Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Daydreaming Drive

My fate’s assured, early morning visit to Alet, I
shall beg, steal or borrow her Staal Burger film
to refine my GPS dreams, applied my lipstick -
practising to look enticing within the context
of a home-grown super-spy surrounded by a
bevy of beauties - yet

I shall not don knee-boots with a mini-dress à la
Twiggy as befits his era, I am much too dignified
and he is ancient indeed, all that interests me is
his wonderful voice evoking dreams, reminding
me of the most wonderful place I knew in my
youth - my brothers’ room

Where the tape-recorder lived, my favourite gadget,
recording stories and my own little shows, and the
radio, listening to the tongue-in-cheek spy series
topping James Bond: Staal Burger, his sidekick
Willem and henchman Oom Zack, their faithful
housekeeper Da-Da

I refined my dreams of Staal Burger being the GPS
voice telling me where to go languidly, in inimitable
Daan Retief-style, laughing at the world, making fun
of all superspies, including me in his make-believe
world of excitement, every trip would change into
a new undercover adventure

With Staal sighing in decreasing tones, forte to piano:


Oom Zack making a
speech and Willem sniffing audibly
in a daydreaming drive…

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