday evening I desired the creamy sensation
even more passionately and had it again, the
monosodium glutamate poison to my system

Saturday night’s insomnia turned into Sunday
night’s vigil and painkillers by the handful, today
I am a landscape in ice, dead to the world, worse
is I am dead to myself and my loved ones, as from
today I shall start with detoxification, but Oh

The discomfort is awful, my feelings bound in a glass
enclosure, fevers swelling my head, I seek no redress
only symptomatic relief of pain as no costly solution
has ever worked, only pain-pills help me through…


I hope that superior lady who looks down on us inferior
allergy sufferers and declared we are easy prey for
charlatans, reads this and realises that we do not
confess to quacks or follow their hare-brained advice

Nor do we seek attention, when in pain the only thing
left is to keep one’s head down, keep a low profile until
we can lift our heads again, false sympathy magnanimously
bestowed is anathema to us, I only confess my sin on paper

Post anonymously so as not to pull down the wrath of my
loved ones, I eat my illegal spoils in silence and pay the
price, doing penance for my sins, in silence also…

Original illustration by Christian Birmingham for Hans
Christian Andersen's 'The Snow Queen' published by Walker
Books, 2007 Pastel chalk on paper

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