is very easy to use subterfuge and apologise
for something we did not do to throw our inter-
locutors off the scent of the shameful truth
When I receive irrelevant apologies, I know that
person is trying to cover their tracks for doing
something much, much worse; attempts at
blackmail make me so angry
Some people leave distrust in their wake, make
everybody look bad, turn the world into a scary
alien place where everyone appears totally
irrational, force others to take the blame
Never admit involvement in the ensuing chaos, the
fury they unleashed, masters of emotional manipu-
lation, pulling the strings of all around while they
sit back in wonderment to regard the warfare
With childish innocence, claiming they love all, why
should others be furious when led into financial ruin,
dealing with the consequences of another person’s
bad decisions and grave mistakes
Those who exploit are teaching people to be wary of
the idiocy of altruistic financial transactions which
end in loss and bankruptcy, teaching people to
guard against credulous stupidity
When forgiveness is asked for neglect when we were
young, a slur is cast on the loving care we had, the
positive idea of meek apology becomes a cover for
criticism, the presence of such is a test
For loyalty and integrity, I love wisdom more than life
itself, accept every lesson that promote good relations
strengthen self-esteem, reject people who practice
exorcism on me and my beloveds
People crying in my sister’s ear while talking to me
rationally, causing rifts between my sister and me
by feeding us contradictory information, rewriting
the past to cast themselves in a positive light
Questioning those who loved me as they proved subse-
quently when they continued to care for me after I had
been subjected to injudicious exorcism…
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