Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dancing In The Aisles


Watching the shimmering, rose-coloured
dress of the ballerina dancing the Emperor
Waltz in awed fascination, zooming in on
the picture – what if every shiny pearl on
her pink-hued dress

Were one of the shimmering violin notes I
heard in Il Silenzio - no human musician
required, simply the sound made by the
swishing cloud of lace dresses embel-
lished with satin and brocade

I love this idea, visual beauty is always
incomplete until augmented by sound
which indicates the feeling, the eyes
convey too little, sound is needed
to catch the emotion

The sound of André Rieu is keeping me
from sleep, still pondering the delights
he conveys by audience and orches-
tra liberated from form and dancing
in the aisles…

André Rieu “100 Greatest Moments”
DVD 3 – No. 17 ‘Emperor Waltz’

My Favourite Seat

I love the old school desk you restored

sitting and typing or reading and writing

never was a classroom so well-stocked

a wine-rack, Mirusia on DVD with André

Rieu, fire-place, flowers and fairies

a pool outside

*When I was small I never dreamt of

having such a lovely place in which

to work, I don’t mind sharing the study

with the kids as long as I may sit and

write anywhere I like, traveling all

about the house

In the joy of freedom, my favourite

seat still is the old school desk

decorated with sea-shells and

fake snow-flakes



Saturday, January 30, 2010

An Embezzlement

One of my biggest moral failings
except for boredom, is a fixation
on beauty and wonderful ideas
when reading enchanting poems
like ‘You Are Beautiful’
I appropriate it

I suppose it is a kind of fraud, an
embezzlement, I appropriate all
beautiful expressions and play
AS IF it were for me, I KNOW
poets write about people
they know

BUT I still play the game ‘Wouldn’t
it be wonderful if this were for me?’
I know it is impossible, I don’t know
any poets, yet I STILL play the game
I LOVE your poem, irrespective for
whom it was meant

It added to the fount of beauty and
enchantment in the world – and it is
wonderful – thank you

Thinking Of Something

I have bought into your mood of frustration
after a successful visit driving like a fiend-
enjoying every moment of it- I came home
to find you angry and upset

The geyser’s broken, Nici’s room a chaotic
area, ceiling falling, nothing I do or say makes
you feel better, compliments from strangers
make you feel worse

I decided to join your vibration of dissatisfaction
complaining about the sentimental expressions
of weighty singers, switching on the light that
trips the electricity

Still, words reverberating in my mind - Hold Her
Tight - advice from strangers you disliked, how
dare they talk to you about your wife - I was
delighted; you were not

I shall write it on the tables of my heart - three
words of advice - the smiling young man said
after we shared the warmth of laughter, now
all at home frowning

Your upset relayed to all of us…

**********Earlier Today:

Overwhelmed by what I heard -
wavering momentarily, what did
he mean - I shall treasure it, it
was wonderful, very sweet

Compliment implied, meaning
inferred, I queried, you refused
to delineate; I shall not forget
what the young man said

All engraved on the tablets of my
heart, to reflect on them when I’m
alone, you said he was impertinent
begrudging me the compliment

No-one to speak such words in public,
those three golden words are forever
special, meriting confusion, forgot
all I bought in the shop

You stormed out; I was surprised
could not look back, their joy had
been contagious, his words ex-
pressed feelings as we shared

Laughter with his friend, my heart
was touched, heartstrings rever-
berating still, he implied he was
thinking of something else …

Friday, January 29, 2010

Dodge Speeding Cars

I disrupt the flow of traffic when I arrive
full speed on the sidewalk as I make my
way home, the parking attendant jumps
into the street to stop passing cars so I
can run across without stopping to
check for traffic lights

He makes sure I don’t bump into people
sedately walking on the other side, I’ve
got everybody in line now they know me
at Kingsley, security guards jump aside
when I appear, waving goodbye
with a smile

While I thunder down the passage and
overtake everybody else, then crossing
the street without the previous surge
of adrenaline on my suicide run as I
dodge speeding cars, the parking
attendant in charge

It means I arrive earlier while leaving
later and later - what fun it is!


The violins joining the trumpet in Il Silenzio
draw long, incandescent lines of shimmering
notes like bubbly white lace around the wrists
and necks of old-fashioned Victorians, I taste
sweet delight in my mouth while my soul vibrates
in alignment with this unearthly music switching
on magic lanterns in the wasteland of my mind…

Luminescent Clouds

Though the sky remains ensconced in
luminescent clouds jealously guarding
the sun from my longing eyes, clouds
looming like large evil airships, I know
that soon, maybe tomorrow

The clouds will lift and the sun will return
to me, just read about prayer for a brick
wall that was answered by a spider’s web
proving à la quantum physics that con-
sciousness changes the world

Influences everything to meet our needs
once we ask for survival things, I need
the shine of the sun in my heart, I shall
don my hat and sit in the shade and
enjoy the incandescence

When my beloved sun returns, stretch
my legs to soak up the sun while reading
something good…

Sun Kissed

I am South African, a child of wide
blue skies and bright golden sun,
love wearing a hat, know the risk
of suffering sunburn

For a week now we have been
without blue skies, the sky dove-
grey, flecked with darker patches
I am shrivelling up

I need my sun, without him, I am
depressed, tearful, uncertain of
my step; I love the magical
quality of misty landscapes

But cannot cope with such Keltic
beauty for more than a few days,
I need the sun to burn down on
me, shimmering in joy

I feel threatened, abandoned and
alone without the sun, need to feel
the sun caressing my skin to know
I am alive, need a sapphire sky

And dappled emerald trees, sunbeams
dancing for me, without sunbeam rain-
bows, dust swirling in golden spirals
and silver summer mornings

When the sun greets me with the brightest
kiss; we are banished to the dungeon
dimensions and the dementors
are sucking all the happiness

Out of us, I need to feel the sun
to be me…

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cosmological Doggerel

When unhappy inside, we project our
feelings outside, seeking subjects of
contention to start arguments, when
opponents are strong, they laugh at
us while meeting our complaints with
clear-cut explanations

Though you say I read cosmological
doggerel with comforting concepts
which are only speculation, I’m not
offended, I am on a quest to find all
speculation to enlarge the scope of
the human mind, free imagination

Where David Blaine does this by ac-
complishing impossible physical feats
like levitation that make people gasp
and run away, I want to know what is
considered mentally impossible, then
move the boundaries

Seeking all probable and improbable
explanations for the origin of the uni-
verse, all possible and impossible
alternatives and ways of existence,
broadening concepts so much
no-one can limit them again…

A Micro-Managed Life

Somehow lost the game today, playing
there was meaning to anything, crossed
my boredom threshold and could not
find my way back, I always play that
someone cares, that hope is alive, it
is not meaningless to exist, today all
was lost, just drifted in the pool

Got hold of a book, words being my only
friends, Judith Worthy, about a deaf boy
finding a kitten and both being lost, finally
I could cry about my inability to make it
through my day, the boredom of total
lethargy, catatonic, passed out in my
chair, even my desire for escape

Ravaged by valid criticism and who cares, I
need to escape the feeling of weakness and
boredom, I cannot talk to anyone, apparently
others don’t feel like this, I must hide feeling
bad, I tried to reach out but there was no-
one there, at least books have never let
me down as yet

As I pour my emotions into what I read, I can
deal with the world again, though fearing the
destruction of the feeling of nothingness so
much, spiritual books and religious stuff
assure us there is something more than
the world we can see, there had better
be - because this life

Holds nothing for me, I live a micro-managed
life and it is not working out…

Huurrrr Haarrrr Harrumph

Arc welding makes some people grumpy
as if they were not grumpy enough to begin
with, we should film them while grumping
about life, harrump, harrumph…

They complain “Terry Pratchett makes millions
out of stereotypy, you fell into the groove of
adulation because it is a lot of fun”

Anything that is THIS much fun is good, I prefer
laughing to crying, laughing people are much
better fun, love grumpy old complainers
with a lot better grace

I like the way stereotypes warm the heart and
make the world shine while others keep saying
self-satisfied “I am full of imperfections, if I
wasn't I'd go looking for them

I sense there is no such thing as perfection, just
another tier or waft of resonance, I don't kid
myself anymore”

I like the striving for perfection, reaching for a form
of perfection given the starting point, realizing it is
but a stage on the spiral, the next thing will be
another stage, ad infinitum

I now know the goal is not to be reached, it is
simply set to entice us to go forwards, all goal-
posts keep moving so that we keep changing
without reaching finality, the process is the fun

Perfection means dead - there is no such form
of dead, I reach for fun and energy and joy,
ideals are just there to lend spice to life

Of course you are imperfect, otherwise I could
not like you and you can complain something
awful, it makes me feel ever so much better

Do complain some more, you do it uncommonly
well, just like a big bad bear with toothache, "Harr,
hrrr hurrr, all these awful people and me with my
vodka and lime and nobody using their brains and
where’s my granddaughter?"

Have a nice day, huurrrr haarrrr harrumph to you to!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rincewind’s Integrity

Finished reading Sourcery, once again integrity
won the day, Rincewind, supposedly the worst
wizard ever to pass through Unseen University
emerged as the hero in spite of his protestations
to the contrary

When all the great wizards fled and left the boy
sourcerer to be destroyed by his own magic staff
Rincewind stood fast, saved the boy, Rincewind
asked Who Should Go - then went himself; and
the Librarian, the one

On whom the more respectable look down, proved
himself by playing the bravest role in keeping the
magic books safe, all the little people, the seeming
powerless ones stood against evil in the most
admirable way

There is nothing cynical about Terry Pratchett, he
rejects all false sentimentality and replaces it with
a deeper truth, there is so much detail, I have to
reread to focus on the underlying theme which
is to do what is necessary

Even when we are dying of fear!

“Sourcery A Discworld Novel” Terry Pratchett
Corgi edition, 1995

Sourcery à la Prachett

Mist covering the earth, everything enveloped
in soft bluish grey, my little unwillingness to
confront the day changed into total inability
to remain anchored in time, since I cannot
abide my own consciousness, immersing
myself in Sourcery

Rincewind the Wizzard who cannot spell, dis-
covered the library of Unseen University
had been burnt down while Conina, the
daughter of Conan the Barbarian, is
traveling within the genie’s magic
lamp, Rincewind

Took the flying carpet himself, this alternative
universe is patently absurd, it offers respite
from my own unbearable thoughts, that I
cannot master the life I have created my-
self by making choices, awareness in-
sists on changes

I don’t know how the required changes may be
wrought, all my plans have come to naught
yet I cannot reconcile myself to living this
life, there must be tigers out there that
must be fought, there must be adven-
tures waiting to be experienced

I will sit here in calm contemplation
until the time comes to go off
and fight my foes…

“Sourcery - A Discworld Novel” Terry Pratchett
Corgi Edition, 1995


But if you prefer to believe
instantaneous communication
happens by magic, I fully agree

“subatomic particle electrons
instantaneously communicate
even when separated by
10 billion miles”

If information cannot move
faster than light, Einstein is right,
the phenomenon of instantaneous
communication is as occult and
unexplainable as any mystery

And ‘miraculous’ is the only term
to explain the strange phenomena
of one particle being in two places
at once

I will never disagree with something
so beautiful and esoteric as the
current positivistic paradigm,
relegating the unexplained

To the realm of magical mystery!

Holographic Universe Implications

A holographic
structure universe -
consciousness includes
the holographic paradigm

In 1982 at the
University of Paris
physicist Alain Aspect
determined by experiment

subatomic particle electrons
instantaneously communicate
even when separated by
10 billion miles

Each particle knows
what the other is

violating Einstein's tenet
no communication can travel
faster than the speed of light

David Bohm, physicist at the
University of London thinks
Aspect's findings imply
objective reality
does not

Despite apparent solidity
the universe is
a phantasm

a gigantic, splendidly
detailed - hologram

A hologram is a
3-D photograph
made with a laser

an object is bathed
in laser beam light

a second laser beam
bounces off
the first beam’s
reflected light

interference pattern
(where two laser
beams commingle)
captured on film

developed film looks
like meaningless swirl
of lines all dark and light

when another laser beam
illuminates the developed film
there appears a three-dimensional
image of the original object

Holograms are 3-D images
and when a hologram of a rose
is cut in half and illuminated by
a laser, each half contains
the entire image
of the rose

when the halves
are divided again,
each snippet of film
always contains a smaller
but intact version of
the original image

Every part of a hologram
contains all the information
possessed by the whole

The Holographic Paradigm : All is One…

Holographic Paradigm



If solidity is just a holographic blur of
frequencies and brains are holograms
transformed mathematically
reality does not exist

Religions claim illusion is material
though nothing is extant – and beings
moving in the world do not

We are ‘receivers’ floating through
kaleidoscopes of frequency – extracting
signs transmogrified into ideas of this
dimensionless reality

A holographic paradigm defines this view
a synthesis of Bohm and Pribram's
argument ensues

A scientific model of reality hitherto declaimed
dissolving mysteries that never were explained
except as paranormal

Bohm and Pribram say phenomena are
understandable but only then within the
frame of para-psychological
Individual brains are indivisibly proportionate
of greater holograms; all things connected
by infinity - telepathy accessible in these
holograms, information travels faultlessly
from mind A to B tho’ very far apart

Grof accepts the holographic paradigm is
model to explain phenomena experienced
during altered states of consciousness


- If
concreteness is
a holographic blur
of frequencies

- If
hologram brains

blur frequencies
Into sensory

- Then
objective reality
ceases to exist

Eastern religions claim
the material world
is an illusion

Physical beings
moving through
a physical world
is an illusion too

We are ‘receivers’
floating through a
kaleidoscope of

We extract
and transmogrify
into physical reality
only within one channel

From an
infinite number
extracted from a
The striking
new view of reality -
a synthesis of Bohm
and Pribram's views
is a holographic

A scientific
model of reality
to solve mysteries
never explained
by science

And to
the paranormal
as a natural part
of everyday reality

Bohm and
Pribram noted
phenomena are more
understandable within the
framework of the holographic
Individual brains
are indivisible portions
of the greater hologram

Everything is
infinitely interconnected

may represent
an accessible
holographic level

information can travel
from mind A to mind B
very far apart

feels the
holographic paradigm is
a model to explain phenomena
altered states
of consciousness
The Holographic Paradigm : All is One…

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bekenstein’s 5-D Spacetime

*Given the black hole in my
head and what Bekenstein
said regarding a black hole
in 5-D spacetime equivalent
to hot radiation on hologram

I conclude the black hole in
my head is a feverish spot
where radiation destroys
programming - reducing
me to my reptilian brain

of different
and disparate
physical laws
are equivalent
under the

mathematically for
five-dimensional spacetime
with a four-dimensional

a recorded holographic 5-D
universe at the periphery
on the 4-D surface
is ruled by super-
string theory in
5-D spacetime

conformal field theory
of point particles
operates on the
4-D hologram

a black hole
in 5-D spacetime
is equal to
hot radiation
on the

Information in the Holographic Universe:
A Holographic Spacetime by Jacob D. Bekenstein

[I know I am referring to diverse scientific fields in an
unscientific way using poetic license, but freedom to weave
different strands is an inherent characteristic of humanity]

In This Vacuum

Another deadly sin, gluttony, catching up
with me, drowning in the allergy, cannot
work, write, research, think, the midnight
bell tolling for all my dreams as a glass
wall goes up between me and feelings

I know this experience well, guard against
it by drinking no wine, when I opened the
bottle of Douglas Green last night, hubby
warned me against the consequence but
I would not listen, my brain shut down

No synapses firing any more, registering
pain only, I cannot run, there is no escape
from inner pain I brought upon myself, the
reason why I cannot make progress to
another kind of life, as I live through

Dead periods of time until I can work, think
and communicate again, right after reading
how great love is, I lost all ability to feel, now
I hate all existence, especially awareness of
my painful being, gone everything I prepared

No wisdom, hope or goodness left in this
vacuum, the black hole in my head…

Monday, January 25, 2010

Anyone You Have Loved

*Probably time to admit that drinking Nici’s
birthday gift wine was not a good idea, wine
always make me feel down, I should rummage
amongst my treasures for pearls of wisdom and
golden words with spiritual content

Would even flowery words and loving ideas fail
to move me at times like this? Will the words of
Stanton and Rodegast about love have an effect?
On page 82 I read: ‘Once you have loved, you
always love, anyone you have loved

Regardless how briefly, you and they are now one,
you will know that person again and again’, I smile,
relieved, my treasures yielded the most beautiful,
precious ideas, oh beware, all you whom I have
loved and look out, you whom I still love

In wisdom I will not lament your loss, now I know
nothing can separate us, oh joy, when I was small
I cried over beautiful things fearing their loss, now
that I am older, I know nothing of beauty is ever
lost, the symbolical value of everything

Ensures their continuance unto infinity, my love for
you will endure for all eternity, I am more than
delighted, I am overjoyed, what an uplifting
meditation, what a wonderful,
inspiring thought!

Twilight Zone, No Golden Hues

Caught in the twilight zone again, misty
opaque, grey, the area between happy
and sad, at the threshold of depression
watching coils of despair writhing about

No excitement today, no accomplishment
no golden hues, no challenges that inspire
no important conversations, my tempera-
ment thrives on explosions of feeling

When life flows evenly, when I make the
perfect list, I feel listless, a world of lists
is exceptionally meaningless, partaking
in successful bureaucracy

Has a negative effect on me, surely my
lawlessness will cause problems tomor-
row, peaceful inner harmony would
bore me to death, I think…

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bedside Table And Cube

*With flowers and fairies and soft furry toys
and a book on the wonder of water and the
Bible on my bedside table to keep my fears
at bay, I am ready to face insomnia or dream
the night away

Remember the desert game where the
cube represents our self-image? This is
what my cube looks like, my brittle self-
esteem made of glass, it will break when
it falls but it is tough and it lets the light
through and reflects rainbows when rays
strike it at the right angles….



My Fairy And Dragonfly

* I'm afraid my cell phone photos are rather vague
and the picture is rather quaint, but there is a
fairy and dragonfly and miniature birds and a
small violin on my computer at work ...

My Work Station

*I love what I did in my work station,
it might not reflect excellent taste or
good breeding, but it reflects the trust
that I have in the universe

Quantum physics gives us carte blanche
to dream up alternatives and believe in
magic to our heart’s content, my fairy,
flowers and dragonfly

Attest to that!


Saturday, January 23, 2010

This Hallucinatory Way

Alice looked a the glittering restaurant
with a frightened eye, much too scared
to follow the White Rabbit inside, when
she looked up she saw the Cheshire cat

A broad grin on his face spreading wider
as he admonished her to enter with grace,
she told him she was afraid of so much state
he conceded and accompanied her inside

Once in the creamy golden interior, Alice
found she could not breathe ‘These big
spaces overwhelm me!’ - the Cheshire
cat went with her as she ran downstairs

Just then the Queen of Hearts appeared, on
hearing the account of Alice’s woes she boldly
declared ‘Learn to soothe your emotions, my
dear, when doing things you don’t want to do’

At this Alice wailed louder ‘I don’t want to be
in this place where crocodile and frog legs
are served as food, I want to go home!’ the
Queen threw her arms in the air

‘You naughty child, you shall never become
sophisticated enough if you do not try smart
restaurants with exotic foodstuffs’ Alice said
‘I don’t care, don’t want to become refined

If it means smart places to dine, I want to be
me, happy and free, since manifestation is a
replication of all we think and feel, restaurants
have been manifested by kings and queens

Enjoying spiced-up mud and stuff, as long as it
is dressed up as aromatic cuisine, prawns, frogs
pizza and pasta and Thai food, snakes, lizards
and sea-weed, birds’ nests, soy sauce

I just need a steak and some vegetables
without oil, maybe butter but no creamy
stuff, I need healthy food to line my
stomach, I need to hide away

From modern society with its chemicals
colourants and preservatives, plant
and animal derivatives - I cannot
go on in this

Hallucinatory way!

An Unwilling Spirit

Going cross-eyed in the
attempt to read official documents
without looking at them

bold letters addressed to the President
requests for money, farm implements
seems like the President

is the Father Christmas of this continent
I’m not even motivated enough to read
Terry Pratchett, much less

to look at my work, why, oh, why
am I saddled with an unwilling
spirit – as far as

faithful translation work
is concerned?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Cinderella's Tribute

I don’t know how to reach my twin sister, our birthday
in Aquarius, count nine months back for Astrogenetic
conception date, Cancer, the home-making caretaker

My sister makes a home for my parents, I want them to
realize the great qualities of grandma Alice, a Virgo
perfectionist working like Cinderella in caring for us

Mother, Leo-Queen of Hearts, father Conan-Sagittarian-
Barbarian, brother Aries-Attila the Hun, brother Aquarius-
Peter Pan; Tom Thumb-the youngest brother

My sister, the peppery-tongued Duchess and me, Alice
in Wonderland - the Queen of Hearts angered Alice by
claiming she would have been good at mothering

If Cinderella were not there, forgetting every time Cin-
derella was absent, nothing changed; she did not start
mothering; I LIKE the Queen for not mothering me

I want grandma Alice to go to the ball now she is dead,
receive due praise for all she did in caring for seven
people; father, mother and five unruly kids

The Queen should thank Cinderella for working so hard
making amends for the trouble she brought when she
stole for her son, the Queen’s brother

Who was saved by Barbarian-Conan father, the Queen
shouting “Off With Their Heads!” about us all, especially
because her kids did not qualify as

Pastors or missionaries, my Duchess-sister walks next to the
Queen while stabbing at Conan who has been exploited for
his money, the Queen wants all cash in her hands

‘All money is mine,’ she declares even though she lost every
property entrusted to her; sister angry because Alice in
Wonderland pays no tribute to the Queen of Hearts

Insisting on Cinderella receiving tribute instead…

Easy Use Of Subterfuge

To cover up real mistakes and selfishness, it
is very easy to use subterfuge and apologise
for something we did not do to throw our inter-
locutors off the scent of the shameful truth

When I receive irrelevant apologies, I know that
person is trying to cover their tracks for doing
something much, much worse; attempts at
blackmail make me so angry

Some people leave distrust in their wake, make
everybody look bad, turn the world into a scary
alien place where everyone appears totally
irrational, force others to take the blame

Never admit involvement in the ensuing chaos, the
fury they unleashed, masters of emotional manipu-
lation, pulling the strings of all around while they
sit back in wonderment to regard the warfare

With childish innocence, claiming they love all, why
should others be furious when led into financial ruin,
dealing with the consequences of another person’s
bad decisions and grave mistakes

Those who exploit are teaching people to be wary of
the idiocy of altruistic financial transactions which
end in loss and bankruptcy, teaching people to
guard against credulous stupidity

When forgiveness is asked for neglect when we were
young, a slur is cast on the loving care we had, the
positive idea of meek apology becomes a cover for
criticism, the presence of such is a test

For loyalty and integrity, I love wisdom more than life
itself, accept every lesson that promote good relations
strengthen self-esteem, reject people who practice
exorcism on me and my beloveds

People crying in my sister’s ear while talking to me
rationally, causing rifts between my sister and me
by feeding us contradictory information, rewriting
the past to cast themselves in a positive light

Questioning those who loved me as they proved subse-
quently when they continued to care for me after I had
been subjected to injudicious exorcism…

Thursday, January 21, 2010

“L’Histoire Sans Fin”

Not finding any surcease from fatigue
I am growing bored, listening to ‘L’histoire
Sans Fin’ to frame my attempt to translate
a boring criminal document

The lady robbed must own stolen money
otherwise she would not have handed it to
a stranger, if she had earned it honestly
she would be careful with her money

I have serious doubts about the super-rich who
suffer breach of trust, honest people are not
misled by a promise of easy profit, the best
bait offered by criminals

Who survive by making dishonest deals with
those tempted by avarice because they are
already harbouring fraudulent schemes
in their heads…

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seven Deadly Sins

*Tried to stroke my ears as Karen told me
in order to stimulate left brain activity to
enable me to compute figures correctly

Since my ears are covered in Vicks for symp-
tomatic relief of allergy, my fingers were Vicksed
and I spread it everywhere as I’m typing

I think the plaster covering my cut left forefinger is
affecting both brain lobes negatively, reducing my
capacity to calculate numbers and documents

I cannot complete my production sheet, the sheer
horror and abject terror about bureaucratic omission
when we do not hand in our production sheets

Is indescribable, it is the worst in the list of seven deadly
sins, the Catholic Church’s shining example of torching
sinners are to be resurrected for all those

Remaining remiss in executing administrative tasks faithfully,
the only justification for our miserable existence on earth, an
inquisition is waiting if we continue to dilly-dally with

Sacred red-tape procedures…

Movie Gangsters

Attempting to attend French Conversation Class
wonderfully exciting, although abortive, June
bravely driving ahead in a nippy white Corsa
me following sedately in a growling Jeep

Turned into a cavernous parking garage, felt like
movie gangsters, tyres screeching while driving
up and down, finally stopped and struggled into
an enormous foyer just to learn bad news

French classes were deferred to February and by
the way, who are you? - June produced email ap-
plications, the official called ‘Ouma’ claimed she
had not received them – although we knew

She had sent directions per reply; I was sent home
with a promise to be informed of progress made as
soon as ‘Ouma’ finds herself - and her
email messages…

‘Ouma’ is the Afrikaans word for ‘Grandma’ - it is really
strange to meet someone with this first name.

Content In Mental Chaos

Ate an illegal Russian roll, passed out in my chair,
the vision in the darkness behind my eyes swinging
wildly as if a plane is falling dangerously through
pockets in the air, woke up to find I am someone else

The dark fears of James Bond’s aide-de-camp “Kissing
Floor” replaced by the optimism of a little official who
accosts her colleagues regarding Madame Bakkop and
Mr Coffee, a little jewel sent by the indefatigable Interpol

A message conferring joy in the quaintness of the names,
a welcome reprieve from reading Baudelaire, trying to
remain sane while his sensuous descriptions shock the
life out of me, fighting back with Cantharmonie, Grand Dieu

Nous te bénisons, and Le Malade Imaginaire, Argan in idiotic
argument with Toinette while Angélique is languishing for her
new amour; Thomas Diaforus struggling with the héliotrope,
a French textbook instructing on the role of family, I sigh

Content in this mental chaos, many strings representing the
multifarious nature of reality that keep me from being bored
and losing consciousness…

Sedulous Eternity

Sedulous – involving great care, effort and
persistence, I am very sedulous regarding
my attempt to speak French fluently, while
I am incredulous when I see how sedulous
my colleagues are when compiling lists

They think eternity will be wonderful knowing
administration of assembly line translations
led to the creation of the most perfect bureau-
cracy since Hitler’s minions brilliantly adminis-
trated concentration camp exterminations

It is quite beside the point that the words and
documents so zealously chloroformed and pin-
pointed in government departments have no
aesthetic appeal or any other function other
than representing reality as ugly

Depressive and destructive as can be…

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kissing Floor

*Sitting here with red ears, everybody laughing
at my expense, learning to be humble and laugh
at myself, tried to pull a con job on my production
sheet, just typing in documents already completed
excluding those still to be done

June not amused by my shenanigans, to her I am a
fool who cannot master basic stuff, my little accom-
lishments are irrelevant at work, she is an angel sent
to torture me into humility, when she appears I blush,
my heart beats faster

Were I Maria Von Trapp I would have kissed the floor
every time she passed, doing penance for sins present
and past, when I tell a joke she frowns, it hurts to be
despised so much, yet it is the most important moral
lesson I must learn, unhappy in this monastery

I keep my tears to myself, I must realize nothing is
more important than administrative jobs, reminds me
of Helen in Jane Eyre* who excelled in lessons but suf-
fered daily punishment for untidy cupboards until she
died - I embrace my fate in life

My personality does not allow for being a bureaucrat,
as soon as I have learnt how small I am, how little
value I have, I shall be allowed to die…

“We laugh, we cry, we live, we die, and when we’re gone,
the world goes on, we love, we hate, we learn too late,
how small we are, how little we know!”

* “Jane Eyre” Novel by Charlotte Bronte

As of now, my James Bond code name shall be “Kissing
Floor”, when we make a James Bond movie at the office
I shall be on my knees, kissing the floor every time Bambi
or Thumper passes, thus I shall trip those evil two when
they try to kill James Bond and he shall save me from this

We shall go to Las Vegas and gamble round the clock,
play Black Jack and Poker till we die of hunger or fatigue –
a much better death than my previous plan,
I think!

Poets, Dreamers And Visionaries

I love reading imaginative essays
my eye on the beauty and extent
of imagination, not to find proofs
and negations

Argument kills the wonder of speculation,
bores the reader and closes off new avenues
for exploration; everything is true, we choose
with which truths we want to interact

I find the value in alternative science and non-
sensory experience lies in awakening emotional
response leading to creativity, after reading long
boring discussions about the probability of

The truth of Seth Speaks, I’m left with the impression
that the real treat, the exciting emotional experience, was
missed by the authors complaining their experiments did
not bring the conclusive evidence they were looking for

Given their focus on the validity of what Seth says, instead
of the joyous symbolism he reads into physical manifestation,
I would recommend they read philosophy and leave the Seth
material for poets, dreamers and visionaries

For people interested in creativity, not boring scholarly
arguments that have no meaning for the personal
experience of delighted wonderment!

Monday, January 18, 2010


*Obscurantism appeals to me very much, the
vague and obscure leaving my imagination
free to come up with its own interpretation,
don’t mind being wrong unless it is some-
thing so beautiful and ethereal, I want to
put it in my heart

I have learnt my lesson, when bewitching words
in the public domain are unrightfully appropriated
by a stranger, the sacred meaning is profaned,
now I honour sacred words out there by not
trying to convey my appreciation as I used
to, respecting

The secret intent of authors in a way I did not
do before, they only want admiration, not ap-
propriation by strangers, guarding their real
meaning, not intending their words to
sprout true feeling in the reader,

They would have to accept responsibility for what
they said; I screen what I read, making sure I am
not moved to respond to authors whose only aim
is to show how good they are in manipulating
the emotions, refusing to deal with the con-

Of the ideas planted in the unwary hearts
of people addicted to beauty
in all its forms…


*Started reading Rachel Anderson’s book,
shocked by the description how a young
mentally retarded girl’s hopes are dashed
through selfishness

Love could not protect her against the facts
of life, the girl’s parents unable to keep her
safe against nasty relations and public
opinion, amazed

At the pain such stories cause us, yet when
I am confronted with the mentally retarded
myself, I run away, I react in exactly the
same way

What’s wrong with us?

The Bus People by Rachel Anderson
Oxford University Press1989

French Conversation Class

*Watching Top Gun in French, though I can
barely follow in English, sub-titles switched
on to read what I can’t catch verbally

Preparing for French Conversation Class on
Wednesday, difficult to understand another
language, not my mother tongue

A challenge, the music of French following dif-
ferent rhythms, my ears not accustomed to
nasal sound any more

I like the aeroplanes, but the main characters’
childish intrigues make me wonder whether
“Le Pont de la rivière Kwai”

Would not be the better choice, we listened to
the army orchestra playing the theme music
beautifully when Général Baruku

And his minions were here…


High Ideals And Admirable Deeds

*“It doesn’t matter who a person is or
what a person looks like, so long as
a person is loved. You are loved” *

Do you know you are loved, does this
make a difference to your soul? Shall
I tell you again - you are so very much
loved, you mean so much to me, the
qualities that might estrange you from
other people, make me rejoice

Though I quarrel with you, it’s because
I suspect you are able to do so much
more than the lesser endowed, I ex-
pect so much more from you, more
compassion and understanding; the
character of a superior person

Makes me dream of high ideals and
admirable deeds – that is how I see
your soul, while I enjoy your human
failings that keep you from leaving
the rest of us too far behind…

“The Bus People” by Rachel Anderson,
Oxford University Press 1989, * pp 6-7

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Never Leave In The Lurch

A policeman committed suicide on finding
the mutilated corpse of a three-year old girl,
a mother sodomized her own six-year old
child, I don’t want to live in a world like this,
Marilyn Monroe committed suicide, why
should WE live when she who had it all
chose suicide also?

People are able to live while being miserable
I survived being miserable myself, but despair
is no way to live, we only exist like rocks, this
rock has had enough, I hate this life, preparing
my consciousness to depart this world in peace
go somewhere else where beings do not inflict
their pain on other things

My miserable existence will end as soon as I can
provide for everyone who depended on me, then
I will retire to another universe where inner values
mean more than material accoutrements - - I shall
always remember the lessons I have learnt: Never
exploit others, always accept responsibility for all
that has ever been

Strive to bring about a better existence, never
leave your dependents in the lurch

Chemical Depression

*Finally sinking into the feeling of despair that
enables me to do my job, accepting nauseous
loneliness, scrutinizing endless words in a
tortuous mental stream

I would probably have been unhappy any-
where, nowhere on earth is safe against
the depression alive within me, falling
into the Black Hole

Dante’s Purgatory swallowing me whole, no
act of rebellion can save me from the pain of
sunshine fading, this is my fate, whether
self-inflicted or not

The storm in my mind abates leaving a hole
where my heart has been, saying goodbye
to everything that gave me hope, facing
criminal documents

Unending lists, meaningless, totally absurd
filling my whole universe, I have to remain
depressed in order to complete useless
routines in order to

Survive my life…

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Hunter King

Our long-legged Fox Terrier gone
Nici was three weeks old when
hubby brought him home, a
baby of his own

For sixteen years he reigned su-
preme, we called him lion* as he
was a hunter king, he followed
hubby everywhere

Entered the house, slept on our bed
illegally, no amount of discipline could
curb his lawlessness, terrorized
our Jack Russel

Caught birds and rats, always loyal to
hubby, even after serious thrashings,
he lived joyously, for sixteen years
one of the family

Then his balance was lost, he wet his
blanket, couldn’t see, teeth long gone,
body worn out, vitality lost, the vet
had to put him out

He made me realize how transient life
is, how wasteful I am with time, how
short Nici’s childhood years…

*Lion in the native language: RATAU

Refinement And Superiority

When my friends criticize Susan Boyle like the
unwarranted attack launched by Sharon Osbourne
because Susan is more unpolished than most -
I get angry, lash out at them in her defense

Susan has a heart of gold, I love Piers and Simon’s
retraction of their initial judgmental reaction, admire
the courage that enabled Susan to face a hostile
crowd and take the world by storm

Filled with fear by the reaction of people I admire like
Sharon and my friend, what feelings make them attack
her for being inferior to them; if they insist on regarding
her as an unworthy oddity

What chance has an oddball like me of acceptance in
a world where refinement is equated with superiority
while the opposite is mostly true? If I go on like this
I will lose all my friends

And I have so few!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sharon Osbourne’s Soul

Spent some time scrutinizing Sharon Osbourne’s
comments on Susan Boyle, she made the same
mistake we all make when we feel threatened and
cover up with false levity

When reminded of things we are trying to forget
buried beneath a thick veneer of sophisticated
insouciance, when our own vulnerability and
previous challenges are highlighted

We launch into a barrage of insane remarks to flee
the confrontation as we recognize ourselves within
another’s image, cringing as memories flood the
mind and expose the soul

The naked soul without liposuction, plastic surgery
magic creams and hairdressing…

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Susan Boyle’s Story

*Susan Boyle’s Story related by Piers Morgan
eating humble pie, admitting being nasty when
she appeared first time, a YouTube sensation
took the world by storm after her rendition of
‘I Dreamt A Dream’ - I am so delighted

The Ugly Duckling turned out to be a swan, I
am satisfied miracles still happen, even if I am
scared of them, watching Pierce’s discomfiture
when she first appeared, swallowing in shock
when he heard her voice so clear ring out

Buscaglia said we should dream without fear
he was proven right by the world embracing
Susan Boyle, America entranced with her -
sold platinum records – this is the stuff
special, grandiose dreams are made of

I love her for it, so does everyone else, three
cheers for Susan Boyle, we love your courage,
your talent, your bravery in facing the world’s
contempt and overcoming it, sweetly crying
in public, Elaine Page saluting you

Danny Osmond visiting – every dream come
true! – What is my own dream, there’s a big
problem, I want to inspire people while re-
maining unseen, invisible, is such a
project viable? Only time will tell…

A Thousand Million Words

*I am not resigned as yet, my spirit is
a fire-spewing dragon in me, my heart
an exploding volcano, every time an
order is given at the office, my blood
starts to boil, I am not ready for this
cannot open the boring document

Cannot look away from my own visions
cannot reconcile myself with being a cog
in the wheel of life, burning to follow
Rincewind’s adventures where the Red
Army is rising from the earth, where
adventure and excitement call

Sitting immobile, looking at the greyness
of routine requires mental suicide and I
am not strong enough yet to snuff out
my own spirit, douse the fires burning
in my heart, let the lava flows cool so
I can look bureaucracy in the eye

My eyes are still focused in another
dimension in another universe where
creative endeavour is worth
a thousand million words

Tongue Is Stilled

I need to kick-start my system
in order to live again, without a
whirling carousel in my mind
without fire in my heart, I am
dead, life spent

Falling off the dream carousel
trying to reconcile myself with
the slogging to be done to keep
domestic bliss increasing, in
boring office hours

No-one to talk to, my illegal ideas
and contrary opinions forbidden
expression; but when my tongue
is stilled, my dreams go into

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The One I Love

*It can only be Olé Guapa that
was played when Bill Door took
Miss Flitworth through the steps
of a tango at the harvest dance

‘The predatory stance, arms clasped
ahead of them like the bowsprit of a
killer galleon, turning in a flurry of limbs
defying normal anatomy before
the angular advance back’*

I danced the tango this morning, trying
that predatory stance, then the sadness
of the long drawn-out violin notes before
the accordion takes up the aggressive
introductory theme again

Castanets rumbling in my head, military
heels clicking, I visualised an eighteen-
year old Renata Flitworth in the diamond-
studded black dress she got from Death,
felt the adrenaline

Dancing a tango with Death who took her
to her young bridegroom so she could be
with him forever, a life well lived, a heart
warm and caring, she offered her lifetime
to save a young girl

Death, delighted, borrowed her time to
defy the rules of the auditors and repaid
her by eternal togetherness – I love this
story, the only worthwhile dream is to be
with the one I love…

Reaper Man – Terry Pratchett, Gollancz, 1991
Quote taken from p.243*

Swirling Faster And Faster

*After the holidays, it feels as if
there is an accelerating merry-
go-round in my head, thoughts
and feelings swirling faster and

As I get back to the office the
merry-go-round slows down
but I feel nauseous, disorient-
tated until the movement is
normal again

I start to think and work in slow-
motion, sitting quietly in my
chair for hours on end…

Ruminations And Meditations

*Uh-oh, got my seat wet, better be careful not
to tear my slacks again when they stick to my
chair - broken air-con, heat-induced feverish
depression, wondering whether I could empty
the cold water bottle over my head

What’s the use of a great appearance when it’s
hot in here, to be of good cheer we need a cool
atmosphere, even Pratchett fails to engage my
interest when life becomes so uncomfortable,
tomorrow I’ll come to work in my swimwear

Then I shall remain wet all day long and make
a statement, Lourens in charge of air-cons is
lamenting the state of affairs, but no amount
of wearing sackcloth and strewing ashes will
cool down this place

After wetting my shirt I am still hot, how my
colleagues can blissfully continue serving
the one-eyed Troll Interpol when we are
sitting in hell I can’t understand, besides
I am on the side of the criminals

They committed crimes that could be spotted
while the rest of humanity commits crimes that
remain invisible, we are all criminals, why should
only they pay when crime is an internationally
institutionalised way of life

Governments rob their own citizens, employers
exploit their workers, but Interpol only pursues
the petty criminal who stole to eat or defrauded
thieves from their stolen riches, our world is
the nursery school of the universe

(I wear a Speedo, but I look more like a dwarf in it
and mine has a yellow stripe.)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blame No-One But Myself

*Hot in the office, the large blob of
formless Jell-O that made up my
timeless holiday life criss-crossed
by divisions and structures of time

Fed up with this, looking at lists ad
infinitum, my chair is hard, my brain
changed into mush, grey documents
like ash in my mouth

I want to escape to a place where
thoughts and ideas are really felt
not live in conformity where pain
is our constant companion

Where is the evidence of quantum
physics’ assurances of alternative
universes, apparently we create
these hells ourselves

Being nowhere persons burying our
point of view, death is the better
choice, if all death is self-in-
flicted and I am still alive

I can blame no-one but myself
for being here in living hell…

Help Them Dissimulate

Terry Pratchett wrote people use language
only to hide their feelings, the character of
Death never listened to them so as not to
be confused by their obfuscations

In the beginning I did not know this, I thought
words were meant to express what we felt, se-
verely reprimanded I learnt that words must
be used to placate people and reinforce

The rules they live by, to express approbation
for the way they present themselves, I used
to react to my own impressions, but people
did not like it, said I was wrong

I learnt to keep my thoughts and feelings
to myself as confidential information and
wait to be told what image people want
to promote in order to help them

To dissimulate, play charades as they require
reinforce their cherished role while I remain the
outsider because my instincts tell me something
else and I must hide it well otherwise

I lose the communication that
delight me so much…

Monday, January 11, 2010

Madame And The Mahatma

*With a predatory look the Caterpillar
made a precatory request: Will you
finally take that wet towel off your

Alice, enjoying the delicious coolness
of a wet towel from the freezer, looked
up and archly replied: No, thank you
very much Sir Caterpillar

But the heat is too much and the towel
helps me to breathe and think, I would
much rather add another cool towel or
two – hearing this

And realizing that Alice had no idea of
elegance, did not care how she looked,
he unhooked the hookah and held up a
mirror for Alice to see

The turban towel she had wound around
her head, she guilelessly said: My, don’t
I look just like a Bedouin? I should find me
a camel and go wandering in

The desert – she set off and came back with
three large pillows which she piled on her
chair and after struggling to ascend her
camel, rode off into the desert

Shouting giddyup and haw-hee, Alice not
being at all sure what the Bedouin said as
they travelled over large sand dunes, her
knowledge of camels limited to

Terry Pratchett’s account of camels amusing
themselves by doing fractions in the desert: At
least, she told herself, with a camel around
I shall never want for help

With doing sums; then Madame la Pompadour
shouted for Alice to come to her desk, demurely
Alice stood in front of that auspicious person and
hung her head

You filled in the register all wrong, Madame scolded
her most wayward pupil, Your name on the wrong line
and the wrong date, as of now, before you do anything
you must touch your ears all around

The great Mahatma said that helps the disciple think
clearly when doing numbers, Alice duly stroked her
ears until Madame let her go; the Caterpillar was
laughing so much, he suffocated in his hookah

While Alice struggled with suffocating from shame,
trying to get back into the game of riding a camel
and learning mathematics from her four-footed
brethren, quite convinced

The great Mahatma must have seen camels
stroking their ears, that is why they were
so clever with sums…

Emotional Machine

First day back at work in 2010, takes me longer
to do the administration, write a note about every
word I must translate -

Date received, date entered in registration list, date
handed to me, date entered on Work-On-Hand list,
date sent for checking

Date returned, date Track-Changes accepted, date
sent to client, date sent for electronic filing, date signed
out of registration list

-Than it takes to simply translate a document of sixty
words, the administration has become so absurd, I feel
like suicide when starting on it

I lose all interest in doing little things when it generates
so many lists, may not indicate the time spent on making
lists in production sheets

We must indicate the few words we translated after making
a myriad lists, I have already signed the attendance record
wrongly for January

This kind of Monopoly where we play a game to get paid, spend
so much time turning our brains into Jell-O, bureaucracy outlawing
feelings and emotions completely

Never allowing us to use creativity, turning us into machines - I am
planning to become the most creative, most emotional machine
there has ever been!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Innovative And New

Started running since Friday, running from knowing
by reading Seth, several lives running concurrently
for many entities, aspects of soul

Running from knowing on Monday this week I am
back at work, a good place to be, given my col-
leagues, a nightmare of course

Given the way it is run by Human Resources trying
to force us to give account of every breath we take,
every gesture we make

Every thought that crosses our mind, for some it is
a piece of cake, for others, like me, the most scary
idea in the Multiverse, my thoughts

Need to be free, how would progress have taken
place if everybody where under the edict to think
the acceptable thought

Never thinking of the unexpected, the innovative
and new?

My Mental Citadel

A fanatic Sufi poet, a thwarted nightclub
musician, got hold of the electric piano in
church today, crooning love songs to the
Lord, playing Oh When The Saints Come
Marching In so loud I had to shout to hear

The overpowering volume hurt my ears, your
words reverberating in my mind ‘You Are Too
Damn Sensitive’ - I looked at the members of
my clan sitting so beautifully clad with babies
in diaphanous tutus to be baptized, proud of
this sociological phenomenon

When the Sufi crooner stopped, the pastor in cold
scholarship mode instructed us Psalm One teaches
we should only talk with those filled with piety and un-
worldly joy, only meditate on God’s Law, I thought of
the cathedral in my mind where all my thoughts and
dreams are alive

Of your shock on discovering all the fairy tales, magic
shows, New Age and religious books in my head, your
kind concern for me as a victim of innocence, I showed
you the violent scenes of my former life, the reason
for my choosing wonderment and innocence
in an act of faith

I feared you would destroy my mental citadel, but
you understood, put a protective spell around the
fantasies that saved me from drowning in a sea of
ignorance, promising that the symbols I employed
to combat alienation and hostility would always
be safe with you

I was overjoyed, the cosmic drama perpetuated in
religion as symbol of inner truth is safe, you do not
object to the alternative universes constructed by
Terry Pratchett, Jane Roberts and Bible Code
prophets, you know my loyalty to you as an
example of sweet reality

Is strengthened by a myriad dreams, I honour all
I come across, I admire your devotion to the
cause of poetry as powerful words to
energize and inspire people, making
them rejoice in sound…

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Snow Waltz Wave

The alluring sweet voices of beautifully clad
sopranos behind veils changes In A Persian
Market into a joyously shared experience of
the East

When singers and audience join in Volare,
energy crackles off and on stage - eager
faces crinkling with excitement and happy

On to the Snow Waltz, André Rieu involving
the audience in doing the Mexican Wave to
the Snow Waltz themes I sing and jump up

My heart swells in me in an experience that
replaces the last traces of former political
rallies against enemies in European
market places

With a feeling of love for all humanity as a
musical community, André Rieu’s dreams
and visions creating a unifying factor in

A shared love for music to carry us on streams
of flowing notes and harmonies, a lively rendition
of The Second Waltz sets me galloping through
the house

My heart leaping from my breast!

DVD André Rieu “The 100 Greatest Moments”

A Tachyon Universe

Technology teaches us about evolution
intelligent consciousness manifested as
electromagnetic energy in thought-forms
which created 3-D reality on earth with
plants, storms and primitive life-forms

Consciousness learnt how to animate all
living molecules and atoms, sophisticated
creatures were made to practice techniques,
intricate things that require high degrees of
practical knowledge

Consciousness evolved by creating dramas
and stories, life is lived in virtual reality, it is
a game, we learn to play by partaking in
many dramas and intrigues, particles did
not randomly appear by themselves

Consciousness originated the whole universe,
the evolution myth is just as allegorical as the
Biblical creation story; consciousness is eternal
and all-pervasive, there is no personified fatherly
being in old-fashioned garb

Checking up on us as his personal creation to be
downtrodden and struck by lightning or disciplinary
measures when we contravene some arbitrary,
idiosyncratic rules and regulations thought up
in a great celestial bureaucracy

Administration does not originate in hellish dimensions
where an evil devil-being in red pajamas with a long tail
reigns supreme: mankind is solely responsible for every
red-tape manifestation in an attempt to regulate itself
and every conceivable corner of creativity

That is why authors like Terry Pratchett are possible and
wonderful, teaching us to understand relativity by con-
structing an alternative to common reality, teaching us
to laugh at the absurdity of our self-created religions
which we force upon humanity

While mankind is free to pursue any idea simply because
it is possible in a probability, an alternative to what-is,
probability and possibility are perfect moral dictums,
mankind learns by experiencing the result of his
choices for himself and others

Sometimes through pain and suffering – what other
way is there to guarantee that man is really free and
consciousness belongs in a tachyon universe
of faster-than-light particles?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rieu’s Orchestral Fantasia

*Rieu’s Strauss Orchestra playing
La Dance de Zorba - I rise prancing
around the table in the sitting room
it is not a performance that will win
an Oscar nomination

When they play a tango, Olé Guapa,
I sing, when a thirteen-year old plays
Il Silenzio on the trumpet tears spring,
when the young soprano Mirusia sings
Ave Maria I enter celestial spheres

Seth jokingly said when you think a
pretty thought you make a flower grow
where Rieu’s orchestra plays magical
forests spring and glorious ideals
are seeded into people’s hearts…

Jane Roberts ‘Seth Speaks – The Eternal Validity of the Soul’
Prentice-Hall, 1972 – Quote taken from p.317

Soprano: Mirusia Louwerse

Taxes My Imagination

The atom appears in all systems at one
and the same time, atoms exists
everywhere simultaneously

Atoms fluctuate in all states, we perceive
a consistent image of all things in
our environment - although

Atoms appear here for only one moment in
their multifarious existence - I am trying to
understand what Seth says

I have often withdrawn my consciousness
from reality, but the nature of the universe
as Seth describes it

Taxes my imagination even more
than quantum physics…


All probable realities are tantamount to
multiple presents in which development
takes place in ALL directions at once

Some thoughts, feelings and mental actions
are materialized in reality while others are
actualized in other probable systems

Every mental act is a reality for which we are
responsible, we are in this reality system to
to face the consequences of our actions


The devil concept is a superlative hallucination
that lives in belief only, such believers have no
trust in Soul and Consciousness - oh my

MY concept of devil is such a fun person who pulls
faces at snobs and Pharisees and pursue truth with
no reference to affection embedded in white lies

My devil idea is truth so cold and bare, so direct and
revealing, that all loving people would cringe on
recognizing themselves without their lies

To themselves…

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...