The local show is Tiaan being funny
illustrating how Bruno is such a cute
loving dog, then becoming a lion, a
tiger, a terror; on detecting danger
Illustrating how his mother’s loving
poems deteriorate into threats ‘That
car is slowing, shoot him dead with
a Panga’ - I am laughing so much
Then he came up with a series of titles
that have me in stitches, I am supposed
to go to sleep; but I cannot, still laughing
about his boyish antics – herewith
His own interesting set of ‘Dwaalstories’
he made me delete them but when he
left I simply pressed the return button
and here they are:
‘Kougommetjie en Deegblommetjie’
[=Chewing Gum and Dough Flowers]
‘My heelal is stukkend geval’
[=My universe fell to pieces]
‘Klaar met die sterre - nou beweeg
ek aan na die planete’
[=Finished with the stars – now I
move on to the planets]
‘Ek bêre die sterre in die wolke want
daar steek dolke in my rug - ek is
verplig om die sterre te bêre’
[=I am putting away the stars in the clouds
because there are knives in my back – I
am constrained to put away the stars]
As he walks like a giraffe through the
kitchen; I laugh and laugh, now I know
why grandma Alice loved my brother
Ian so much, he was as amusing as
Tiaan is today - I love my son, he is a
source of inordinate joy, I am so glad
grandma Alice were alive to hear Ian
sing as he ferried her about:
‘Tra-la-la-la-la-la-laa, ons ry so lekker rond,
ons sien die pad daar voor, ons ry die berge
oor’ - as we all learnt from *Anna Rudolph...
‘Tra-la-la-la-la-la-laa, we are driving about, we see
the road ahead, we cross the hills instead’
*Anna Rudolph – Kinderstorietoneeltjies
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