A professional dressmaker - reams of evening
dresses, roses, all kinds of flowers, corsets with
fairy scenes, glitter and butterflies; will ask her to
create such a scene on a pair of wings - to bring
me a colourful spring for an aura sublime
A mermaid’s green and blue dress with shiny beads
like sunlight reflecting on watery pebbles, silver on
rose pink and long blue water nymph tunics, a short
brown tiered skirt for a garden gnome and a long
black dress for the Queen of the Night
I am entranced, seeing the magical scenes I always
paste on my computer screen created in expensive
fabrics, one pair of wings for my bedroom and an-
other for my office work station, I would add in-
cense and perfume to them
Staring at them endlessly, off in a dream, wafting
about in a vision…
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