my eye on the beauty and extent
of imagination, not to find proofs
and negations
Argument kills the wonder of speculation,
bores the reader and closes off new avenues
for exploration; everything is true, we choose
with which truths we want to interact
I find the value in alternative science and non-
sensory experience lies in awakening emotional
response leading to creativity, after reading long
boring discussions about the probability of
The truth of Seth Speaks, I’m left with the impression
that the real treat, the exciting emotional experience, was
missed by the authors complaining their experiments did
not bring the conclusive evidence they were looking for
Given their focus on the validity of what Seth says, instead
of the joyous symbolism he reads into physical manifestation,
I would recommend they read philosophy and leave the Seth
material for poets, dreamers and visionaries
For people interested in creativity, not boring scholarly
arguments that have no meaning for the personal
experience of delighted wonderment!
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