birthday gift wine was not a good idea, wine
always make me feel down, I should rummage
amongst my treasures for pearls of wisdom and
golden words with spiritual content
Would even flowery words and loving ideas fail
to move me at times like this? Will the words of
Stanton and Rodegast about love have an effect?
On page 82 I read: ‘Once you have loved, you
always love, anyone you have loved
Regardless how briefly, you and they are now one,
you will know that person again and again’, I smile,
relieved, my treasures yielded the most beautiful,
precious ideas, oh beware, all you whom I have
loved and look out, you whom I still love
In wisdom I will not lament your loss, now I know
nothing can separate us, oh joy, when I was small
I cried over beautiful things fearing their loss, now
that I am older, I know nothing of beauty is ever
lost, the symbolical value of everything
Ensures their continuance unto infinity, my love for
you will endure for all eternity, I am more than
delighted, I am overjoyed, what an uplifting
meditation, what a wonderful,
inspiring thought!
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