at my expense, learning to be humble and laugh
at myself, tried to pull a con job on my production
sheet, just typing in documents already completed
excluding those still to be done
June not amused by my shenanigans, to her I am a
fool who cannot master basic stuff, my little accom-
lishments are irrelevant at work, she is an angel sent
to torture me into humility, when she appears I blush,
my heart beats faster
Were I Maria Von Trapp I would have kissed the floor
every time she passed, doing penance for sins present
and past, when I tell a joke she frowns, it hurts to be
despised so much, yet it is the most important moral
lesson I must learn, unhappy in this monastery
I keep my tears to myself, I must realize nothing is
more important than administrative jobs, reminds me
of Helen in Jane Eyre* who excelled in lessons but suf-
fered daily punishment for untidy cupboards until she
died - I embrace my fate in life
My personality does not allow for being a bureaucrat,
as soon as I have learnt how small I am, how little
value I have, I shall be allowed to die…
“We laugh, we cry, we live, we die, and when we’re gone,
the world goes on, we love, we hate, we learn too late,
how small we are, how little we know!”
* “Jane Eyre” Novel by Charlotte Bronte
As of now, my James Bond code name shall be “Kissing
Floor”, when we make a James Bond movie at the office
I shall be on my knees, kissing the floor every time Bambi
or Thumper passes, thus I shall trip those evil two when
they try to kill James Bond and he shall save me from this
We shall go to Las Vegas and gamble round the clock,
play Black Jack and Poker till we die of hunger or fatigue –
a much better death than my previous plan,
I think!

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