Friday, May 27, 2022

I Adore What I Hear And Feel

[Philosophical Musing]

Planning to read Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett

and watch the first fifteen episodes of Nodame Cantabile

at night in the Kruger Park when the animals are asleep

and I’m awake and cannot go out next to the river where

hippos and crocodiles are keeping watch, getting ready I

started watching Chiaki and Nodame making music with


Stresemann playing Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony &

started reading Monstrous Regiment already, Polly and

her friends, especially Igor & Maladict, & Captain Jackrum

have already charmed me to such an extent I can’t see out

of my eyes: putting these joyous things away I must first

face this day, pack my bags and plan in which way we


Shall have our meals, making sure to think of the animals

during daytime and keep mental joy for the nights - I love

the visual delight which does not touch the mind and then

afterwards, to be filled with music and stories - as a child

I used to commiserate with the animals believing their lives

boring without self-consciousness and stories, feeling alone


In an unfeeling universe, then I discovered spiritual theories

that even a nail is alive with some form of consciousness &

animals enjoy the privilege and excitement of existence, & I

really started to live also - although I still need to fill my mind

with more than visual perception I know the universe is much

bigger than the one-sided sensory world - and though I love


What I see with my eyes, I adore what I hear & feel even more!

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