Sunday, January 17, 2010

Never Leave In The Lurch

A policeman committed suicide on finding
the mutilated corpse of a three-year old girl,
a mother sodomized her own six-year old
child, I don’t want to live in a world like this,
Marilyn Monroe committed suicide, why
should WE live when she who had it all
chose suicide also?

People are able to live while being miserable
I survived being miserable myself, but despair
is no way to live, we only exist like rocks, this
rock has had enough, I hate this life, preparing
my consciousness to depart this world in peace
go somewhere else where beings do not inflict
their pain on other things

My miserable existence will end as soon as I can
provide for everyone who depended on me, then
I will retire to another universe where inner values
mean more than material accoutrements - - I shall
always remember the lessons I have learnt: Never
exploit others, always accept responsibility for all
that has ever been

Strive to bring about a better existence, never
leave your dependents in the lurch

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